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Friday, May 30, 2014

Easy Portuguese egg tarts 简易葡式蛋塔

I have to clear the store-bought puff pastry and dairy whipping cream before they expired. So I try made these easy version of Portuguese tarts instead of the earlier version. Using store-bought puff pastry to make the case, it was a breeze and so quick can enjoy this yummy Portuguese egg tarts at home.

See these simple steps!

make sure the dough is seam side up!
The egg custard was so good, sweetness just right, and love the caramel and burnt on top!

The outer case was crispy but inside was slightly wet ( I guess due to wet egg custard has penetrate the pastry)

After this post, we are going to visit this place which famous for their Portuguese egg tarts ^_^. See you all in one week time.
** updated on 6th June 2014- After I tried the real Portuguese egg tarts at Macau that has thin and crispy crust. I realized that I have to reduce the pastry amount per tart in below recipe. Next time, I will try to divide maybe to 9pcs per pastry sheet.

Easy Portuguese egg tarts 简易葡式蛋塔
*makes 6 egg tarts

50g egg yolks (about 3 eggs)
25g sugar
60g full cream milk
100g dairy whipping cream
1/4tsp vanilla essence ( I replaced with Cointreau)
1 sheet store-bought puff pastry 10”x10”, thawed (I used Pampas brand) 


  1. Mix all ingredients together, stir to mix well. Strain the mixture.
  2. Roll up puff pastry like a swiss roll, equally divide into 6 pcs.
  3. Place the pastry on the prepared muffin pan, seam side up, slow press the pastry to fill the whole cavity.
  4. Pour egg mixture into pastry case (about 90% full).
  5. Bake in a pre-heated oven 180C for 30mins, then increase to 190C ( top heat only) for 5-8mins until caramelized.
Recipe adapted from stepwongkitchen

This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs Up organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen from My little favourite DIY, hosted by Tze of Awayofmind Bakery House.



Victoria Bakes said...

I can so tell the custard is amazing! I wanna crunch this as well

Mel said...

What an easy yummy snack. You baked yours so nicely done.

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

wow! i want a piece of the tart, love the yummy custard filling!

ice pandora said...

Looks really good and easy c:

Cat Chee said...


Somewhere in Singapore said...

Enjoy your trip...

Esther Lau said...

Yummy tarts!!! Enjoy your holiday! :)

Alice said...

word "easy" always intrigues me, Sonia
thks for sharing and enjoy your holiday :)

Joceline Lor said...


I'M JJ said...


Cass @ 揾到食 said...


Catherine said...

Lovely for breakfast or light lunch. Blessings, Catherine

Little Corner of Mine said...

Looks great and have fun!

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Good morning Sonia! I have learned something new today by just looking at the photos as to how you rolled up the pastry, cut into small pieces, then dropped & pressed on the pan. I also like your Portugese tarts with some burnt tops there, otherwise won't look like Portugese tarts hoh?

PH said...

Wow, It looks good! I am going to buy frozen puff pastry to try :)

Kimmy said...

Hi Sonia, this is my favourite. Used to make my own flaky pastry. Now with store-bought puff pastry, it's much easier. Like Phong Hong, I must go get the pastry to make these.

Jozelyn Ng said...

I love Portuguese egg tart, this "simple" version really looks easy for me. Thanks for sharing! Happy holiday!

CQUEK said...

This looks so yummy.

Cecilia Yap said...

Yummy tarts..enjoy your holidays too...

Li Shuan said...

Sorry...I'm late ...busy with visitors lately.
Your egg tarts look superb. Thanks for sharing this easy method. R u going to Macao ?

Baking Diary said...

Yummm! How did you manage to fill it up so high and not stick to the mould?

Angie's Recipes said...

Miss egg tarts! I must bake some soon too.

Amy Cheong, Desirablerecipes said...

Your egg tarts so nicely baked and remind me of those egg tarts from Macau.

Elaine said...

Good afternoon Ms Sonia,
Can have egg tarts anytime now with this simple method.
Happy Zhong Festival and have a pleasant holiday.

Fion said...

This is my all time favorite tart,wish to have one too..

Sokehah cheah said...

Yes, much more easy with store bought pastry. Enjoy your holidays!

G in da bottle said...

Hi, love the egg tarts!! May i know where can i buy the Pampas brand puff pastry in Penang?

Baby Sumo said...

My husband like to use puff pastry a lot ah.... gonna show this to him. Hope he will make it for me!

Sissi said...

These are perfect Portuguese tartlets! I was once given a mini tart like this in a Portuguese shop here and really loved it.

Mai Has said...

my fave!thank you for the recipe so that i dont have to buy anymore.teehee...

Gloria Fernandes said...

loved these potuguese tarts...they really look tempting..

Bakericious said...

Sonia, your tarts totally look like store bought.

xamthone plus said...

emmmm yummyyyy
this is very good (y)

Rachel said...


I am wondering how long can you keep the portugese tart for after making them as I plan to bring to work in the morning?

Crazy HoneyDew said...

I had bake many rounds n received praises. Thks Sonia

Ana Regalado said...

Those tarts look really good , Sonia ! Have you tried the ones at KFC ?! I think it tastes nearly the same as the ones in Macau :D

SS said...

May I know u used which pampas brand puff pastry ? Butter , shortcrust or normal etc? Many thanks

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

SS, I guess it is normal puff pastry, there is no mentioned of what type of puff pastry in the packaging.

pENguiN~ said...

Hi, can i replace the whipping cream with something else? like greek yogurt?

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