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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Chocolate Marble Chiffon Cake 大理石巧克力戚风蛋糕

I have so long didn't bake this chocolate marble chiffon cake. This cake reminds me of the first chiffon cake I made, it was a failed chiffon cake with layers of tummy ^_^.

It was not a good idea to make 2 marble chiffon cake at the same time. I have to divide and calculate the equal proportion of batter, and so many mixing bowls have to wash..Anyway, I baked an extra cake that going to giveaway to my SIL. Hope she will like this cake.

Chocolate Marble Chiffon Cake 大理石巧克力戚风蛋糕
*makes 2 x 6” cake 

5 egg yolks (large)
20g caster sugar
50g corn oil
70g milk
90g self-raising flour 

For chocolate-10g cocoa powder + 1/2tbsp milk
For vanilla – 10g self-raising flour + 1/2tsp vanilla extract 

5 egg white (large)
70g caster sugar
1tsp lemon juices 


1.     Whisk egg yolks with sugar till light.
2.     Add in corn oil, mix well. Then add in milk, combine well.
3.     Add in flour, stir to mix well.
4.     Divide batter into two equal portions. One portion to add with cocoa powder and milk, stir to mix well. Another portion too add with flour and vanilla extract, stir to mix well.
5.     Add lemon juices into egg white, beat till foamy. Gradually add in sugar, beat till soft peak formed.
6.     Equal divide meringue into two portions. Gently fold in one portion of meringue with cocoa batter, mix well. Then gently fold in another portion of meringue with vanilla batter, mix well.
7.     Alternate the two batters into the chiffon pan until all batter is used up. To swirl the batter with a spatula or chopstick to create marble effect.
8.     Bake at 150C (fan forced ) for 35mins (if you only bake one 8” chiffon pan, then bake at 170C for 45mins). Once done, remove from oven and immediately invert the cake pan, cool completely before removing from the pan. Store in room temperature. 

               Recipe by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover


ice pandora said...

I bet your friend will love this cake!
It looks really delicious and fluffy c:

Catherine said...

Looks delicious with a nice cup of tea. Catherine

Mel said...

I'm sure your SIL would love this cake...I would too as it looks such a lovely gift.

Veronica said...

Beautiful chiffon. I am sure your SIL is very happy to receive this delightful gift.

mis chucherias said...

Yummmmmy looks delicious I'd like a portion right now
Hugs ;-)

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Your SIL must b happy to receive the chiffon cake

Victoria Bakes said...

very distinctive marbling effect... lovely

Fion said...

Lovely marble chiffon,and it's very tall..I like tall chiffon de..hehehe

Karen said...


Karen Luvswesavory said...

Thanks for sharing, Sonia. Very nice marble chiffon cake ^-^!

Anonymous said...

Very nice marble choc chiffon, looks yummy too. Thanks for sharing.

Elaine said...

Good afternoon Ms Sonia,
I like your phrase "layers of tummy" hahaha. I am sure your SIL will be glad to receive. Have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said...


Copycake kitchen said...

Lovely chiffon cake and I love the way you packed it, sui!

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...


Anonymous said...

hi sonia

if i use 2 6inches chiffon mould i should bake at what temperature and for how long? thanks


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Sue, this recipe is meant for 2x6" cake , check it out the temperature in this recipe.

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , the 6-inch chiffon cake makes a pretty gift ! Gonna check out er , again , some shops and compare prices of the 6-inch pan :D

Baking Diary said...

I can bake in a 24cm pan and save some washing up :D Looks good! Would love to try it soon!

Baking Taitai said...

Lovely marble chiffon cake, lucky sil to receive such a nice cake from you!

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia, tks for the lovely packed delicious chiffon cake! I love it very much, so are the girls! It' was still very soft and yummy even until the next day. Than you! Annie

PH said...

Sonia, you are now expert on chiffon and other cakes!

daphne said...

Lucky friend to receive this! It looks light and fluffy.

婉婉午茶 said...

Sonia,yrs chiffon cake looks so yummy! sure yr SIL will love it! Thks for sharing^^

mui mui said...

Love the marbling effect. Thanks for sharing, Chi.

Angie's Recipes said...

So light and airy and it definitely makes a great gift.

Anonymous said...

Is there a reason why it must be bake on fan forced mode and not conventional mode?
thanks .

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

anonymous, because I baked two cakes at the same time, you can just use convetional mode, no problem.

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