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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Arc de Triomphe, Champs-Élysées, Laduree, Galaries Lafayette ,Pierre Herme, Paris 2014 巴黎自由行

Lets continue with the Paris and London trip update. Actually I still have many outstanding trips yet to post, Hanoi, Kelantan, Taiping, Tokyo & Hokkaido and Cameron Highlands, not sure I can finish update or not..
This is Arc de Triomphe, we just have a short visit only.

Champs-Élysées- a street with luxury branded shops, restaurants, café &etc

Stopped by here for a quick lunch..nothing to shout out..

continue our walk

Paul, a famous bakery shop

my daughter happily took a photo in front of Laduree shop. Her dream now comes true..

Long Q...surprised that my daughter said don't want to wait and she suggested go to PH macaron instead. Actually we already had both Laduree and PH macaron during Tokyo trip. She actually not that excited now..


Galaries Lafayette, just nearby the hotel we stayed. A nice shopping place!
Luxury deco..

We had a nice dinner at this restaurant just nearby our hotel

Le Grand Café Capucines
4, Boulevard Des Capucines,
75009 Paris
Tel: 01 43 12 19 00

We had this very nice Canard à l'orange ( Duck breast in Orange sauce) , you can check my recipe here.

Pierre Herme shop

Giant size of Ispahan, Euro 60 for each, anyone? definitely not for me  (My daughter told me she saw the price was Euro 17, i am sure which price is correct )

A small garden opposite the PH's shop

I guess many peoples enjoyed PH macaroons here, see so many PH's stickers on the bench, hehehe..

PH's Isaphan, a heavenly macaron, even I am not a sweet person, but this is the most yummy sweet  that I have ever had !!! I wish I can have this Isaphan on my own! I just curious how they make the small dot water on the rose petal, amazing!

PH's macarons has many difference creation of flavours, so creative!


Ana Regalado said...

Yeah , let me wipe the keyboard first lol Both the architecture and the food made me sigh and yearn hee hee !

Unknown said...

PH's Isaphan, a heavenly macaron~~~絕對正確,我愛瘋了!那種酸甜玫瑰香的甜點,終極浪漫,好滋味啊!~

Anonymous said...

Hi, the pictures are not Notre dame, but Arc De Triomphe.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Hi anonymous, Thanks for pointed out the error, don't know why, my mind think and hand writing out were difference thing,hehehe. I have corrected.

Victoria Bakes said...

Couldn't take my eyes off the food and your beautiful daughter... U r such a lucky mom

Baking Diary said...

Lovely photos, especially those on food:D oh the Arc de triomphe looks beautiful!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Thanks for sharing...

Sissi said...

Sonia, your daughter has made such a wise choice :-) Whenever I go to Paris Pierre Hermé's shop is the most important on my schedule. He does the best macarons in the world! I think Ladurée is much too sweet (I have several Ladurée shops here in my Swiss city, but I don't even look at them since I discovered Pierre Hermé.... his macarons are much much less sweet and much more sophisticated; in the winter he makes for example a white truffle one! So powerful in fragrance, they sell it in separate box or bag). I see you have had a wonderful time in Paris.

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Li Shuan said that Laduree Paris is so much better than our Sydney branch, so if, only if I have duit pergi, I think I will try there, hehehe. By the way, the PH's cakes look so beautiful, would have problem to choose for one! Eh, by the way, you can try making the one that you bought, I'm weak when I see raspberries, something that I must try!

My Little Space said...

Those pastry & desserts are darn good ! Wish I can have some too. lol
Have a great week ahead.
Blessings, Kristy

Choi Yen said...

Ang mo also queue for Laduree? I thought only Asians do that :P

Cooking Kaki said...

Hi Sonia, thanks for all your lovely posts. I like to know what's the name of the restaurant nearby your hotel where you had your dinner? (Duck breast in orange sauce)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

S Ong, after I dig out the bill, I have updated the restaurant name and address in this post, check it out.

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