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Monday, October 4, 2010

“ Tang Mian” Strawberry Chiffon 烫面戚风

Finally I manage to make this very spongy, moist and soft chiffon using a very popular and new method circulated among Chinese bloggers, this new method called “Tang Mian, direct translation from Chinese烫面) , where flour and egg yolk to add into warm liquid ( vegetable oil or butter).

“ Tang Mian” Strawberry Chiffon

“ Tang Mian” Strawberry Chiffon

There are too many bloggers tried this new method, but I can only recall few: bloggers-
Jane’s corner, Rachel and ahmok.

“ Tang Mian” Strawberry Chiffon

I made this chiffon with fresh strawberry since I have not made this flavor since the last one here.

“ Tang Mian” Strawberry Chiffon
*makes a 20cm chiffon

5 eggs yolk (medium size)
25g sugar
50g butter
80g strawberry puree (60g strawberry puree + 2tbsp yogurt)
100g self-raising flour

5 eggs white
70g sugar
1tbsp corn flour
A drop of red food colouring, optional
some strawberry chunks

1. Whisk eggs yolk and 25g sugar till pale in colour.
2. Heap up butter till melted, add in egg yolk mixture and strawberry puree, mix well and turn off the heat
3. Sift in the flour and whisk till well combined.
4. Beat eggs white till foamy. Slowly add in 70g sugar and continue beating until soft peak.
5. Add in corn flour and food colouring, continue beat for few seconds and mix well.
6. Take 1/3 portion of egg white mixture and use hand whisk to mix with egg yolk mixture till combine.
7. Slowly fold the balance of egg white mixture into egg yolk mixture, combine well.
8. Add in strawberry chunks, mix well. Pour batter into a chiffon pan.
9. Bake at preheated oven at 160c for 45-50 minutes. Upside down the pan and wait till completely cool, then unmould it.

“ Tang Mian” Strawberry Chiffon

Happy Baking !!


Honey Bee Sweets said...

Sonia, I made strawberry chiffon too last week! Too used the same technique, will post it up soon. :) however I did not add strawberry chunks in because I worry it might have some holes in the cake. But yours looked pretty good!

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Bakericious said...

Sonia, your chiffon looks very soft and fluffy, love the strawberry chunks in the cake, yummy!

WendyinKK said...

At first I thought u made chiffon cake using wheat starch, until you explained it was hot liquid. Hahaha. I can't really read Chinese well.
I love anything strawberries.

Anonymous said...

I've never baked a strawberry chiffon cake before, I like yours, espeically the strawberry chunks ^_^

Diane said...

If this tastes as good as it looks then it will be delicious. Diane

Cheah said...

Looks nice and soft! Great job Sonia!

MaryMoh said...

Looks very moist and delicious. Chiffon cakes are one of my top favourite cakes. A friend gave me 2 big ones over the weekend when I invited her for dinner...what joy! My children were so happy. One was the orange flavour while the other one was the pandan flavour. I need to get a chiffon cake tin as soon as possible to try making t.

Rachana said...

The cake looks so soft, moist and yumm.

Anonymous said...

It's so nice~ this is wad i call perfectly baked :)

ICook4Fun said...

I am looking foward to try out this style of making chiffon cake too. They look really soft.

Love2cook Malaysia said...

WOW, looks really soft...wish I could be your neighbour! hehehe ;d

温馨小屋 said...


Pam said...

Your cake looks great! Love the flavor and color of it.

Rachel Hei said...

This is lovely.. i love the softness and the moisture of this method..^^

Jo said...

Hmm "tang mien" definitely another new method for me to try out especially if the chiffon cake turns out like yours.

busygran said...

Love the soft moist chiffon!

ann low said...

Sonia, I must bookmark this lovely chiffon cake because I never tried to make 烫面 before.

Jeannie said...

Unique method of making this delicious looking cake!:)

Little Corner of Mine said...

So, does it tastes any difference?


It looks spongy and deliciously flavoured!

Coraine said...

Whoah..the way you describe.. " very spongy, moist and soft chiffon " Makes me wanna try it!!

Coraine @ life is like a long journey

pigpigscorner said...

wow, love the texture! Looks so good with the holes of strawberries!

chow and chatter said...

wow love the texture as well beautiful cake have fun with your madeleine pans

Simplyfood said...

wow looks amazing and beautiful clicks.

Reeni said...

Your strawberry chiffon is beautiful! So light and fluffy! And very pretty.

Kitchen Corner said...

Strawberry chiffon! Looks lovely and yummy! Very good job!

苏联妈妈 said...

Yes this chiffon cake taste really yummy~~I love it

PynnLee said...

这个我要 ^^

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Sonia, the textue of ur chiffon cake is very nice and fine. I love the pink colour and strawberry chunks in ur cake.

3 hungry tummies said...

Such a beautiful looking cake!

Pete said...

Heard about this method but haven't tried it.

Small Small Baker said...

Very lovely pink chiffon cake!

Angie's Recipes said...

I like this one too...have been using this method to make chiffon, very spongy and soft.

ahmok33 said...

actually i dont like to eat strawberry,but i like all strawberry cake,coz the combination of strawberry and cake (sweet) will make the strawberry not taste so sour.

ur strawberry chiffon looks very soft and fluffy,yummy!!

My Little Space said...

Sonia, the cake looks beautifully done! FedEX the whole cake over huh! haha... Yes, I am very greedy. haha... Enjoy your day.

Pushpa said...

Delicious strawberry cake..looks so moist and soft.

tigerfish said...

There is Tang Zong, now Tang Mian! WOw.

Beachlover's Kitchen said...

I must try this method too!! I dunno why I bought 3 angel cake pans but hardly bake any chiffon cake..Thanks for sharing♥

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Dear all, Thanks for stopping by.

hanushi said...

Hi Sonia,

When do you combine the egg yolk batter and the egg whites batter? Did not see in the steps above. :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

hanushi, so sorry, there are two lines left out, thought i was in rush when preparing this recipe, i just revise this recipe, please check out. Happy trying!

hanushi said...

Thanks sonia for the updates!!! :) Will certainly try this out!!!

Colin Woon said...

"Very spongy, moist and soft chiffon" + beautifu photos are enough to make me drool! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

For the egg yolks, how long do you mix the yolks? Do you use electric hand mixer, and do you need to mix till ribbon stage, that is till very light and creamy?

And do you beat the egg whites till soft peak, or stiff peak? Thank you.


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

New Baker, I can't remember how long i beat, i think less than 5mins, I use electric hand mixer and beat till slightly light and creamy. About egg white, you need to beat till soft peak wil do. Hope this help.

Anonymous said...

if do not want to add corn flour , substitute with what?

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