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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Carrot cake

I made this carrot cake specially for myself, a cake that I like but not my kids...

Carrot cake

I use the organic carrots which bought back by Lucas from his recent school day trip to a organic farm. The price of this carrot is three times more expensive than the normal carrot.

carrot cake

This recipe was adapted from both Jane's corner and My year on grill, butI I changed a bit as I did not prepare frosting and I don't have some of the ingredients in the original recipes.

carrot cake

Carrot Cake
*makes 1 loaf tin 21.5cm x 11.5cm

150g carrot, grated
125g plain flour
50g walnut, roasted and chopped
1tsp baking powder
1/2tsp baking soda
1/4tsp ground cinnamon
2 eggs
75g brown sugar
30g white sugar
A pinch of salt
1tbsp yogurt
120ml canola oil
1tbsp lemon juice
1tbsp grated lemon zest
100g canned pineapple cubes

1.Preheat oven to 180C.
2.Toast walnuts for 5 minutes until lightly browned and fragrant. Set aside.
3.Sift together flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and ground cinnamon.
4.Beat the eggs until frothy. Add in the brown sugar follow by the white sugar and beat until the batter is thick and light in colored.
5.Add in the yogurt and continuing beat until well combined.
6.Slowly add in oil and then beat in the lemon juice.
7.Add the flour mixture and beat just until incorporated.
8.Use spatula to fold in the grated carrots, walnuts, pineapple cubes and lemon zest.
9.Pour the batter into a greased and lined loaf tin and bake for 60 minutes.
10.Remove from oven and let it cool on a wire rack. Decorate it by sprinkle some icing sugar on top.

carrot cake

Happy Baking !!


HK Choo said...

That's a hearty loaf of carrot cake with a lot of "liao" :P

Padhu Sankar said...

Looks so colorful and lovely!!

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


WendyinKK said...

Ei.... why all the liao in the middle geh?
Special effect? Looks very special to me. :)
It's been long long time since I baked carrot cake, been itching to do it these few days cos I have some cream cheese(1/2 block), but I've got other bakes lined up... sigh, need to wait.

Cheah said...

Your carrot cake looks so tempting and love the click!

busygran said...

Nice and tasty carrot cake!
Love carrot cake with all sorts of fruit. I will add apple or even honeydew!

kitchen queen said...

the carrot cake looks very tempting and delicious.

fuat gencal said...

Çok leziz ve çok güzel görünüyor. Ellerinize, emeğinize sağlık.


ReeseKitchen said...

Hey, this look very different from the normal carrot cake leh,...there are pineapples in it!! It must be delicious and very tropical style..:)

pigpigscorner said...

Wow, this cake is loaded!

Barbara said...

Good work! It's really a lovely moist looking cake too. Love all those carrots hanging out in the photo! Lemon and pineapple are super additions.

ann low said...

Oh..this is my favorite! Mind to share with me?

Bakericious said...

Sonia, I wanna bake carrot cake too but still no chance of doing cos need cream cheese frosting which I wanna wait for special occasion. I am too lazy to frost a cake for none occasion. The cake taste as good without frosting? Sorry if ask stupid question but suaku (mountain tortoise) me never eat carrot cake b4 :p.

tigerfish said...

In the US, they recommended that carrots should be preferably organic.

Yeah, I thought the carrot cake looks different too.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Mmmm...healthful take on the usual carrot cake recipe, nice! With the chunky walnuts, pineapple & carrots, the cake must be flavorful and full of texture! Yeah,definitely an adult version of cake. :)

Hearty Bakes said...

Looks full-flavored with so much liao and pineapple chunkies. I like!

Mo said...

This looks delicious and oh-so-moist! Your kids don't like carrot cake? They're missing out. :O

Jeannie said...

My kids also do not like this cake...if I make it, I have to share with my neighbour or office colleagues.

Anonymous said...

I dun really like carrot that much, but ur carrot cake really is something.. it looks so nice that i would like to try it too even im not a carrot lover =]

Meldylocks and Her Three Bears said...

I'm always confused about carrot cakes...I've always thought carrot cakes have none or very minimal carrot inside...
That's because all the carrot cakes I've tasted has no carrot taste at all--let alone to have those grated carrots to be seen. Would like to taste yours... :)

Little Corner of Mine said...

This carrot is interesting, can actually see the carrot and pineapple in the cake.

Pam said...

Love your cake! It looks delicious and so moist. I have to try this as it's my favorite cake. Good job! I've never added walnuts to it but will from now on.

Namitha said...

Such a lovely cake...this is how I like my carrot cake to be :-)

My Little Space said...

Such a lovely bake! The cake looks really moist. My kids wouldn't eat or touch on this if without the creamcheese frosting on. haha... In fact, ME too! haha.... Have a great weekend, Sonia.

苏联妈妈 said...

wow~~a cake with full of ingredients...nice

Lisa Ho said...

Lovely yummy cake

Cook with Madin said...

Your carrot cake looks scrumptious. I haven't had it with pineapple. I must try make this. Thank you for sharing.

3 hungry tummies said...

Carrot cake is the only cake I know how to bake but mine looked nothing like yours!

vialentino said...

really delicious ...

i love the picture of the carrots with different sizes ....

Anonymous said...

It's been a while since I last baked a carrot cake, using organic carrot is a good idea.

Shandy said...

I can not believe how expensive organic is either. I know we feel better knowing we are cooking and baking healthier but sometimes people just can not afford the prices.

I love your carrot cake, packed full of wonderful flavors. Just beautiful! =)

Love2cook Malaysia said...

Very very tempting Carrot cake Sonia! I wish to have some now...arghhhh..can't reach it!

Well, I'm cooking NL today...hehehe! :D

Spoon and Chopsticks said...

That looks nice and moist. Looks delicious.

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

i loveeee carrot cake..no cream cheese coating?

Rachana said...

Such a lovely carrot cake. Yumm!

daphne said...

ooo.. I love how u didnt use any butter at all! But yogurt!!! And I like the addition of pineapples too! Good choice of recipe!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

dear all, Thank you for stopping by and leave with your nice words, apprecaite much!

Simplyfood said...

Lovely and moist and simply delicious.


I was wonder whether there's any other substitute which I can used rather than Pineapple cubes? Its looks really 'heavy' in the picture and I afraid I may have problem of slicing the cake........Please respond. Thanks.

Zoe Lim said...

Hi Sonia, this cake just looks so tempting and healthy!!! Hahaha yes we often bake for others and forget about ourselves ad i love how you say "this one i bake for myself" :D I want to use up my extra virgin olive oil which is nearing expiry date so was wondering if it is suitable for
this carrot cake?? will appreciate your advice. TIA

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Zoe, extra Virgin olive oil is not meant for heating , so I don't advise to use it

Zoe said...

Thanks Sonia for your reply!

annie said...

Hi Sonia, have baked the carrot cake using your recipe. It was soft and moist but why my walnuts turn black? I toasted it before chopping. It's still edible, no burnt smell though :(

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

annie, if this is the case, then you reduce toasting time.

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