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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Jom Teh Tariklah with Lipton Review & Giveaway

Last week I was contacted by Ms Kiersten from Edelman company to see if I'm interested to join a soft launch by Lipton for their latest creation..I was glad to accept the invitation since Lipton tea is one of our family's favourite drink. That was also my first time attending a food review.

When we were arrived at the function place "Teh Tarik Place" at 1 Utama Shopping centre. Then i realized that Lipton was launching a new campaign call “Proud to be Malaysian. Jom Teh Tariklah” , a campaign that used their "Lipton Milk Tea a.k.a. teh tarik" as the core attraction that pulls us people together. I'm sure every Malaysian know what is Teh Tarik !!
Teh Tarik is made from black tea and condensed milk and the name Teh Tarik is derived from the pouring process of "pulling" the drink during preparation. Read more at wikipedia here

Jom Teh Tariklah with Lipton Review & Giveaway

The Sweet Spot and I ( i brought my daughter too as she is big fan of Lipton tea) and together with few other bloggers (mostly lifestyle bloggers, one of them was Jessying) were entertained by MC Melvin Aeria who has done an excellent jobs in capturing our attention.


After the warm welcome and played some games, Hugo Verkuil, Marketing Director, Malaysia and Singapore, Unilever (M) Holdings Sdn. Bhd was invited to give a speech. He explained to us that the Lipton team has been searching for the best teh tarik recipe that is rich in taste, smooth in texture, yet meet expectations of all Malaysian without losing the authenticity of Lipton’s signature blend. After two years of research, they came out with this winning formulation -NEW instant 3-in-1 Lipton Teh Tarik with two times more power!!

Teh Tarik Pack

Then we see him demonstrating how to make a Teh Tarik, he did a pretty good job for that matter ^_^


After the event, food were served and i was so happy that they served my favourite Nasi Lemak..I always like to enjoy my plate of nasi lemak with a cup of Teh Tarik from mamak stall...

IMG_0036 copy

Lipton Proud to be Malaysian. Jom Teh Tariklah campaign would be amplified through the introduction of a six-webisode series. These webisodes provide the platform to highlight six Malaysian behaviours that are distinct and one-of-a-kind. Injected with a dose of humour, these webisodes entail typical Malaysian behaviours that are most prominently displayed.
A trailer that contains the highlight of these webisodes will be posted on Lipton Malaysia Facebook fan page and YouTube. A new webisode will be posted every Monday showcasing familiar characteristics that all Malaysians will recognise starting 19 March 2012. All six webisodes will be available on Lipton Malaysia Facebook fan page, at https://www.facebook.com/LiptonMalaysia.

This new creation of Lipton instant 3-1 Teh Tarik is tasted exactly like that one serving in mamak stall, in fact they are even better, smoother and richer !!
I'm so happy that i can now prepare a good Teh Tarik at home.. Below, let my daughter show you how to prepare a cup of Teh Tarik..

Pour Lipton 3-1 instant Teh Tarik into a glass
Jom Teh Tariklah with Lipton Review & Giveaway

Pouring hot water
Jom Teh Tariklah with Lipton Review & Giveaway

Stir to mix well
Jom Teh Tariklah with Lipton Review & Giveaway

Start to pull the teh until you see a lot of bubbles !!
Jom Teh Tariklah with Lipton Review & Giveaway

Jom Teh Tariklah with Lipton Review & Giveaway

Since I enjoyed this Lipton Teh Tarik so much, I thought I should share this Teh Tarik with my readers. I would like to have a small giveaway. I will given out RM 50 Jusco gift vouchers, a cute USB flash drive from Lipton and 5 sachets of Lipton NEW instant 3-in-1 Lipton Teh Tarik.

Jom Teh Tariklah with Lipton Review & Giveaway

To enter, please leave a comment on this post and tell me what food that you usually like to enjoy with a cup of Teh Tarik. This giveaway is only for MALAYSIA readers and expires on Monday, March 19th, 2012 at 5pm. Entries that do not meet the entry requirement will not be considered. Please identify yourself if you are under Anonymous. One winner will be selected by random.org or manual pick (have not decided yet) and announced in the post on Tuesday, March 20th.


abbymonster said...

teh tarik 配roti planta 赞哦 ^^

Torviewtoronto said...

looks fabulous lovely post

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


choi yen said...

Teh Tarik + Nyonya kuih = Perfect!

Catherine Lee said...

I would usually have teh tarik with roti canai!

Gloria Baker said...

I love tea and love Lipton Tea!!

Andrew Chooi said...

Teh tarik with indian mee goreng would be yummi !

Sherleen.T said...

for me, nasi lemak ayam goreng (daging punggung) dengan telur mata lembu dan teh tarik satu...
this is soooo good! :)

Unknown said...

Can't wait to try this DIY teh Tarik ! Like to drink with roti canai!

Jesslyn said...

Ohh...Lipton (teh kosong) is my girls' all time favorite...whereas I love the teh tarik version very much...best goes with nasi lemak or roti canai!!

Danke's BB said...

I would like to participate.

I love Teh Tarik with Roti Canai! Perfect match.

At home, i normally make Teh Halia Tarik (Ginger Milk Tea), good for ladies....

ping said...

Oooh, lucky you to get to attend this function. Must have been fun! Good review, Sonia. Actually, I can't decide on which is my favorite food to go with teh tarik ... I'd probably have to say, all typically M'sian makan goes perfectly with it. :)

Rebecca Teo said...

Teh tarik with nasi lemak extra panas is superb ! Enjoy reading your interesting blog. Thanks !

Jes's Deli Corner said...

Teh Tarik ice with Char Siew Pau

Simple Person said...

teh tarik with Klang Bak Kut Teh...
it will be perfect....

ahteekitchen said...

Same with u Sonia, the ONLY nasi lemak, perfect match!!

kitchen flavours said...

My hubby would love these! Great giveaway, Sonia! I would love to have Lipton Teh Tarik with a plate of delicious nasi lemak too! Definitely! Keeping my fingers crossed! Thank you!

eileen@hundred eighty degrees said...

I'm not qualify to join, but just wanted to drop by as I love teh tarik too! I will buy when it becomes available in Singapore. Normally I take roti prata with teh tarik.

My Little Space said...

Whoaaaaa.... what a grand giveaway. So seducing! haha.... Mmm..I think I love my teh tarik with some local tibits & kuih for instant, you tiao, karipap, kuih udang,Indian rojak and so many more. haha....
Have a great weekend.

My Little Space said...

Whoaaaaa.... what a grand giveaway. So seducing! haha.... Mmm..I think I love my teh tarik with some local tibits & kuih for instant, you tiao, karipap, kuih udang,Indian rojak and so many more. haha....
Have a great weekend.

Shoutforfood said...

i love teh tarik.. please 2 glasses..

Shervin said...

I usually enjoy my teh tarik with roti telur on breakfast time. That's the best way to start a hetic day, it warm my stomach and also my day!

Cindy Chew said...

I like teh tarik + currypuff........yummy......

Amelia said...

HI Sonia, nice giveaway.

I love teh tarik with roti pratha.

Have a nice weekend.

Siew Hwei said...

i would like to participate..:)
Teh Tarik + Nasi Lemak..

Small Kucing said...

i like lipton tea...wah now its good they have teh tarik too

ykristen said...

Teh tarik is my all time favourite drink and miss them esp when holidaying abroad. I would say the creamy sweeet taste of teh tarik goes best with crispy plain roti canai

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Hi Sonia,I hope that we can also buy them from here soon as we are not allowed to bring that in ourselves.A glass is TT is selling for aud$6 here

Kar Yee said...

I love teh tarik with nasi lemak. I love reading your blog everyday !

Li Shuan said...

Sonia, I missed teh tarik a lot!! When I think of teh tarik I will immediately relate it to roti canai.

you daughter is so cute..knows how to tarik already..see see.I told you before, you can operate a cafe ..you can cook ,daughter can make 茶水。。hehe!

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

Although I'm not qualified to take part in this competition, but thank you for writing such a lovely post and well done for being invited to this exciting event :)

Adina Aruştei said...

I am so sorry this is not opened internationally - i miss it sooo much and of course here - in Romania- i cannot find it :)
Great giveaway!

Emily said...

what else better than roti canai with teh tarik?

roti teluh bawang of course with my cup of teh tarik Lipton 3-in-1!

Ana Regalado said...

Love the post especially with that word "Giveaway" hahahaha Btw , I'm from Malaysia , too ! I wish ! hee hee We love Lipton here ! ;D

Anonymous said...

Such a good experience you share it...with my own mee goreng ikan billis + teh tarik = taste yummy...beh tahan liao.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Cool! I love teh tarik! Now I can buy 3 in 1 white coffee as well as 3 in 1 teh tarik to bring back to U.S. :)

yummylittlecooks said...

I enjoy my teh tarik with mamak mee goreng ....hmmm yum yum :)

Ivy Sew said...

Hi, for breakfast,I usually have 2 half-boiled eggs first. Then, I would have a sip of HOT Lipton teh tarik and proceed to enjoy either my nasi lemak, roti canai, meehoon goreng or toast bread. When I have finished my breakfast, I just sit back and enjoy my Lipton teh-tarik! How nice.... :)

Resh said...

oh wow....cant wait to try it out...teh tarik at home sounds heavenly....i love my teh tarik with roti canai banjir...breakfast or supper, teh tarik is just awesome....:)

Unknown said...

the perfect match for a cup of teh tarik "kaw" is nasi lemak with telur goreng mata. having this as breakfast is heaven !

Anonymous said...

I would love my teh tarik with hot goreng pisang, truly one Malaysia.

From Sweetee pie

BB said...

I would like to have of course "Nasi Lemak with Curry Mutton" togehter with a cup of Lipton Teh Tarik. Yummy!

Besides, I almost drink a cup of Lipton Tea each morning with my homemade bread or cake.

By Phoebe Wong

Tim Wong said...

I usually have teh tarik with roti canai for breakfast. Thanks for sharing with us your cooking and travelling experiences !

Alison said...

I think teh tarik and curry puff for afternoon tea time is great !

Little blue said...

The Tarik with roti canai~~~yum yum!

Elsie T said...

i would like to participate!

Teh tarik + Charcoal Toast with Kaya and Butter!! ;)

Lydia said...

Hi Sonia,

I've been a silent reader of your blog for quite awhile and have enjoyed trying out your recipes. Thanks for sharing them! :)

My favourite combination would be Teh Tarik and Nasi Lemak with really spicy sambal.

Susan said...

Teh tarik with tosai is my favourite breakfast. Thanks for sharing with us your wonderful recipes and stories ! I have been a silent reader of your blog.

Anonymous said...

Teh Tarik is THE drink in Malaysia and nasi lemak is THE food in Malaysia.I suggest we should call teh tarik and nasi lemak as minumam 1 Malaysia and makanan 1 Malaysia respectively so that tourist to our country will be informed not to miss them. I agree with Sonia that nasi lemak does go hand in hand with teh tarik. The feeling is heavenly!!!

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Must be roti prata!

Can I join ? I have Malaysia address

Jasmin Tan said...

I like teh tarik with mee hoon goreng pedas. Thanks for sharing your recipes. I tried some and had good success !

celine said...

to me a piece of toast is the perfect combo! :)

Baking Diary said...

New teh tarik to try at home, how convenient! I always associated teh tarik with roti canai and never fail to order a glass to go with it:D

Sook Peng said...

I love a really hot cup of frothy tea tarik after a meal of banana leaf rice

Aqil said...

i like teh tarik + mee goreng mamak = superb yummy ;D this is my way to enjoy my teh tarik

Anonymous said...

Pei said....

Teh tarik with kaya and butter toast is the best! Yummmm.....

dannymeena said...

Teh tarik da best!!!! Luv 2 have it wit hot pipin 'pisang goreng',nasi lemak n roti canai.... Yummylicious!!!! Superb combo!!!

tinyskillet said...

It does look good, i want to try some!:D

ika@tsaiha said...

i like my cup of teh tarik with pisang goreng...heaven!!!!

Ann Lai said...

I usually have teh tarik with kaya & butter toast at coffee shop....best !

Queenie said...

My favorite combination would be Teh Tarik and Roti Canai.

Hody Loh said...

i love teh tarik with roti canai.i still remember when i was kid,i never miss it everytime my father bring me to mamak store.perfect match!

ElyQ said...

Mmm... my cuppa Teh Tarike in the morning and teatime.... Simply irresistable!!

Anonymous said...

perfect combination Teh Tarik and Nasik Lemak...great...taste it and u luv it...nyum nyum

Cocoeriley said...

Teh tarik is perfect match with everything.

Morning: teh tarik + sandwich

Noon: teh tarik + nasi brirani

Tea time: teh tarik + pisang goreng

Night: teh tarik + nasi lemak kukus + keropok lekor

Supper: teh tarik + maggie goreng

Cynful Pleasure said...

I wish I could be the winner!!

My favorite food with teh tarik? always the Roti Canai!! Yummy!

- Cynthia -

C2C said...

A cup of teh tarik and a packet of nasi lemak bungkus would definitely be the best combo for me! :)

Pete said...

Its Teh Tarik with Poori and Potato Masala for me....ate that every weekend in Kepong Baru Wet Market...lol

Sri Yusnita Rahim said...

I used to drink homemade teh tarik EVERY NIGHT! It is my favourite hot beverage any time!

lena said...

actually it's been quite some time i didnt have teh tarik.. but i do enjoy drinking it at mamak stalls, just that i seldom take drink with milk now. Like you, i would love nasi lemak with teh tarik too!

Anonymous said...

HI Sonia,

I like milk tea too

last week, i just bought the lipton milk tea gold from this website:


the taste is good. now i drink a cup of milk tea every morning.

what favor do you like the most?


Unknown said...

Just wanted to say my wife brought back a pack of Liptons Teh Tarik sachets from Malaysia last week, and they are great. Now I am wondering where I might get them in Melbourne! Guess i'll try the Asian grocery shops in Box Hill or Richmond next time we're there , which won't be too long as usual!

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