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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Chocolate Swiss roll with blueberries filling

Chocolate Swiss roll

I made swiss roll not more than 3 times but all were failed. When i know Aspiring Bakers #9 calling us to challenge making Swiss roll, i quickly search for a 100% success recipe, and i got to know the best recipe is from 孟老师 “美味蛋糕卷”.

Chocolate Swiss roll

I don't own this book but I saw in 茄子's blog. Eventhough i have little hiccup as I overbeated the meringue and was hard to fold with egg yolk mixture. But the Swiss roll came out still perfect, easy to roll and no crack.

Chocolate Swiss roll with blueberries filling
(recipe souce : basic sponge adapted from 孟老师 “美味蛋糕卷”)
* make a 11" x 14" (28cm x 36cm) Swiss roll

26g unsalted butter, melted
84g egg yolk
26g caster sugar
Chocolate Swiss roll3tsp cocoa powder
126g egg white
63g caster sugar
47g cake flour

Blueberries filling
Non-dairy whipped cream

1. Whisk egg yolks and sugar over a pot of hot water till thicken and pale in color.
2. Add cocoa powder into egg yolk mixture, stir well and set aside.
3. In another clean bowl, beat egg whites on high speed until foamy, gradually add in sugar and beat till glossy and soft peaks form.
4. Take one-third of egg whites mixture to mix with the egg yolk mixture using a hand whisk. Then fold in the remaining egg white using a spatula until well combined.
5. Gently fold the sifted flour (in 3 batches) into the batter.  Add in melted butter and gently combine well.
6. Pour the batter into baking tray lined with baking paper. Spread evenly with a scraper. Gently knock the tray on tabletop to remove air bubbles trapped in the batter.
7. Bake in preheated oven at 180C for around 13mins.
8. When cake is done, remove from pan and place on a wire rack and put in a big plastic bag to cool.
9. To assemble Swiss roll, turned cooled sponge onto a clean work surface. Peel off parchment paper, spread evenly layer of whipping cream over top of sponge. Follow by spread a layer of blueberries filling.
10. Gently roll up the sponge to make a Swiss roll. Wrap with cling wrap and chill in the fridge to allow the Swiss roll to set. Slice to serve.

Chocolate Swiss roll

I just done another Swiss roll recipe from Keiko ishida's Okashi book just now, look like i have another success Swiss roll, hehehe, will share recipe soon.

Happy Baking !!


Radhika said...

Perfect. My friend used to make it mastering it after so many failed attempts too. I never have the patience though. Awesome.

Event: Let's Cook - School Break Time Snacks

ahteekitchen said...

Ur roll manyak cantik la!
Love the thin roll with thick filling

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Yummy Bakes said...

Sonia, your swiss roll is so perfectly done. At least you dare to try, I havent done swiss roll for a long time!

sean said...



Joyti said...

I admire your perseverance...I tried a swiss roll just once, failed...and never tried it again. Yours looks great - perfect sponge texture, and blueberry filling sounds so good!

Madhura Manoj said...

Looks spongy & perfectly done.Love it.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I tried it long time ago, but not success, after that never try liao...

Mel said...

I have bought this cookbook (though I am illiterate of Chinese). This cookbook comes with two CDs, and after viewing the CDs only you know that it should be "oh do like this, oh do like that". Maybe I should copy the CDs and send it to you Sonia.

Diane said...

I love Swiss rolls and this sounds a really good recipe Yum yum. Diane

Little Inbox said...

I don't have any experience in making Swiss roll. If I can make one like this, yippy! I'll be glad!

ai wei said...

can't wait for your swiss roll from okashi recipe book!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Oh yum! Chocolate Swiss roll with blueberry! Looking at your Swiss roll is tempting me! Better start baking and rolling soon! 

daphne said...

Sonia, who wants to buy store bought after looking at your perfect swiss roll! The best part is that you can add as many blueberries as you like!

bernice's kitchen said...

nice roll!
and i also made durian swiss roll today, let's exchange. haha~~

Deliah's Deli said...

100% perfect roll! n the filling..awesome!! :)

ICook4Fun said...

I am not good at making swiss roll but with this month aspiring baker theme, I am going to challenge myself to make a few of it :)

茄子 said...


Unknown said...

Nice roll!. Yummy with fresh fruits filling.

Min said...

Well done, Sonia! I like this recipe too. I want to make swiss roll this weekend, hope I can get a nice one like yours.

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Good try and a nice one :)-

Happy Flour said...

Great try! Practice a few more times and you will get hold of the tactic. By then you will love to make swiss roll. Happy baking. :)

lena said...

it's been so long since i made my last swiss roll, time for me to check out some swiss rolls recipes too!

Pete said...

This one is my eldest son's favourite. He can eat a whole roll....lol!

ann low said...

I think I better start to roll within these few days still don't know what filling to add... blueberry is a good choice too :)

My Little Space said...

Ooo... this is just so irresistible! I love the whole combination especially the blueberry filling. How I wish I live nearer! haha...

divya said...

looks delicious and tempting.. Inviting picture dear.. thanks for sharing :)

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Beaaaaaaaaautiful! I know I won't even have a courage to try this but heard it's not easy to roll them. You made a beautiful roll though! Looks super delicious! Japanese people are crazy about swiss rolls (we call roll cake).

Dmarie said...

ooh, my, this definitely looks delish!!

aipi said...

WOW wow n wow ~ So neat n perfect roll! This is my childhood fav n your pics are tempting me a lot :))
US Masala is hosting a giveaway. Do check it out here

US Masala

Christine's Pantry said...

Looks good! Mouthwatering! Yum!

Swee San @ TheSweetSpot said...

Hey dear, saw your comment on QP's blog. I made Rhubarb crumble before its very yummy, my brother loves it. maybe you can try it out too with the rhubarb,. hehe http://thesweetspot.com.my/?p=2575

Small Small Baker said...

Nicely rolled! I'm really bad at swiss rolls. Time for a challenge! :)

Amelia said...

Very nice and perfect roll.

苏联妈妈 said...

blueberry...hmmmm...i am lovin it~~heheheeee

Anonymous said...

孟老师的食谱很可靠,我也很喜欢 ^_^

Deepthi KR said...

looks very delicious!!!!
I'm feeling hungry looking at it!!!!!

Jo said...

Chocolate and blueberries go so well together. This looks like a really delicious soft swiss roll. Congrats on a successful bake this time round.

Zoe said...

Blueberry and chocolate are a great combination. I like them in the form of Swiss roll. Yum!

Jeannie said...

Swiss rolls are the only cakes I made that my boys will eat with gusto! But I am too lazy to make this often lol! This one looks good!

kitchen flavours said...

Your swiss roll looks wonderful! I'll be making one real soon. Hope it turns out as good as yours!

chow and chatter said...

awesome swiss roll I recently made my first too

Bo said...

I've never tried making a Swiss roll...I have always wanted to...yours looks perfect!

Unknown said...

i never make swiss roll,
but always saw in blogger post...
i think its a time for me to try it soon?
but need to go to buy a recipe book for swiss roll first!

Pushpa said...

Superb and perfect rolls.

Anonymous said...

i love love swiss rolls! i never seem to break them! yours look so nice and delicious!

i remember how i failed in chiffon cake many so many times...i became obsessed to get it right. after that i never made one again lol

Biren @ Roti n Rice said...

Yours came out beautifully! I have never made Swiss roll. Will have to get cracking soon to join Aspiring Bakers :)

melonpan said...

what wonderful pictures! wow it looks soooooooo good and tasty now im hungry^^

Two fit and fun gals said...

this looks so good- perfect!

teo ai li said...

Hi Sonia, can I use whipping cream for the filling? How much whipping cream do I need and do I have to add in sugar during whipping? Thanks!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Teo ai li, yes you can use whipping cream. If you use non dairy cream, don't need to add sugar. Maybe you can start with 100g first.

teo ai li said...

Hi Sonia, thanks for your reply. Do you think it is ok to spread chocolate ganache all over the cake and the filling is whipped cream with blueberry pie filling? I intend to make this into a chocolate Christmas log cake. Thanks!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

teo ai li, yes, this is ok.

http://dapurresepnusantara.blogspot.com/ said...

Superb and perfect rolls.

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