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Friday, March 30, 2012

Okonomiyaki (Japanese savoury pancake) 日式烧饼(大阪烧)

My first time tasted Okonomiyaki was in a colleague's house (i think about 20 years ago). I saw he prepared by adding flour, egg, cabbage & etc, and i was caught by the brown sauce (now i know this sauce is Okonomi sauce) that he was topped on the pancake..it was too yummy..
Nowadays we easily found Okonomiyaki in pasar malam (night market). The pasar malam at my place (The longest pasar malam in Malaysia) also selling this Okonomiyaki..

Okonomiyaki (Japanese savoury pancake)

The important sauce in this pancake is the Okonomi sauce..All the Japanese ingredients i use here you can find in Jusco..

Once the pancake is done, then start to top up with:-

1st apply with Okonomi sauce and mayonnaise. I even made it with pattern ^_^

Okonomiyaki (Japanese savoury pancake)

Then sprinkle some Furikake (dry Japanese condiment, your choice of flavours)

Okonomiyaki (Japanese savoury pancake)

Last top with Bonito flakes

Okonomiyaki (Japanese savoury pancake)

My kids love this pancake very much. They were asking for more...

Okonomiyaki (Japanese savoury pancake)

This is my simple version of Okonomiyaki..
You can also refer to authentic Okonomiyaki recipe in Nami Just One Cookbook, or another version from蓝色小厨.

Okonomiyaki (Japanese savoury pancake)
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

Okonomiyaki (Japanese savoury pancake)100g plain flour
100g water
120g cabbage, shredded finely
30g carrot, shredded finely or chopped finely
1 stalk of spring onion, chopped
1tsp Dashi powder
1 egg (medium)
A pinch of salt

Crab stick, squid, ham, bacon & etc (I only added crab stick)

Okonomiyaki sauce (Japanese Worcestershire sauce) to taste
Japanese mayonnaise to taste
Furikake to taste, your choice of flavours
Bonito flakes

1. Mix the cabbage, carrot, egg, flour, dashi powder and water in a large bowl, combine well.
2. Heat cooking oil in a non-stick pan, pour in mixture and top up with crab sticks pieces. Slightly press crab sticks to stick on batter with spatula.
3. Cook on medium heat until golden brown on both sides.
4. Top with Okonomiyaki sauce, mayonnaise, Furikake and Bonito flakes. Enjoy!!

Okonomiyaki 日式大阪烧  

100 克普通面粉
100 克水
120 克包菜,切碎
30 克胡萝卜、切碎
1 棵青葱,切碎
1 颗鸡蛋
1/2 茶匙鸡粉
 , 少许 

蟹肉条、 火腿、 培根、 鱿鱼等
适量 --- 柴鱼片, 美奶滋, Okonomi sauce 酱汁


1. 把所有材料混合在一个大碗里, 搅拌均匀备用。
2. 烧热平底锅稍微涂抹上一点的油,将面糊倒入锅子内, 再放上蟹肉条或其他材料,用小火把日式烧饼煎到两面有少许的金黄色或是熟即可。
3. Okonomi酱汁涂抹在烧饼上,再挤上美奶滋洒上柴鱼片即可。


Yee Er said...

It looks so...yummy. I'm a big fan of Japanese food.

Hody Loh said...

i just bought this pancake flour at jusco...so good...thank you.sonia...
where you buy dashi powder and okonomi sauce???

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Hody, is the pancake flour you bought is with flavouring? Actually normal plain flour will do. I bought all the ingredients in Jusco One Utama

Yannie said...

It looks so delicious to me.

Little blue said...

I like to put a lot of mayo and my kids love this also, but I think have a long time didn't made for them!!

Christine's Pantry said...

This sounds good. Will have to try this.

Ana Regalado said...

That looks really yummy ! Will try to make it sometime ;D

oleh oleh khas Medan said...

Hmm, yummmy, it makes me hungry

Mel said...

it sure looks real delicious and appetizing. yum, yum.... and I loves bonito flakes too.

Unknown said...


Hody Loh said...

dont know leh...later go home check and see see....
oh....jusco seremban dont have...dont know sunway got or not cos this sunway i go to sunway...

WendyinKK said...

Lots of vege in it, good for kids and adults alike :)

yvonne said...

Sonia, I always enjoy this pancake but thought it is tough to make. But your recipe here sounds simple to me.

Wait till I make a trip to Jusco *wink*

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Shoutforfood said...

love the presentation, it looks delicious

Li Shuan said...

Sonia, I love this Japanese pancake too... you can easily find in pasar malam, here we have to go to Jap restaurant...but now with this recipe can easily make at home liao..thanks for sharing... :)

Janine said...

i love how you topped the sauce and yes, bonito flakes are a must for me!!

lena said...

i saw nami's one long time ago and also very tempted to try it out..the last time i had this was months back bought from pasar malam..yours looking delicious!

Katherine Martinelli said...

Mmm this looks delicious! I love the design you made on top - so pretty :-)

Little Corner of Mine said...

Looks great! I would love to try this pancake.

ann low said...

The pictures looks so perfect! I'm getting hungry now :)

Alan(travellingfoodies) said...

ah... something which I love to eat but never tried making. I love to watch how the Japanese make their okonomiyaki! See their spatulas fly and get tossed in the air. remember to try some when you are in Osaka! That's where Okonomiyaki came from!

tinyskillet said...

Yours looks so pretty, mine didn't look as nice, I almost didn't post it. I never thought to put fuikake on it, my daughter would love that (she didn't care for the bonito flake on it). You captured it well and it sounds wonderful!

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Love love okonomiyaki...great food during cold weather when I was living in Japan. The sauce definitely yummy.

chow and chatter said...

this looks amazing making me so hungry now :-)

Simple Person said...

looks so good le...
like u say .. more ppl like u .. i think all the restaurant will close down.. LOL

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Just saw your email update and jump over here! =) Thanks for the mention Sonia! Your Okonomiyaki looks so good! Sprinkling Furikake is interesting! I've never done that before. I bet kids will like it. You know I'm so addicted to that Otafuku brand of Okonomi Sauce. I make fried egg sandwich with Okonomi sauce + Japanese mayo in an English muffin. So good.... Have you tried Yakisoba sauce from this brand? It's pretty good too. Your Okonomiyaki looks so good that now I need to eat it. Can you find 長芋/山芋 in JUSCO? I think Chinese use it too (not sure Chinese name). That brings Okonomiyaki another level of goodness! I freeze extra and eat it for lunch like 2 consecutive days. I'm that crazy about Okonomiyaki. =P You got me started my Okonomiyaki craving!!!! ^_^

Lrong Lim said...

I think you can set up a stall and sell this... by the looks of your work, your okonomiyaki will sell easily... :-)
they look so delicious and professional...

Pushpa said...

Looks delicious,new to me.

Baking Diary said...

Oh that looks good indeed, great for breakfast and lunch, now to get that bottle of sauce:D

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

This looks yummy! The presentation is like the one selling, really perfect!

ping said...

My comfort food, Japanese food. This looks even better than the ones served at the restaurants!

mycookinghut said...

One of my favourite Japanese food!

Sissi said...

At the moment okonomiyaki is my beloved Japanese dish. I'm always happy to see how others make their okonomiyaki since each is different. Yours sounds fantastic and I am amazed by the neat pattern you have managed to create with mayonnaise. Mine is always so messy!

Diane said...

I love oriental food but what big names to remember, Okonomiyaki.....

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Nami, I was excited to read your comment, hehehe ..I am going to make English muffin as I can imagine how tasty when you described this muffin with okono sauce . I will try to look for the yam you mentioned next time I go to Jusco again . And now I know you are a big fan of Okonomiyaki.^_^

daphne said...

i have forgotten how easy it is to make this! I always forget to buy the flakes and it makes a difference for the pancake!

zila norazila said...

good presentation and look very delicios..:)

choi yen said...

Been searching high & low for thus, finally I got it at Jusco 1U :)

Sherleen.T said...

i like to eat this but sometimes i got very salty one in jap restaurant which is not that suit me...now, i can learn to make this by my own because of your sharing...thx :)

Cheryl said...

Oh that looks delicious! I'm gonna try this!

JoanL said...

Thank you so much for posting this. I love reading your blog and travel adventures. I made your recipe last night for dinner and this recipe is definitely a keeper.

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