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Monday, July 23, 2012

Chocolate Cupcakes and Swiss Meringue Buttercream

My daughter requsted me to make chocolate cupcakes yesterday as she would like to bring to school for her best friend's Birthday today.
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I am very happy found this good Swiss meringue buttercream recipe from "the batter baker". Her recipe is easy to follow and yet resulted a very stable (in our hot and humid weather) , not taste oily and less sweet buttercream.

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I just put these cupcakes on the island top in room temperature. This morning i took this picture, see the buttercream still beautifully stand in shape, instead the colouring sprinkles has started to melt..
If you are new to Swiss meringue buttercream, here is a video i want to share, her recipe called 123 Swiss meringue buttercream, so you can have a idea how this buttercream is making..I tried her recipe, but found out is a bit too sweet for our liking. If next time i make this buttercream again, i will share with you the step by step photos.


My daughter even decorated with a Justin Bieber fondant on the cupcake as JB is her friend's favourite star.

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I made some changes to the chocolate cupcake recipe as one reader asked me whether to add chocolate emulco can make chocolate cupake look darker. So i added chocolate emulco, and it is confirmed that the colour of the cake look darker than not adding chocolate emulco. I also halved this recipe since my 1st time trying this recipe. And i was using hand mixer instead of stand mixer since i prepared in a very small volume.Also I left the butter stand on room temperature about 30mins before i started to make the buttercream, it should be soft but still cold.

Chocolate Cupcakes and Swiss Meringue Buttercream
(Recipe source: adapted from The batter baker, with minor changes)

Chocolate Cupcakes
Makes 6 cupcakes.

90g cake flour
10g cocoa powder
70g sugar
3/4tsp baking powder
65g butter, softened
30g milk
1 whole egg + 1 egg yolk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1tsp Chocolate emulco

1. Sift together cake flour, cocoa powder and baking powder.
2. Beat butter and sugar till light and fluffy.
3. Add in whole egg and egg yolk, combine well.
4. Add in vanilla extract and chocolate emulco.
5. Add in flour mixture and milk alternately, mix well.
6. Scoop batter in cupcake liners.
7. Bake at 180C for 25mins.
8. Remove cupcakes onto a wire rack to cool completely before frosting.

Swiss Meringue Buttercream

1 egg whites (large egg)
45g sugar
1/4tsp vanilla extract
75g unsalted butter, soft but still cold, cut into small equal size of cubes

1. Whisk egg whites and sugar over bain marie (in a double boiler) till sugar is fully dissolved (to test by touch it and rub with fingers)
2. Remove from heat and whisk for about 10 min till peaks are stiff, thick and glossy.
3. At this point, the mixing bowl should be cool to the touch. Add vanilla extract.
4. Change to the paddle attachment (I use hand mixer all the way since just a small recipe).
5. With the mixer at low to medium speed, add in the butter cube one by one, ensuring that each addition is well incorporated before adding the next one.
6. If the mixture curdles, don't panic. Continue adding the butter and beating the mixture on medium speed.
7. After a few minutes, the mixture will come together and become creamy and satiny.
8. Add colouring if desired and beat till evenly distributed.

** updated on 17 Aug- please refer to the latest Swiss Meringue Buttercream recipe here with step-by-step photos.

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Yummy Bakes said...

Wow ... so pretty!

Mel said...

Beautiful buttercream meringue. I have yet to learn to make swiss merinque buttercream. Time for me to learn now after looking at yours. The colour turn out so beautiful.

Casey said...

wow....very nice cupcakes!
the buttercream looks very glossy!

Little blue said...

wow...nice cup cakes, where is my share??haha....

Joyce @ Chunky Cooky said...

Lovely cuppies ! And beautifully frosted as well !!

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Beautiful cupcake! The colour of the SMB looks so sweet.

I made SMB once, my cousin commented that when eaten cold it tasted like ice-cream. I love it too.

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Forget to say I love the second photo most.

Sherleen.T said...

i like the buttercream's color, look so sweet and elegance sitting on top of the chocolate cake...
hi, i have very long time didn't visit any blogs, how are you there? :)

Li Shuan said...

Your daughter is so cute, she made a very special fondant topping for her friend ..that's really a thoughtful gift.
I like the meringue butter cream too... I haven't make cupcakes for a long time...hmmm too many projects awaiting there to do.

Simple Person said...

very cute cupcakes

kk said...

Hi, love your cupcakes! May I know for the SMB, is the egg whites cooked enough to be safe to consume? Or still raw?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

kk, yes, the egg white is cooked enough and safe to consume, make sure the sugar is melt then only proceed beating to meringue.

Unknown said...

Yummy, yummy, very nice. i want to have some from u.... ha.... the butter cream look so elegance.

Little Ghost said...

Swiss meringue buttercream....听过却没吃过,等着你的步骤图,呵呵~

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

beautiful cupcake and a perfect mum

Elin said...

Sonia...the cuppies looks delicious esp with the buttercream on it...lol Justin Bieber...yea you so clever to make ' him ' leh .I am sure the birthday must be thrill to have a fondant Justin Bieber on her birthday cupcake :) Well done !

Anonymous said...

wow Sonia!! This looks really pretty!! How gorgeous! And yes I love Swiss Meringue too!! Not too too sweet. hehe

Angie's Recipes said...

So pretty! I love those beautiful swirls...just irresistible!

Small Kucing said...

Mmmm very cute

PH said...

Sonia, your cupcakes are so beautiful and elegant. You have frosted it beautifully!

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

I can definitely see J.Bieber's fringe there, hahaha! You are such a good mother, Sonia & these cupcakes look very pretty & delicious!

Nadji said...

Ces cupcakes sont magnifiques et certainement délicieux.
J'en dégusterai avec plaisir.
See soon.

ChrisAu said...


Tina said...

Lovely lovely cupcakes..

ICook4Fun said...

I love thhow you pipe light pink/peachy colour meringue. So elegant and pretty. I wish I can do a good job like you.

Ana Regalado said...

Those cupcakes look very pretty ! I love the buttercream frosting and it looks so smooth ! Your daughter's fondant cupcakes look so cute !

daphne said...

it looks perfect to me! Your daughter is so lucky to have you to make cupcakes for her friend's birthday!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recipe, it looks delish!!

olmpic station park said...
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Anonymous said...

I love the swirl on your lovely cupcakes. May I know which tip you use? Felicia

Anh said...

cute cuppies!!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

You so nice mummy, make cupcakes for daughter's friend. If its me...I'm not sure I'll have that kind of time to do it, haha! Love the beautiful pink swirls of buttercream over the cupcake. I'm sure your girl's friend will love it very much.:))

lena said...

your sm buttercream is really smooth and silky, i've tried wendy's recipe once and i also love their taste. i'm sure your daughter's friend must be so excited seeing 'justin bieber'!

Yudith @ Blissfully Delicious said...

Hi Sonia, I just stumbled upon your blog tonight. What a beautiful site. I love how beautiful your frosting is! I bet your daughter's friend was appreciate of it.

ping said...

It's so nice to have a mummy who bakes so well :)
I'm always on the lookout for a more stable buttercream frosting/icing for it to withstand our heat. Will wait for your step by step. Thanks Sonia.

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Your daughter very pandai. I like her Jb fondant, very nice :)

Passionate About Baking said...

Yums! I love this!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Felicia, i use tip no 35.

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

真美麗的 cupcakes, 像公主漂亮的裙紗!
Sonia 能幹又週到,拿這麼精巧媽媽手做的蛋糕去學校,女兒一定很感驕傲!
何況還有自己的偶像 :)

Baking Diary said...

Your meringue looks very firm and nice, doesn't look oily....nicely piped and color also my favorite:D

Yannie said...

Why your cup cakes are so nice and beautiful? I salute you, Sonia.

moly said...

Wah! such a thoughtful friends. Thumbs up for you and your daughter

茵茵 said...

The meringe is very nicely done and the colour is lovely!

Unknown said...

Very pretty the cupcakes...

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

So sweet and lovely swirl!

Jen @ Savory Simple said...

There really is nothing better than swiss meringue buttercream. Beautiful!

Pushpa said...

Perfect and delicious.Gorgeous frosting.

Little Corner of Mine said...

That's so sweet of your daughter!

irene myme said...

ohh, I am late, guess no more leftover for me.
Nevermind, I shall wait for the next batch....hahaha!!

Cupcakes look so beautiful and sweet!!

Gloria Baker said...

Sonia these cupcaked look really beauty anf love the buttercream recipe I remember when I had a delivery of cupcaked in summer! ! So hard:)

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

You are amazing mom, Sonia! If my kids ask me to make cupcakes... I go buy it! LOL! She's a sweetheart, thinking of her best friend. :-)

Baby Sumo said...

Looks pretty. I'm sure your daughter's best friend was very pleased to see it.

Saraswathy Balakrishnan said...

pretty looking cupcake my dear..looks so yummy and wish I could just dig in rite away:)

Mary said...

You sure did a great job for a girl who claims not to be a baker! That frosting looks fantastic. I can't believe it looks that perfect after a night on the counter. Way to go!

Ame said...

I've just made the buttercream and have already frosted my cupcakes. However i would only give them to my friend the next day. Do i have to put them in the fridge in case the buttercream melts since its very hot these days.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Ame, actually there is no problem to keep just at room temperature (shaded area). If you still prefer to keep inside the fridge, you need to remove in advance before given to your friend as the buttercream and cupcake will turn hard after fridge it.

Perth salons said...

What a great idea to give as a gift. Your daughter sure is sweet. I would love to try these recipe of yours. Hope it would be a success. Fingers cross.

Anonymous said...

IMMA DROP DEAD RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW LOL. What wonderful bakes! I wish i could bake as well as you!:D

Shortcake said...

Hi Sonia

Your blog is amazing ! Thanks for sharing. Can I ask if we could exclude the chocolate emulco from the recipe ?

Thanks !

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

Just want to let you know that I tried this recipe yesterday and finally tried making swiss meringue buttercream for the first time yesterday. Thank you for the recipe and the buttercream is really light and not overly sweet, and the chocolate cupcake is really good.


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