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Monday, May 20, 2013

Ang Ku Kueh (Red Tortoise Cake) 紅龟粿

I have never done Ang Ku Kueh that look red, "Ang" means red in Hokkien dialect. Earlier I have did purple Ang Ku Kueh and Black Ang Ku Kueh (using Ramie leaves). The other day, I was so happy found a traditional AKK wooden mould that has few patterns in one mould, quickly use it to try out a real Ang Ku Kueh that look really Ang Ang !!


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split yellow mung beans/green beans for the filling


Soak, Steam, Process and Shape !

This is my new toy !!
(Only one left when I bought this, will put it into my Kedai Runcit/Shop if they have new stock. Anyway, please be aware that this mould is weighted 865g, think twice before you want to buy, hahaha !!)

Roll, Wrap, Press and Shape !

Before steam..


After steamed


The skin is remain soft after cooled and maintain even till the next day. The sweetness of the mung beans filling is also just nice !

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Actually this pattern I use is quite mini size..and I prefer mini size, look cute and you will not stop just eating one..

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 I am still using my mom's recipe that add sweet potato to make the skin. Next time I want to try a skin recipe that without adding sweet potato to see the difference. The other day when I chat with Jessie (Jessie Cooking Moments). She told me that she just did Ang Ku Kueh (I think she is making without adding sweet potato, hop over to check her post), and I remembered she said weight the filling 13g and 17g dough. So I followed her measurement, and it turned out just good ! Anyway, it is depend on the size of the mould that you use.
Ang Ku Kueh (Red Tortoise Cake) 紅龟粿
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
*makes 40pcs, mould size 4cm x 5cm

Sweet Filling
250g split yellow mung beans/green beans
351 copy 140g sugar
3tbsp corn oil


1. Rinse mung beans several times till water run clear, soak in clean water for 2hours.
2. Drain the mung beans, place beans on a steaming tray, steam over high heat for 30mins
3. While beans still hot, place beans, sugar and oil in a food processor, process till fine.
4. Set aside to cool. Shape into 13g small ball.(latest update 17/8/16-shape into 8g per ball, for small 25g per cavity)

Sweet Potato dough or skin
300g sweet potatoes (Indonesia orange sweet potatoes), cut into small pieces
200g glutinous rice flour
1tbsp rice flour
2tbsp sugar
3tbsp corn oil
130g hot water, or adjust accordingly
Few drops of red food colouring, optional

1. Steam sweet potatoes till soft, about 15mins.
2. Use a fork, mashed cooked sweet potatoes and set aside to cool.
3. Add glutinous rice flour, rice flour, sugar, and corn oil with mashed sweet potato, slowly add in hot water to mix well till soft dough, keep aside and rest 10mins.
4. Shape into 17g small ball (for small 25g per cavity)

To shape and steam AngKu Kueh
1. Dust “Ang Ku Kueh” mould with glutinous rice flour for easy to remove the kueh OR you may also grease with corn oil (a bit difficult to remove kueh but end result is less oily on the skin)
2. Flatten the sweet potato ball (you may wet your hand if the dough is dry), place a mung bean ball, draftly shape into round ball.
3. Place the ball in the mould, lightly flatten, then knock out and place on greased banana leaf.
4. Arrange kueh on a steaming tray and steam for 5-6mins over medium low heat (updated on 17/8/16-steam over low heat) till cooked (do not steam over high heat to prevent it turned out of shape!). Once done, remove from steamer, lightly brush kueh surface with corn oil (updated on 17/8/16 -you may omit this step).


PH said...

Sonia, very cute leh! I just saw Jessie's. But myself very lazy to make even though my auntie already teach and show me how to do :)

Baking Diary said...

Wow I like your mould leh, very convenient and can make multi shapes:D So cute and pretty! I too used this sweet potato recipe for the skin too.

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

I love these mini size AKK too! easy to eat. Like the mould you have there, not sure where I can find it here :(

小雨伞 said...

Sonia.. Sonia..
may i know where did you buy the traditional angku mould..? please~ ^_^

小雨伞 said...

Sonia.. Sonia..
may i know where did you buy the traditional angku mould..? please~ ^_^

Suhaina said...

oooh..i love this ..sure will try soon. thanks for the recipe dear.

Mel said...

Hi Sonia
Your Angku kueh post come at the right time. I been wanting to make Angku kueh for my mum to taste as Angku kueh selling here is very expensive at the Asian supermarket. If I make this there will be no banana leaves to place on for steaming. Not easy to find banana leaves here. Mmm...yum...wish I can have one now to makan.

Baby Sumo said...

I thought you and Jessie purposely made together, will hop over to see her recipe now. Yours are so nicely made.:)

Qi Qi in the house said...

喜欢这组照片,也爱这angku kuih。

ann low said...

WOW! I love these mini size 'angku kuih'. Please tell me where can I get this mould?

irene myme said...

Yup yup... Your AKK's colour is so pretty, I love it.
BTW, I'm also interested in the AKK mould, can order for me???
Hard to find such mould nowadays la...Hahaha ^o^

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I loves ang ku kueh, but never make before, buy from outside...

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, I like your orange AKK, let's exchange, haha! Actually the kueh's pattern could still be seen quite clearly mah, not that blur! Next time, will try your way of making the bean filling without frying. I recalled that my bean was dry even b4 stir-fry so imagine after frying, even drier loh. I also blended them but before frying but I like your idea here to blend everything, save time.

Bakericious said...

Sonia, like your orange color AKK, very nice! wow the wooden mould so heavy, must think twice lol.

sabrina 莎莎 said...


Mich Piece of Cake said...

I love ang ku keuh and shall attempt to make them someday. These look so beautifully done.

Artsylicious said...

Sonia, I love your angku! I must get one of those cute mold next time I go back!! after seeing yours and Jessie's angku,I feel like I want to eat angku now! oh.. it's definitely contagious!

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


kimmy said...

Hi Sonia, lovely mould and angku colour. I saw this mould too but didn't get it cos' I'm looking for the one that is round in shape [olden days the angku mould is round].

Li Shuan said...

Haha...everyone wants the mould leh...don't forget I order one from ur kedai runcit already huh!

You pakat with Jessie to post AKK on the same day? This orange colour also nice la..

Tracy Low said...


Small Kucing said...

Wei how come youcan make its easy geh??????? Mine all like one pile of ahemahem

Small Kucing said...

If the mung bean I don't process but lenyek can or not so that hv more kasar texture?

Sokehah cheah said...

Are they up for sale, Sonia? Looks yummy and the size is cute!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Small Kucing, boleh kua! apa-apa awak suka buat, asalkan awak suka dan boleh makan sudah cukup, hehehe..

Crystal Loh said...

我来了,Sonia ~

是的,既然你喜欢我家Plain Colour AKK,找天也来试试吧!呵。。

Aunty Young(安迪漾) said...

现在又来你家沾沾,升级版- 红红的红龟糕的喜气,

Puan Ros @ Sinaranmenu.blogspot said...

Looks yummy..Kak Ros suka kueh ni..tapi nak membuatnya minta ampun kot!!! beli dan makan je.

Eileen, Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

I love Ang Ku Kueh with mung beans. Yours look good!

Angie's Recipes said...

Love the mould too. These kueh look spectacular!

Esther Lau said...

Wow, I can see AKK in everywhere! One day it might be in appear in my house/blog too :) Yours AKK looks fantastic!

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

美美Ang Ang的红龟糕, 自家做的馅料多多,好吃极了!

Yummy Bakes said...

I love to eat AKK.



Casey said...

好漂亮的ang ku kuih!

Chef and Sommelier said...

A-Chi ah A-Chi! What can I say?

You are so good at everything! AKK is one of my favourite kuey and I love the texture especially the skin...

Need to pay you a visit soon! :D

Unknown said...

your angku kuey so beautiful. just want to grab one from you. haha... that day i just see the stall selling the bean n i want to buy some to try your recipe.

ahteekitchen said...

Since my first failure, Im yet going for 2nd round, will be arranging my rechallenge with your recipe!! Thanks yo!! ^^

Ana Regalado said...

I haven't tried AKK before :P They look so pretty with its vibrant color ! Lovely mould as well , a bit heavy but with different designs , it's a good buy :D

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Such a beautiful shape and pattern! I've never had a chance to eat this before, but you always entertain me with all the new ingredients and techniques!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Yummy! Wish I can eat some. Good to know that I can just process the sugar and oil in the food processor instead of frying it, that's short cut for me. :)

Shu Han said...

These look so so pretty sonia! I have been away from the blogsphere for a while because it;s been utter madness at school, and now that I'm finally back (alive, phew!) it's so wonderful to hop around food blogs and see gorgeous food like this ang ku kueh (one of my favourite kuehs!). I feel almost tempted to buy the moulds just for these now!

chow and chatter said...

these look wonderful would love to try them and the shape is fun

shaz said...

wow. so pretty. Gotta try it out soon. The last time I made akk, they were a mess. Am inspired by your post to try out again. :)

My Little Space said...

I simply adore the oblong shape mould. It's not easy to find it.lol.

BB said...

Lovely result. I have tried once and I found that the skin will get harder once it is cold. Any idea to get the skin to stay soft? Thanks!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

BB, for this batch, it can stay soft till the next day, do try it out.

lena said...

i've tried your purple akk last time, very nice..i think i've probably seen this type of mould here too..

Kit @ i-lostinausten said...

Oh wow! These looks LOVELY! Love the idea of using orange color sweet potatoes than food colouring! After looking at yours & Jesssie's , now I'm tempted to make some myself. But too bad I don't have AKK mould. I came across the plastic AKK mould but not the wooden ones during my stay in KL last year. Love the wooden moulds !

小食代 said...

i had tried black glutinous one but never did try the red akk.
i had a problem because my black akk crack after steamed.

Anonymous said...

Can the angku be frozen prior to steaming? Will it crack when it is being thawed?


Unknown said...

I just made it today, looked and taste awesome. One thing I encountered is the skin is very soft before I wrap it. Is that normal? Also it's very difficult to get it out from the mould, so have to powder it everytime. Any suggestions if I don't use banana leave cos it's hard to get it abroad. Thanks

Mag said...

Hi ter
Thanks 4 sharing e recipes. Made tis today, my hubby ,in-law & I simply love it ;)

Mag said...

Hi ter
Thanks 4 sharing e recipes. Made tis today, my hubby ,in-law & I simply love it ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
Thank you for sharing this recipe.
I made it today and it turns out great.

Jennifer S

esther said...

hi there, may i know what is the difference between glutinous rice flour and rice flour? and which brand did you use?

Ade said...

What 8 the purpose of adding rice flour?

Anonymous said...

Hi, where did u get the mould?

rowena said...

Sonia, notice some recipe has mixture of glutinous rice flour & rice flour while some only use glutinous rice flour. Can advise what's the difference?

Adeline said...

Do you steam the sweet potato first then only weight the desire gram?

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