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Monday, April 15, 2013

Nasi Kerabu Biru Kelantan

Actually I prepared this post since this afternoon till now (in between I have to prepare dinner) ^_^, because i have to write the long recipe...
I brought some keropok ikan (fish crackers) from the recent Kelantan trip, so it is the best time for me to prepare nasi kerabu and i prefer blue nasi kerabu as it look so outstanding and beautiful.
I was so impressed with my friend Gertrude (My Kitchen Snippets) prepared her nasi kerabu with so many side dishes. I was thinking to do like her. But the end i have to gave it up because i realized that it is too time consuming because have to deep fry crackers, boil salted eggs, pounded the spice ingredients, cook rice, tumis sambal, deep fry fish, cutting salad & etc..
 I have to drop the idea of prepare roast meat and Ayam Percik (special roast chicken). In fact, i spent the whole afternoon just to prepare this nasi kerabu. Anyway, we were really enjoyed this home cooked nasi kerabu !! And i was impressed how tasty the Kuah tumis and sambal kelapa that i adapted from Azie kitchen, Thanks Kak Azie !!

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What you have to be prepared:-
Nasi Biru (butterfly pea flower rice)

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Nasi Biru (butterfly pea flower rice)
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
*serve 6

30 bunga telang biru (butterfly pea flowers)
1/4cup water
4 cups rice (I use local rice)
5 and ½ cup water
1tbsp ginger shredded


  1. Boil bunga telang biru with 1/4cup water for 1min. Discard flowers and retain the blue water.
  2. Cook rice, water, blue water and ginger in a rice cooker.

Kuah Tumis (Sweet Salty Sambal)

I replaced budu (a special fish sauce) with normal fish sauce but later i realized actually i have budu that kept until i have forgotten. This budu was given by makcik manggis, a real budu from Kelantan, hahaha..) Sorry makcik, lain kali saya buat lagi guna budu awak ya , terimakasih banyak banyak..

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Kuah Tumis (Sweet Salty Sambal)
(recipe source: adapted from AzieKitchen with minor changes)

 Blend these ingredients:-
4 shallots
4 cloves garlic
2 onions
10 dried chilli

1 stalk lemongrass, smashed

1 small piece of asam keping( tamarind peel)
2 tbsp gula Melaka (palm sugar)
2 tsp budu (I replaced with fish sauce)
1 cup coconut milk
1/2tsp salt or to taste

1. Heat oil in a wok, fry blended ingredients and lemongrass till fragrance.
2. Add in coconut milk, keep stirring for few minutes.
3. Add in asam keeping, gula Melaka and fish sauce, continue to cook low medium heat till oil separated.
4. Taste it and add salt if necessary.

Note:  This thick paste can be prepared one day earlier and the taste is salty and sweet with nice coconut aroma.

Sambal Kelapa (Coconut Flaked Fish)

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Sambal Kelapa (Coconut Flaked Fish)
(recipe source: adapted from AzieKitchen with minor changes)

1 Ikan kembung (fish)   - cook and deboned
90g grated coconut
4 shallots, sliced
2 stalks lemongrass, sliced
1/2tsp salt or to taste
1/2tsp sugar or to taste

Method :
1. Fry grated coconut in the frying pan (without oil) until slightly brown but not until become kerisik ( toasted grated coconut)
2.  Use a pestle and mortar, pound kembong fish, shallot and lemongrass till fine
3.  Add in the toasted grated coconut and slightly pound mixture again.
4. Add in seasonings and adjust the taste accordingly.

Ikan Goreng Tepung /Turmeric Battered Fried Fish

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Ikan Goreng Tepung /Turmeric Battered Fried Fish
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

 8 fish (ikan kembung)
1tsp turmeric powder
1/2tsp salt
1tsp fish sauce
2tbsp self-raising flour
1/2tbsp rice flour
2tbsp water


  1. Marinate fish with turmeric powder, salt and fish sauce for 30mins.
  2. Add in self-raising flour, rice flor and water, mix well.
  3. Deep fry the fish till golden brown

Ulam ulaman (salad)
150g bean sprouts
90g long bean, cut small pieces
1 stalk coriander, chopped

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Lauk pauk (condiments)

Keropok ikan ( fish crackers)
Telur masin (salted eggs)

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How to enjoy this Nasi Kerabu?
Just assemble all items together and enjoy !!

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I am submitting this post to Malaysian Food Fest, Kelantan Month hosted by My Kitchen Snippets


Baby Sumo said...

Sonia, I really love nasi kerabu. I was so impressed when I saw yours on IG lah.... next time u make, can u invite me over for some? Hehe cos I am too lazy to make myself.:P

Mel said...

Hi Sonia
Im really impressed how you have spend your time cooking this nasi kera u. Lots of things to prepare.
It sure looks super delicious. Tapi I malas nak masak dan pasti tak sedap punya. Love your presentation of this dish altogether.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Dear, you are one brilliant cook! The sweats behind these photos only you would know! Who would have resisted this plate of heaven meal? Great effort! I like the colour of the rice & want to grab your fish there!

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , such a wonderful and impressive array of everything delicious ! The blue rice is just AWESOME:D Photos look as gorgeous as always !

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

wow, this certainly a top grade dishes, looks so yummy and the blue rice so attractive, great job sonia

Joceline Lor said...

sonia..... 我的肚子geri gulu响了!惨咯!


ICook4Fun said...

Bravo bravo!!!!! Very impressive. Yes it is a lot of work just to get this meal ready but it is all worth it isn't it when you see your family enjoying it. Thank you Sonia for your support and participation on the MFF Kelantan event.

Artsylicious said...

Sonia, I salut you for your patience and hard work to prepare this meal!! I remembered I took a very delicious meal at Shah Alam (near Plaza Perangsang) it was really really good. Have you tried before?

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

I have yet to try this. Must find one day to try it.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Yummy! A lot of work to prepare Kelantan meal, just like preparing for a Korean meal, lots of side dishes. :)

Karen said...

wow..nasi kerabu is my favorite, next time you cook must invite me ya.. thx in advance.. hehe!!

divya said...

wow ..it looks fab ...so tempting

ann low said...

Sounds like a tedious job to prepare this meal but definitely worth it for the hard work as it looks really delicious.

My Little Space said...

Oh wow what a perfect presentation for a perfect meal. Mind I serving me a plate? haha.... FEDex over will do! :o) Enjoy your day.

PH said...

Sonia, I am so jealous! I want to eat but no time to make! Haiyah...

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Hungry by looking at it...

Unknown said...


珊珊 said...

很特别的一道nasi kelabu biru kelantan !!

MeRy said...

Very special dish.....looks delicious.

Lite Home Bake said...

Hi Sonia, this is so impressive. Beautiful meal, peppered with lots of love for the family. Lots of arduous steps in the preparation and also for writing out all recipes and the beautiful photos! Really appreciate the sharing, thanks!

kimmy said...

Hi Sonia, will be trying soon, since I still have the packet fish crackers with me and I love your sambal, looks so delicious.

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Although I've never tried these dishes, I would love to taste them all. It requires some time to make these (I can tell from the recipes), you made it so nicely and delicious!

小黄瓜 said...

It's so tempting! XD
Feel homesick now...
I'm from kelantan and Nasi kerabu is my all time favourite.
My mum can cook very tasty nasi kerabu, miss her cooking so much!
Everytime she prepares nasi kerabu, my sis n i will be there to help her around. Too much work to do it alone.

Li Shuan said...

wah wah wah.... Delicious delicious.... !! Like the rice, Ikan, kelapa Ikan and the sambal.... Ioohh... U r really a good cook

sabrina 莎莎 said...


Awayofmind Bakery House said...

I love the blue rice, and it must be lovely to go with all the side dishes you prepared! I like the sambal kelapa, it is really unique!

Chef and Sommelier said...

A-Chi! I could imagine the effort you put in to make this for the family! Lovely platter! I wish I'm staying nearby.. :D

cikmanggis said...

Wah menu lengkap.I tabik spring la sama you Sonia ;) I suka semuanya ....pinggan...sudu...garfu....nasi biru tu mmg ada kelasss hehe

.Ikan tongkol direbus dahulu dgn bahan bahannya untuk menghilangkan bau hanyir dan menambah rasa pada ikan kerana jika kita masak terus tanpa direbus isinya agak tawar.

Mich Piece of Cake said...

Your blue pea flower rice is so gorgeous! Guess what? I managed to grow the blue pea flower seeds you sent to me :) All your side dishes look so good, can understand what you mean by its a lot of work!

Sokehah cheah said...

Wow, Sonia, thumbs up for this meal!

Esther Lau said...

Busy, busy, busy.....very busy dishes.
Great job Sonia!!!!

cikmanggis said...

Hehe budu yg I bagi tu di bungkus seperti bungkusan nescafe segera patut lah sonia lupa.
I Kagum btol dgn you all ni (Gert and Sonia ) sebab berjaya memasak nasi kerabu and the geng tu :) penat tp puas kan dapat makan masakan sendiri.....makan sepuas puasnya.

Next time you boleh prepare awal bahan bahan seperti sambal kelapa..sambal tumis.Keropok goreng awal dan simpan dlm tupperware.

Dapat sediakan sehari awal sebab boleh simpan dlm peti sejuk.Jadi tidak penat sangat.

Eileen, Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

The blue rice is so attractive. This is a 5 star dish :) one bowl will never be enough for me: )

Unknown said...

That's a lot of preparation. I also eyeing on this nasi kerabu but not taking action. My kids n hubby might not accept this dish. You are a great cook! Your nasi kerabu is well presented!

Choi Yen said...

Salute your passion of preparing such a time consuming food!

Casey said...


Aunty Young(安迪漾) said...

太棒了! 我这几天才在计划做这好料,当中那Budu曾经疑惑,现在看见可以用鱼露代替,谢谢!
我也是在Shah Alam 的 Plaza Perangsang)吃过后,念念不忘,才想运动的!

Baking Diary said...

Wow, still a long list of dishes even without the other dishes...not for me to prepare, too lazy lol! Your rice turned out looking very lovely!

Baking Diary said...

Wow, still a long list of dishes even without the other dishes...not for me to prepare, too lazy lol! Your rice turned out looking very lovely!

Hagumi said...

It's my one of my favorite! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I'm looking forward to make them. Thanks Sonia!

Queenie said...

haduiii......salute kat you! rajinnya...rupanya susah jugak nak buat nasi kerabu ya...tentu puas hati kalau dapat masak sendiri, kan?

I beberapa kali beli kat pasar malam but selalu ikan goreng tu dah berbau tak fresh! dia tak cuci perut tu bersih2...yeak!

yours ni...memang tak tahan nak tengok lama2...tentu sedap sangat! kan?

Caca said...

I wish to know how the blue flower looks like.

Bakericious said...

Sonia, you are making me so hungry now but where to get such feast, can go your house? lol.

Shu Han said...

this looks so amazing in every aspect! the fish, the blue coconut rice , the sambal, the egg. URGH YOU ARE KILLING ME. So much effort because everythign is amde from scratch, but hence why I love this so much! I wish I can ta pao this and get it sent to london!!

lena said...

yes..so many things to prepare but i know it's so so tasty! i'm curious abt the sambal kelapa too :)

mui mui said...

Ah Chi,
This looks so inviting!
So this is the Nasi Kerabu you mention that you are preparing that day. Hope I can request for this if i have a chance to go visit you the next time :p

Sycookies said...

God, it looks so good. And these photos are so amazing. I love each and every photo.

Anonymous said...

Oh my..i have bumped few times into yr blog..really tot u were a malay lady..but after reading all the comments in ths post i knew i was wrong. So impressed on yr cooking skill and spirit to prepare ths dish..guess wht i hv prepared my Nasi Dagang dish today inspired by yr post bout it :)

http://dapurresepnusantara.blogspot.com/ said...

nasi kerabu as it look so outstanding and beautiful.

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