If you have any question, please drop me an email (sonia9423@gmail.com) or Instagram @ sonianll

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Pulut Tai Tai (Nyonya steamed blue glutinous rice)

Pulut Tai Tai is a famous Nyonya kueh (steamed glutinous rice with blue pea flowers), after i made kaya, i quickly made this Pulut Tai Tai to serve with kaya..

IMG_3473 copy

I have a small pot of blue pea flower plant. And i realized that my blue pea flower has more flower petals (about 5 petals) than the normal blue pea flower which only has two flower petals..
Usually i just air dry this flower in open air kitchen..and store dried flowers in a container and keep in the fridge for later use.

IMG_3718 copy

See how i extracted the blue colouring water. I have a mini gas burner, i just use 1 cup to cook these flowers over this burner

I don't like to over blue this pulut tai tai, just like to see little marble effect..

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Pulut Tai Tai is perfect to serve with homemade kaya..

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Pulut Tai Tai (Nyonya steamed blue glutinous rice)
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

400g glutinous rice, washed and soaked for 4 hours and drained

IMG_3487 copy 250ml thin coconut milk (150ml thick coconut + 100ml water)
3pcs pandan leaves
1tsp salt
20pcs dried blue pea flowers (bunga telang)


1. Lightly wash dried blue pea flowers, add 2tbsp water and cook over low heat to extract blue colouring. Discard flowers and retain the blue water.
2. Put rice, salt, 3/4 portion of coconut milk and pandan leaves in a 8” steaming pan. Steam over rapidly boiling water for 20mins.
3. Remove the steaming pan from the steamer, discard pandan leaves, use a pair of chopsticks to fluff up the rice ( as to cook all rice evenly ) and mix in the balance coconut milk, then sprinkle blue coloring all over the rice (to make marble effect).
4. Return to the steamer and continue steam for another 10-15mins. Taste the doneness of the rice and add more water when necessary and continue to steam until right texture.
5. Pour rice to another clean pan (you may line with banana leaf ) and use banana leaf or any plastic sheet to press down the rice till compact (I actually wet my hands with water and use hands to press)
6. Leave to cool completely. Cut into pieces and serve with kaya.

IMG_3484 copy


sabrina 莎莎 said...

^^ 我一直想做,就是不知哪儿找啊!!

Mich - Piece of Cake said...

Hi Sonia, I have always wanted a pot of blue pea flowers. I think I shall hunt around and see if I can buy it in Singapore as its impossible to buy the flowers from anywhere! Love the kuih, looks delish with the kaya.

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

What a beautiful dish! I love glutinous rice but in Japanese cooking it's always with anko (red bean) and nothing else. The coconut milk and the flavor of pandan leaves must be wonderful. And it was really interesting to see how blue pea flowers were used! :)

Yee Ling said...

Awww....that's a beautiful dessert.

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

wow, nice photo, nice flower, nice setting, nice kuih...

like a piece of art.

Simple Person said...

yummy..this is one of my favorite kuih

Unknown said...


Sally said...


上次去Aunty Yochana那边上课,她还送过我好

Esther Lau said...

Your blue pea flower looks like a small rose, so beautiful!!!
Pulut Tai tai + kaya = Yummy

Joceline Lor said...


Mel said...

Hello Sonia
I loves this pulut tai tai very much....used to buy this because last time tak tau buat ... wow you plant this flower..good for you because so difficult to find it. Last time I saw Jusco selling a pack of the fried flower... wish i can a piece from you now. Ooorhhhh, I loves your wooden plate...hee...hee....

Angie's Recipes said...

Perfection! The steamed glutinous rice cake looks absolutely divine!

makcikmanggis said...

yum yum tak boleh tahan ma...mesti nak buat petang ni hihi..Kami sangat sukakannya:)

Amelia said...

Hi Sonia, this look yummy. One of the best nyonya kuih. Nice click!

Have a nice day.

Baking Diary said...

I love this too, in fact was thinking of making last night but change my mind and just steam the glutinous rice to eat with my ayam golek:D

Janine said...

i love this kuih, especially with thick kaya!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the recipe. going to try this soon. Delicious

Crystal Loh said...


Somewhere in Singapore said...

This is so tempting...

PH said...

Sonia, yeah lah very nice to eat with kaya. My neighbour got the blue flower but I am shy to ask hee..hee...

zila norazila said...

so yummyy..pic also awsomee..love tht:)

Ling yuen chin said...



kimmy said...

Hi Sonia, so lovely and nice kuih. This is one of my favourite Nyonya kuih.

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , those steamed kuih are pretty delicious ! If you could throw some over here ?! lol Your blue pea plant looks beautiful !

CQUEK said...

Really nice shots!

divya said...

looks delicious...

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

aiya, i can never find blue pea flower here!
Yummy kuih and nice photos!

Li Shuan said...

When user the name of the kuih, I tot is kuih for "rich 太太"haha。。。
First time I see blue pea flower as well.... Very beautiful blue flower. Nice tai tai kuih...( haha I prefer to call it this way already) . If one day some rich 太太 invite me for afternoon tea, I must make this ..yes!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Now you made me hungry for some of this! But have to make kaya first, hahaha...

irene myme said...

Share the same thinking as Li Shuan...hahaha!
I am a 山龟 I never eat this kueh before...must try someday. ^o^

irene myme said...

Kitchen Caper at Geylang Bahru sells the dried flower, about SGD$2.00++ per packet.

lena said...

cantik!.. the kuih and your presentation and also the wooden bowl!

Casey said...

This is yummy, one of my favourite kuih.

Unknown said...

Love the blue flowers and the kuih. My favourite too:)Happy Holidays!

TiranaAduka said...

sis sonia
Terasa malu pula diri ini menulis komen dalam bahasa malay.tapi akan daya hanya ini yg dpt dicoretkan.

Suka la blog sis ni. Nice photo.dan looding pun laju..kalau nak ikutkan dgn gambr2 yg byak blog jadi lambt.
Bolehkah kalau tak keberatan berkogsikan cara dan tips.supaya blog tak berat looding.

Maaf sis sonia. TA banyak tanya pula.almaklumlah blogger bru.

Jane Chew said...

Beautiful kuih. Nice pic as well.

My Little Space said...

Oh....you're starting a new pot of blue pea flower. How lovely! So, I can ask for some dried flowers the next time when I need it. haha....

ace maxs said...

woooww really nice post, i like it

mui mui said...

I never never pulut tai tai. I like pulut too. Will try this if have time.
Between air drying the blue pea flower in microwave is fast and easy. Just put your blue pea flowers on a piece of kitchen towel separate out single layer. Use 100p microwave 2-3minutes check every minute for the dryness you want.
I use to air dry my curry leaves this way. Hope this help.:)

Nymphadora said...

The real Peranakan Nyonya would say your pulut tekan looks so pucat :P
But it still looks beautiful. No worries.

For those want to buy dried bunga telang (blue pea flower), please let me know. I know someone who sells it.

southern iceman said...

anyone may buy me this delicious food?

jazz 7171 said...

Hi... i wanna buy blue pea flowers... Pls . ...let me know where.. Need urgently. Thx. Pls SMS to 91767171. Thx

Suan See said...

I love pulut tatai very much. Thks for your sharing. Will try it since I can found the "Bunga Tatai". For those looking for the flower, try to search at FB for Premix Premix.

Anonymous said...

Hi, where can i buy d flower pls.. Can sms to 0124990719.. Tq vry much

Notice said...

Please email sub.liminal@outlook.com
i sell blue pea flowers at S$5 for 20, its seeds for S$5 for 8.
Free shipping internationally:)
Based in Singapore

Notice said...

Hello, I do sell the seeds! Please email me at
sub.liminal@outlook.com , and i will get to you asap:)

curiositykills said...

Hie Sonia, can I ask why do we need to dilute thick coconut milk with water? What happens if we steam the rice using thick coconut milk undiluted?

Another question, freshly squeezed coconut milk, undiluted, gives us thick coconut milk or thin?

Many thanks

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

curiositykills, I dilute the thick coconut because I prefer not too strong coconut and not feel greasy , you can use thick coconut milk, no problem at all. Yes freshly squeezed coconut milk with little water, give you thick coconut milk.

curiositykills said...

Thank you Sonia :)

Anonymous said...

I do have alot free of blue peas flower

Unknown said...

Hi,can sell me the flower?

Unknown said...

Can give me or I buy from you?

Unknown said...

Hi,can sell me the flower?

The Bakehouse said...

Hi Sonia, can sell me some of the seeds of your blue pea flower?i've never seen the 5-petal ones, looks so gorgeous! So far, I was only growing the normal 3 petaled ones.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

The bakehouse, my plant was somehow die few months ago, so sad. So i can't give you the seeds, but i will look around my neigbourhood to check whether i can still find 5 petal flowers. Do drop me email after few months later.

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