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Friday, January 17, 2014

Macaron de Nancy 南锡杏仁蛋白饼~~欢喜过马年

This is a new cookie recipe that i just tried out and I feel it is suitable for this coming CNY. When i saw this recipe in a cookbook, the special name and beautiful and unique crack effect were attracted me..It is a popular cookies at Nancy, France. Accordingly to here, The macaron de Nancy was first created at the Monastery Les Dames du Saint-Sacrement in Nancy, a Benedictine order founded by Catherine de Vaudément, Abbess de Remiremont and daughter of Charles III, Duke de Lorraine. Charles III could not eat meat, but loved sweets and chocolate. Nuns cooking in the monastery are believed to have created this simple wafer which became known as the macaron de Nancy.

This macaron de nancy recipe is easy to make if compare with macaron which don't need to achieve the "skirt". Anyway, this macarons also need to achieve the special "crack" effect.
If you asked me are they tasted sweet? Yes, they tasted sweet, but not as sweet as macaron. The sweetness is something like you eating sweet candy or ice-cream, still acceptable for me..

I noticed those darker colour has very crunchy texture, but for some cookies middle part still yellow, the texture is crunchy and chewy..So it is depend how you prefer the texture, bake longer if you prefer whole thing crunchy..Anyway, this cookie is full of almond aroma, taste like macarons actually but cookies texture !!..My daughter who love macarons gave this cookie thumbs up !!

This macaron is easy to make, but two important points that need to take note. You need to have a thermometer to measure the syrup temperature at 107C and wet towel to press on the surface of batter to create crack effect after baked. And also leave some gap in between batter, as they will expand ( i didn't make nice piping, you can see some stick together)..

Macaron de Nancy 南锡杏仁蛋白饼
*makes about 40pcs

To make almond paste
150g ground almonds
90g sifted icing sugar
1 egg white (large)
pinch of salt


  1. Combine ground almonds, sifted icing sugar and salt and slowly add in the egg whites till it becomes a dough. You can use a dough scraper to combine. You can make them one day ahead , keep them in the fridge (wrap with cling film and put inside a container).

To make Macaron de Nancy

200g homemade almond paste
60g sifted icing sugar
40g egg white
10g cake flour

20g water
60g caster sugar


  1. Mix almond paste, sifted icing sugar and egg white with a spatula or a dough scraper till mix well. Add in cake flour, combine well.
  2. Heat sugar and water in saucepan till sugar melted and reach temperature 107C. Immediately pour into almond mixture, mix till combine.
  3. Place batter into a piping bag with a plain nozzle or just a small cut. Pipe dollops of batter about 2cm onto a lined baking tray ( after baked, it will expand to 3-4cm, thus leave 2cm gap in between).
  4. Wet a kitchen towel and squeeze out as much as water possible, then gently press on top of batter, this way it will create the special crack effect.
  5. Bake at pre-heated oven at 160C for about 30mins or until light brown.
  6. Cool it down on a wire rack. Store in an air-tight container.
Homemade almond paste adapted from Lena Frozen Wings, recipe adapted from a cookbook named Popular Cakes

I am linking this post to Bake Along event, Chinese New Year Cookies for the month of Jan 2014 organised by Lena of Frozen Wing, Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Joyce of Kitchen Flavours.


Somewhere in Singapore said...

I no plan to make any CNY cookies, didn't buy any ingredients..

Victoria Bakes said...

very artistically cracked macarons... they are a beauty to the dining table

Mel said...

The crack lines makes this cookies special and unique in its way. Such golden brown in colour, and nicely baked too.

mis chucherias said...

I love your macarons, crochet basket where you put it, the decor's nice!
hugs from Spain 😉

Baby Sumo said...

I got no luck making macaron, but maybe can try this. Hehe thx for sharing! I like your teak spoon and fork, very nice.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


MunatyCooking said...

Looks so tempting and yum!

Li Shuan said...

Thanks for introducing another unique cookie. Looks good with the crack lines. :)

ann low said...

Those cookies with crack lines look pretty indeed. Thanks for sharing :)

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

可以想象这个饼干是多么的酥脆, 谢谢你的分享!

Artsylicious said...

Sonia, thanks for sharing this special cookies!

Little Corner of Mine said...

It does look crunchy and delicious!

Nadji said...

Des macarons qu'on a envie de déguster. Ils sont beaux et réussis.
Bravo Sonia.
A bientôt.

lena said...

this sounds like an interesting macaron, nvr come across this. Thanks for the almond paste link back and sonia, you can also link this this to our bake along event:)

Jozelyn Ng said...

This is something new to me, will definitely try out one day :)

Baking Diary said...

Very interesting macaron, something new to me too! Looks really elegant!

Esther Lau said...

I always like to see the crack lines on top of cookies, lovely!!!! This is also good to clear all the left over egg whites :))

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , the name macaron de Nancy sounds wonderful :D I love the cracks and looks easier than making the traditional macs !

Zoe said...

Hi Sonia,

I think I have baked the chocolate version of these before... Can't remember... hee hee.

Yours look very light and puffy... with a little chewiness??? Nice!


kitchen flavours said...

Such lovely cookies! This is something new to me. My daughter loves macarons, so she would love these!

Mae said...

How long can this keep ? Planning for cny bake :) wonder how long ahead I can prepare.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Mae Cheah, sorry, not too sure how long it have been kept..

Mae said...

It's in the oven what can I do with balance almond paste? Omg I can make only a trAy... Guess it'll be home consumption not for giveaway..

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