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Friday, January 24, 2014

Almond Flakes Crisp 杏仁片脆饼~~欢喜过马年

The other day when I chatting with my SIL about CNY cookies, I told her to make this easy Almond Flakes Crisp which is crunchy and additive. When she asked for a recipe, and I realized that I have few years did not make this cookie. Since I have some almond flakes left after I made the crispy almond butter cookies  ( I have to sort out good shape of almond flakes for this cookies, so left those not even shape) and some leftover egg white, so I purposely made some and refresh my mind on how to handle this almond flakes crisp.

This almond flakes crisp are easy to make as only need few ingredients, but the tricky part of this crisp is you need to control the oven temperature to get nice even browning. Example below two crisp, top was perfect browning, below was uneven browning.

You have to spread the batter neither too thin (easy to crack) nor too thick (taste slightly hard)..

Thanks to a blogger friend who sent me this lovely mini basket!

Almond Flakes Crisp 杏仁片脆饼

75g egg whites (~2 large eggs)
60g caster sugar
50g cake flour
100g Almond flakes
25g butter (melted)

1. Using a hand whisk, beat egg white and sugar till sugar dissolved and bubbly.
2. Add in flour, almond flakes and melted butter, use a spatula to gently combine well. Rest for 30mins in the fridge.
3. Spoon batter (1tsp) on a non-stick baking sheet, you may use the back of spoon to spread the batter to round thin shape (neither too thin nor too thick), or you may use your fingers to spread the batter (wet your fingers first).
4. Bake at pre-heated oven at 150C at lower rack (fan forced) for 14-16mins or until all evenly golden brown (rotate the tray for few times for even browning).
5. Store in air-tight container.

Refer to oldrecipe, by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover

I am linking this post to Bake Along event, Chinese New Year Cookies for the month of Jan 2014 organised by Lena of Frozen Wing, Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Joyce of Kitchen Flavours.


Victoria Bakes said...

Oh wow I can only say I think you perfected this... It is definitely evenly browned!

Victoria Bakes said...

Oh wow I can only say I think you perfected this... It is definitely evenly browned!

Victoria Bakes said...

Oh wow I can only say I think you perfected this... It is definitely evenly browned!

Mel said...

Oo...got to make this too as I have lots and lots of leftover egg whites! I bet this cookies sure to be very well receive!!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

This cookies is nice...

Baking Diary said...

Another great way to clear eggwhites... will try this:)

蚊子 said...

I can sure few pieces is not enough for me~ it's look great!

Small Kucing said...

alamak...wasted la my egg whites...that day made pineapple tarts have 4 egg whites but throw away coz dunno what to do with it

Gloria Fernandes said...

Thanks for sharing.. This looks yummy.. Now I know what to do with leftover egg whites

Rimli said...

Since I checked the pictures on Instagram I was waiting for the recipe. Just loved that thin texture!

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Li Shuan said...

I love this cookies very much, but too lazy to make. This year just wan to make the most easy cookies..hehe..

lena said...

i hv some leftover egg whites too maybe i will make some too , yes. very addictive!

Baby Sumo said...

Looks good, and your basket and flower is very pretty too!

Aunty Young(安迪漾) said...

The cookie and the basket is perfectly match !

Sally said...


Shu Han said...

I love almonds in pastry- love their wonderful sweet nutty flavour. Was already planning to try your almond cookies if I can get a moment, but now you have these GORGEOUS crisps. Now I'm confused. Tsk tsk. It is always so dangerous coming to your blog. And especially during cny period. Yikes!!

Shu Han said...

I love almonds in pastry- love their wonderful sweet nutty flavour. Was already planning to try your almond cookies if I can get a moment, but now you have these GORGEOUS crisps. Now I'm confused. Tsk tsk. It is always so dangerous coming to your blog. And especially during cny period. Yikes!!

Shu Han said...

I love almonds in pastry- love their wonderful sweet nutty flavour. Was already planning to try your almond cookies if I can get a moment, but now you have these GORGEOUS crisps. Now I'm confused. Tsk tsk. It is always so dangerous coming to your blog. And especially during cny period. Yikes!!

Shu Han said...

I love almonds in pastry- love their wonderful sweet nutty flavour. Was already planning to try your almond cookies if I can get a moment, but now you have these GORGEOUS crisps. Now I'm confused. Tsk tsk. It is always so dangerous coming to your blog. And especially during cny period. Yikes!!

Jozelyn Ng said...

Your almond flake crisp looks so evenly bake! Love it!

obat herbal mandul said...

Oo...got to make this too as I have lots and lots of leftover egg whites! I bet this cookies sure to be very well receive!! :)

PH said...

Hi Sonia! Lama tak jumpa hee..hee...I am slowly catching up with everybody. Love these almond flakes crisps. Will try after CNY.

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

This is one of my favorite Chinese style cookies! Once I start eating, these are really, REALLY hard to stop eating. I've been wanting to make homemade version and I'll try to squeeze in baking time for this!

Unknown said...

These almond crisps look so good! They look paper thin and so crisp.

Cecilia Yap said...

These also crisps look so good and crispy.

Lite Home Bake said...

These looked perfect, so evenly shaped and browned :)

kitchen flavours said...

Hi Sonia,
Your cookies look perfectly baked! Very golden and crunchy!

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

我也将剩余的蛋白做了这个饼干, 这也是每年不能缺少的饼干!

Bakericious said...

Sonia, this looks nice too, should bake for next CNY :D

Choi Yen said...

I love this and wish to make it myself, but the house moving recently really make me exhausted!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Love the crunch! Looks yummy too.

Zoe said...

Hi Sonia,

Your almond crisps remind me of the tulies that some us baked in our last year bake-along.

I know that you are always a perfectionist with your baking and you baked these so well.


Michelle said...

Hi! Great recipe you have! Just tried it today and my family really loves it! Of course mine is not as nice as yours. Happy cny!

Ana Regalado said...

You've baked these almond crisp perfectly , Sonia ! I would love to have some now :D

Anonymous said...

hi..thx for sharing d great recipe.. my mom love it so much..i,ll make a surprise for her soon..

Unknown said...

Hey Sonia.. Can I know what brand of butter do you use and are they salted or unsalted? Thanks :) do you normally use Buttercup for all cookies?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Mei Yian, I use Anchor salted butter for this cookie. I only use buttercup brand for melt in mouth pineapple tarts.

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