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Friday, December 28, 2012

Chinese Popiah (crepe with mix vegetables filling), Happy New Year 2013

When i try to look back through my blog for what i have posted in year 2012 as i was thinking to make a post on 2012 recap..It was fun to look back all those old posts and be reminded of the many wonderful new recipes i tried. Anyway i have hard time to choose what favourites post to put into this recap post. So this year i decided not to do a recap..Instead i sign off year 2012 with this Chinese Popiah (Crepes with mix vegetables filling) and looking forward to a wonderful 2013 and hoping for many better days.
Thank you for your support given to Nasi Lemak Lover blog, I see you in 2013, hope all of you have a better year ahead.
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I like to prepare Popiah especially in any gathering (recently i just prepared this for a bloggers gathering,) ..Every filling assemble on a popiah (crepe) skin, roll it up, like we all gather together, very meaningful..

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Here come my own version of Popiah. I did not follow my mom's version, her version is "ham pa lang" version, that means she cooked all ingredients together into one filling, hehehe..Instead I prefer to separate into few fillings and gather together, so we have more fun to roll this popiah!

Chinese Popiah (crepe with mix vegetables filling)
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

1kg of fresh popiah skin (crepes)


Yam bean filling
1.6kg yam bean or jicama, shredded
1 carrot, shredded
2 and ½ tbsp light soy sauce
1tbsp dark soy sauce
1 and 1/2tsp salt or taste


- Heat shallot oil (oil from deep fry shallots) in a wok, add in yam bean and carrot, stir and mix well.
- Add in seasonings, continue to stir (don't need to add water) and cook until dry and no gravy.


Green bean filling
400g French beans, cut into small pieces
150g fresh shrimps, cut into small pieces
1 and 1/2tbsp light soy sauce
1tsp salt or to taste


- Heat shallot oil (oil from deep fry shallots) in a wok, add in shrimps and sprinkle with light soy sauce, stir fry till color changed.
- Add in beans and add little water, continue to cook.
- Add in seasonings and mix well.


6 Chinese sausages- deep fry and chop into small pieces


3 firm tofu – soak in salt water, deep fry till golden brown, cut into small slices.
4 eggs (season with salt and pepper) – cook into omelette and shredded


1 cucumber, shredded


Leafy green vegetables ( I use Yau Mak)


150g shallots, thinly slices, refer recipe here to deep fry crispy shallots


Chili sauce and sweet sauce ( usually I buy from Yong Tau Fu store)

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To serve:-
Smear a little sweet sauce and chilli sauce onto a popiah skin. Put in 1-2 tbsp of yam bean filling and 1tbsp of bean filling. Then add in little tofu slices, sausages, omelette, fried shallot and top a small piece green vegetables and roll it up. Roll can be served whole or cut into 2 or 3 pieces.

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See you in year 2013 !!


Little blue said...

Happy New Year my friend~l like popiah too...so can I have 2!?

Kimmy said...

Hi Sonia, this is my family's favourite. Only problem at times is we couldn't get nice popiah skin. So sometimes we had to make do with lettuce. Like your display which makes me feel like grabbing them through the box, hahaha! HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


ice pandora said...

I wish you happy holidays
and terrific 2013 as well! x

Ling yuen chin said...

Sonia, this Chinese popiah looks delicious!
Happy new year!!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Happy New Year to you and your family...

Chef and Sommelier said...

Hi Sonia! What a colourful end to 2012 and I look forward to reading more of your interesting posts in 2013!

Mel said...

Hi Sonia, looking forward to all your interesting posts in 2013....you are a great cook, a great baker and most of all, you are a wonderful friend. Happy New Year 2013...

Esther Lau said...

I definitely going to try this Popiah in the beginning of year 2013. Looking forward to your wonderful posts in 2013.

Min said...

Did you make the poppiah skin yourself? Happy New Year 2013!

Wen said...

I love homemade popiah!

Happy New Year 2013 to you and your family!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Min, no, I bought from the shop which they make Popiah skin daily ..

Karen said...

Popiah is my favourite food.. hehe.. Sonia, happy new year to you and your family.. :)

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

I also like popiah :)
Happy New Year to you and your family!

Joceline Lor said...

又是一道好料。tapi hor。。。。功夫很多咯。要准备好多东西的。晕!哈哈哈~

ICook4Fun said...

Happy New Year to you Sonia. Thank you for putting out all the wonderful dishes in your blog and hope to see more in 2013. I wish I can get this type of fresh popiah skin here. We tried making but it was not sucessful.

divya said...

So tempting...Mouthwatering clicks!!!Happy New Year to you and your family..

Angie's Recipes said...

Delicious! Reminds me of HOME!

Unknown said...

May i know where can buy the popiah skin?

sabrina 莎莎 said...

薄饼是我的all time favourite~~

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

yiwen ywwong, if you are staying in Klang, then you can get it from this shop, refer to my old post-http://nasilemaklover.blogspot.com/2009/06/popiah-making.html

PH said...

Sonia so rajin make filling separately. All look so good and yummy. I sure love your popiah, must have lots of chili sos for me!

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , looking at your scrumptious popiah makes me hungry ! lol Even that fried shallot makes my stomach grumbles :D I think our fresh lumpia wrapper back home is the same as your popiah wrapper .....

lena said...

happy new year to you too, sonia! wishing you all the best, good health and happy holidays!

Amy Cheong, Desirablerecipes said...

Wonderful popiah. My mother love to prepare the same popiah like yours for us. How I wish I can sample yours! Happy New Year 2013 to you and family.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Happy New Year 2013! I love this type of popiah, looks delicious!

Simple Person said...

popiah is one of my favorite food..
jicama .. lol..
i learn this word when I was at states ...

irene myme said...

Happy New Year ^o^
我也好喜欢吃popiah哦~~ 嘻嘻~~

Baking Diary said...

A great dish to end the year indeed! not to mention lots of work going into it :P Happy New Year!

Eileen, Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Happy New Year 2013!

Passionate About Baking said...

I love love popiah! Your homemade popiah really made me drool!! As there were a lot of work to make it from scratch, we usually order home and add more ingredients. But I really love yours! Can I order? ;)

tigerfish said...

I LOVE popiah so much! Miss popiah now! :(

Happy New Year to you and your family.

Mich Piece of Cake said...

Oh wow, I love the ingredients for your popish, so delicious! Wishing you a very happy new year, Sonia!

Elaine said...

A Happy and Blessed New Year to you and your family! Glad to come to "know you" through your blog!

温馨小屋 said...


Honey Bee Sweets said...

I love popiah! Drooling over yours, haha! Happy 2013 Sonia! May the new year bring you more joy and happiness!

Veronica's Kitchen said...


A very Happy New year to you and your love ones.

Unknown said...

Popoiah my favourite. happy new year.

Quay Po Cooks said...

Delicious popiah Sonia. Happy New Year to you and you family. Have a great year ahead and looking forward to more yummy recipes from you. Hugs.

Agnes CF Lee said...

Happy New Year to you!

It's a good idea to roll own popiah, allow them to pick and choose what fillings they like..great idea will try that one day!!

daphne said...

My mum and I used to host a popiah party for our friends. SO MUCH FUN! I love how you did it..and miss having the popiah skin so readily available!!!

Happy New Year to you!! More to come in 2013!

zila norazila said...

happy new yer sonia..and your popia look amazing lol..

Love2cook Malaysia said...

Popiah..ooh lala! How delicious!! Happy New Year Sonia...:)

Anonymous said...

Dear Sonia,

I have been following your blog for the past one year. Your content is really wonderful and so real. Keep up your good work cos you have so many wonderful and supportive followers.
Happy new year to you and family. May the new year brings you great blessings and inspiration for your passion.



Baby Sumo said...

Hi Sonia, Happy New year! Thanks for making this delicious popiah for us to try, it is also very fun to wrap our own popiah :)

Nadji said...

Happy New Year my friend.
see soon

Unknown said...

Happy new year. Looks great and very healthy too.

J@Feasttotheworld said...

Happy New Year! I love Popiah! It's something that I grew up with. Brings back lots of fun memories. Yours looks good, I rather like the beans filling.

I attempted at making this a few months ago myself. Made the skins from scratch and it took me a few trial to get it right. I serve it at one of my supperclub once and they all love it! Especially rolling the popiah themselves (like a popiah party).

Good stuff!


New Kid on the Blog said...

Happy New Year to you and your family too!
The popiah looks so lovely!

Yannie said...

I always love popiah, especially those homemade one, but it is too much hassle for me to prepare all the ingredients. Don't know who will make popliah for me?

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

I had this dish for the first time when I was in Taiwan. I really liked it. We were invited to family friend's house for this dish. I don't know they called it, but from the look of this dish, this is exactly it. It was delicious!!

Gloria Baker said...

Lovely! Happy New year SOnia and more delicious recipes:)))

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