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Friday, March 2, 2012

Homemade Tofufah 无石膏粉的豆花

I saw many Chinese bloggers made this homemade Tofufah (soft beancurd in syrup) last few weeks. As per how they described, this taste even better than those outside selling..After I tasted it and I could not stop making this Tofufah, simply silky smooth and yummy, hehehe..

Homemade Tofufah 简易豆腐花

The traditional way of making this tofufah is using gypsum (told this substance is not good for our health) or GDL ( you can refer to Wendy's post here ). I love this recipe because just simply add agar-agar powder..

Homemade Tofufah 简易豆腐花

Actually I made this tofufah 4 times in a row. Thought this is a simple recipe but in fact i was failed to make it for 2 times. Later i found out due to these reasons:-
1. Cook over medium heat (high heat) and short cooking time --improve to cook over low heat for longer time.
2. soy milk is too diluted ( I was short of soy milk so i added some water) , it take longer time to set and the texture is too soft--make sure to use thick soy sauce

Homemade Tofufah 简易豆腐花

I even made it to Silken tofu, look exactly like those selling outside right?
I use the empty box from previous purchase and fill it with homemade tofufah..But you can not steam this tofu as it will melt, you need to eat it straight from the fridge or warm till room temperature.

Homemade Tofufah 简易豆腐花

I was played smart, just bought RM 2 for 1 litre (USD 0.60) from the stall which selling fresh soy milk every morning and asked them to separate the syrup. So this way is save time and fast ^_^

Homemade Tofufah 无石膏粉的豆花
(recipe source: adapted from myme, original recipe from lee wan theng )

Homemade Tofufah 简易豆腐花600ml fresh soy milk
1/2tsp agar-agar powder (I use Pearl Mermaid Thailand brand)

1. Divide soy milk into two equal portion (300ml for each).
2. Pour one portion 300ml into a heavy bottom saucepan and heat it up over low heat.
3. Dissolve agar-agar powder in another portion 300ml and mix well.
4. When soymilk in saucepan (no 2) turn slightly hot, gently pour in the soy milk and agar-agar mixture (no 3) into the saucepan, stir to mix well.
5. Stir from time to time, cook for about 8mins over low heat. Turn off heat when you see bubbles on top but not wait until it boil.
6. Pour the hot soy milk mixture into bowls, containers or ramekins.
7. Skim off the bubbles on top. Allow to sit for about 15mins to cool, skim off a thin layer of tofu curd on top.
8. Store in the fridge for 4 hours or just keep it in room temperature till it set.  Enjoy with syrup or palm sugar syrup.

Homemade Tofufah 简易豆腐花


bernice's kitchen said...


Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , you're AWESOME !!! Give me some of that now ! hahaha You're right , the quality of the store-bought ones are not as good as the ones few years ago tsk tsk

Tracy Low said...


鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


susanyee said...


i also wish to make it again :)

busygran said...

Definitely better than bought ones!

My Little Space said...

This is such a great idea for making your own quickie tofu hua! Especially serving it at parties. Some more healthy and good for the kids too.
Hoep you're going to have a great weekend, Sonia.
p/s will write!

Anonymous said...

nice!!!!! i would definitely try out this recipe... thanks for sharing Sonia!!!!!

Cuisine Paradise said...

Wow! 无石膏粉的豆花~ Interesting I want to try too! Can't imagine it made from Agar Agar powder the texture is soooo smooth!

Jane Chew said...

I like this easy type of toufufa but it can only be eaten cold. I like the warm type with some ginger syrup. You can try with acid citric as well.

May said...

i remember last week i have a flu, my mom make a jellytin and its just like this. i really love it.
this tofafu looks really good.

Unknown said...

Sonia, I try this when I was a teenager. It really works. The taufu far looks like real one. Thanks for reminding me the recipe again. I really forgotten...the only thing I remembered is that we use very lil agar agar powder oni.

under the sky said...

wat a brilliant way to make tofufah....hassle free

Amelia said...

Hi Sonia, nice and addictive right? Your looks smooth and silky.
My recipe I add 2 tbsp sugar and 1 bowl of evaporated milk to the soya milk.
Have a nice day.

J.O said...


ann low said...

I'd made this before. Really very smooth .... my family loves it very much.

Cocoeriley said...

Wow, looks smooth. Feel surprising every times on your home make meals & desserts ;)

cikmanggis said...

i must try this recipe Sonia.Nampak sungguh smooth dan tak perlu masukkan gypsum.Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

wow... I wanna make this too!

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

I served with ginger syrup, just like i ate in HK. Yummy!

Shoutforfood said...

Your food is so beautifully prepared and photographed!

Li Shuan said...

oh yummy yummy! Very silky smooth texture. Even though I am not a toufufa lover but I would like to eat this if this is in front of me now..!!

Ohh..the other day you told me abt your fail attempts was actually this toufufa ..hehe... now you get it right...feel 爽了吗?hehe。。

Unknown said...

I saw this recipes too. Must try once get agar agar powder. Thanks for reminding.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Oh yes yes, lately my family has been very crazy over this tofu fah store which seems to be different from the rest. I was suspecting they use agar agar powder instead of the usual method. Okay, will try this out, thanks ya!

Min said...

I must try this also! Looks so easy, last time I tried the GDL version, but this looks even easier.

Anonymous said...

Just wonder this recipe can serve in warm or not ? because I prefer the warm one .....


Rachana said...

A lovely recipe, Sonia. Thanks for sharing.

Love2cook Malaysia said...

Owh you gotto spare some for me dear. Am a die hard fan of Tau foo fah!

That looks very easy...worth trying. I usually will just steam a smooth tofu, then slice them into a bowl and add either sugar syrup or palm sugar syrup. So lazy me na! :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Grace, you can't serve warm because you have to wait for it to set. But you can place it in room temperature and it will set too.

Simple Person said...

well i make my own soya milk from soya bean ..
n i use organic black n yellow soya bean.. n my tou fu fah come out slightly grey...

ping said...

Oh, you've got me into the mood again, Sonia. I saw this made with GDL at Elin's and went and bought the GDL and it's still sitting in my cupboard coz I'm too lazy to make soy milk. Maybe I'll just do what you did and buy some from the stalls :) just to experimant and then perhaps one day when I do make the soy milk again, I'll be more confident.
Your tofu looks perfect! Just like store bought ones!

WendyinKK said...

Oh fail twice.. what happened?
Agar sets easily and is not as temperamental as other coagulants.

Anonymous said...

really looks like those store bought tofufah, drooling ^_^

lena said...

is this meant to be eaten cold? i'm wondering now if this could be the type that we cab get from stalls that sell the similar" longan tau foo fah" ..i'm not aware of this tau foo fah using agar2 powder..thanks so much for sharing with us!

Siew Hwei said...

Very good recipe, all of my family members like it very much..:)

ICook4Fun said...

I can't wait to try this out as I am uncomfortable using gypsum. Thanks for sharing Sonia.

Julie said...

Very delicious tofu!!

Please link your entries to EP Series-Cilantro /Cumin Event
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Awayofmind Bakery House said...

wow! this tofufah looks really silky! I love this recipe which is not using gypsum. copy down, copy down the recipe :)

Angie's Recipes said...

I love it! Looks so smooth and good.

Bo said...

I'd love to try it...it looks silky.

Swee San @ The Sweet Spot said...

looks silky n smooth..

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Really just two ingredients? Amazing. I've had this at restaurants but never thought of making it at home. Keeping this recipe. Thanks Sonia!

ahteekitchen said...

That's really heathy! n most importantly, the soft n smooth texture! Got to have a try! ^^

Gloria Baker said...

Sonia look delicious!!Lovely!

Shirley @ Kokken69 said...

Thanks for sharing this! I love taufu fa too... the version I used to make was with gelatine instead of agar...

chow and chatter said...

looks good would love to try

Lite Home Bake said...

So, this is how tau foo fah is made? Didn't know it was that simple, thanks for sharing. The recipe looks very similar to the longan soymilk jelly (like what Lena mentioned) minus the sugar and longan. I have made that before and yes, it is very soft and silky. Yummy!

Christine's Pantry said...

Looks smooth. Thanks for sharing.

Yan said...

I will send this to my sister and ask her to try out !

Thanks for the tips .

Kit @ i-lostinausten said...

Wow! Looks really good! I ate this every time when I'm back in M'sia. Can't believe these need so little ingredients to make this delicious tau foo faa! I really have to try this recipe! Been craving for this actually. thanks for sharing the recipe! :)

Little blue said...

I love this, must try next time! Maybe tomorrow...hehe...see I can get fresh soy milk or not!

irene myme said...


Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

It's my dream to make 豆腐花 without 石膏! But I've never heard of agar agar powder, where can I get them from? Are they similar to gelatin?

daphne said...

It looks really simple! I wonder if it would work with the aussie version of soy milk.. mmm.. oh well, got to give it a try to know!

Dmarie said...

yet again you have broadened my scope by teaching me of something I'd not yet known. I've never had tofufah, but what you've pictured here looks quite velvety, creamy. lovely!

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Looks silky smooth! The silken tofu has the store-bought look. Well done!

Noob Cook said...

wah, your home made 豆花 looks silky smooth and soft :D

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Rice Bowl Tales (sorry i don't know you real name), agar-agar powder is quite difference from gelatine, especially the texture. I'm not sure where in UK you can get this but i supposed you can try your luck at those ASEAN store or maybe Tesco do have.

Zoe said...

I must thank you so much for providing this fantastic recipe! My husband was craving for this last week but didn't like the idea of making this with gypsum. Agar agar! Kudos to you and Wendy!!!!

Passionate About Baking said...

Looks good Sonia! So clever of you to buy soya drink from the vendor! :p

Jeannie said...

Your tofu fah looks so smooth! Must try this too as it is so simple:D Thanks for sharing.

Chris said...


Wanted to make tofu fah for a while now but don't want to use gypsum. Will try this recipe. :D
Thanks for sharing.

Biren @ Roti n Rice said...

Sonia, I am glad you used agar-agar powder too. I made this last year with the agar-agar powder Anncoo sent me. It turned out really well. I started with the gypsum powder but did not like the metal taste in it. Agar-agar powder is so much better :)

Nate @ House of Annie said...

Oh goody! Now I know what to do with all the agar agar powder we have left over from the Royal Selangor Jellyriffic challenge last year.

My Asian Kitchen said...

Thank you for sharing!! I always want to find tofufah without the "seikoh"!!

tigerfish said...

Agar-agar powder! Interesting! and it seems genius! I cannot believe agar-agar powder can yield such silk and smooth tofufah!

Do you think store-bought packet soymilk would work?

Janetan said...

hi sonia,
am making it just now.. and now waiting for it to cool down..hopefully just as good as yours..

Janetan said...

oh ya,
any good suggestion on the bean paste of the left over of the soy milk?? thinking of making cookies using it but don't have recipe..

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Jane, here is a suggestion, use it to make chiffon.

Lori said...

I must try this! It's something I've not heard of before, but it sounds really good!

HK Choo said...

I just made this too, and love it as well. Thanks for your idea on making it into Silken Tofu, now can have two versions, sweet and savoury as well *-*

Anonymous said...

You have a wonderful blog, but you should have someone proof read your postings so that your grammar can be corrected.

Blessed Homemaker said...

I have a similar recipe that uses agar agar powder too but with an addition of evaporated milk. I'll try your recipe since there are only 2 ingredients :-)

Resh said...

i love this....will try making it some time soon ;)

Anonymous said...


I would like to enquire if anyone knows where I can buy pearl mermaid brand agar agar in singapore?



Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Sonia, I saw this agar-agar brand in tesco . I m curious if this brand better than the common rose or swallow globe brand? Thanks

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Angel, i am sure other brands work well too, for me, i only use this brand and have yet to try other brands..lazy to change when it give me good result..

Shiling, you can get it in Tesco, but not sure SG has Tesco or not.

JHay said...

Hi, I've just stumbled into your
blog. For the benefit of those
concerned, you may want to log in
There are some relevant
informations about this subject.
I love tofu and beancurd pudding
too. Thinking of buying the
automatic model to save me the
hassle of making soy milk
manually. I will definitely post
it in your blog once I have
done in my experiment in making
these delicious and healthy
dishes. Meantime, I will try
your agar-agar formula and
hopefully scale down the usuage
of gypsum solution if
necessary. Cheers!

Gayu said...

Looks very creamy and yummy..I have never tasted this before..Must try this..

Kitchen - The Chef 's Paradise

mummyooi said...

Can i use konnyaku jelly powder to replace for agar agar powder?

Unknown said...

這豆腐花 看了都好愛好愛 謝謝你的無敵分享
*照片美 食物讚

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

mummyooi, no, you can't, use konnyaku jelly will result difference texture..

Anonymous said...

May i know where to buy the tofu pudding powder?

Unknown said...

Hi Nasi lemak lover,

I just tried to make this tofu fah but not successful, I don't know where goes wrong. I bought those packet agar agar powder. After one day putting in the fridge still like soy milk n doesn't set. Is the amount of agar agar powder correct? 1/2 tsp? Hope u can tell me trick on making this. Thank u.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Lynn, Yes, the amount of agar-agar powder is 1/2tsp. Why not you try to buy the Mermaid brand of agar agar powder and try again. One more thing, the soy bean milk also has to be fresh and thick. Usually I buy fresh soy milk from pasar pagi (those homemade type). Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 4 sharing the tau foo fah I made it very smooth n silky will make again maybe I'll blend soy bean and pandan leaves together can get pandan flavour. Anyway I LOVE your blog thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Just 2 ingredients??? Incredible!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, if room temperature need how long to set? Thanks you.

http://dapurresepnusantara.blogspot.com/ said...

lazy to change when it give me good result..

Anonymous said...

Just want to say, Thank You. I came across your blog and god, am I glad I did. I searched for many different ways of making this tofu dessert and yours was the best one. I followed your recipe and mine turn out amazing.

Unknown said...

Can i use gelatine powder instead of agar-agar powder?

Unknown said...
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