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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Oreo bread

Beside the brown sugar butter bread 黑糖黄糖牛油面包, i also saw this Oreo bread published in the same newspaper. I like to try new things, so i also try out this bread..

Oreo bread

This is how i test for doneness of bread dough after 1st proof, use the finger method: Poke it with one finger, if it holds the indentation, then it's ready. (this picture was taken from the brown sugar bread but not this Oreo bread)

Oreo bread

2nd proof after divided and shape into small balls..

Oreo bread

Love the crunchy and fragrant Oreo toppings..

Oreo bread

Updated on 1st March,as feedback from a reader, the real Oreo bread have filling inside. I think is good idea to add filling since the bun itself is quite plain, maybe you can use the sugar paste from Oreo or butter and sugar filling..Do try out and let me know...Thanks.

Oreo bread
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
*makes 10 buns

Oreo bread200g bread flour / High protein flour
50g cake flour / low protein flour
40g sugar
1 egg (large)
80g milk
30g corn oil / vegetable oil
1tsp instant dry yeast
A pinch of salt
20g crushed Oreo biscuit (without the sugar paste)

For topping
Egg wash
Add 1tbsp butter with 50g crushed Oreo biscuit (with sugar paste)

1. Combine all ingredients in mixing bowl, mix until well blended to form dough, continue to knead till form elastic dough, add in 20g crushed Oreo biscuit, knead till well incorporate into dough, set aside to proof until double in size. (I use KA mixer with speed 2-3 knead for 30mins)
2. Equally divide the dough and mould it round. Let it rest for 15mins to loosen gluten.
3. Roll the dough into ball and slightly flatten and place it onto greased pan or lined with baking paper. Place a sheet of baking paper on top and followed by another an empty baking pan, let it proof for another 30-45mins.
4. Egg wash the surface and sprinkle Oreo topping on top of each dough.
5. Place a sheet of non-stick baking paper on top and followed by an empty baking pan (to have flatten shape). Bake at pre-heated oven at 170c (with fan) for 20mins (at middle rack).


Noob Cook said...

this is something new to me, looks fantastic.

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

this bun is surely a must try item, as my kids love oreo so much, thanks for sharing.

Ana Regalado said...

Looks fantastic ! Just love the Oreo topping ! Gorgeous photos as always , Sonia !

Small Kucing said...

wow...i love it

Gloria Baker said...

I love these buns are really original and look nice:)

Pink Lady said...

I love oreo! This is so tempting:)

Unknown said...

Oreo bun is something new to me too.

busygran said...

Interesting! Is there oreo filling in the bun?

Jeannie said...

Looks interesting, reminds me of rotiboy buns:D

Biren @ Roti n Rice said...

This must be delicious eaten warm especially with a cup of tea.

Li Shuan said...

Oreo bread。 very good and interesting idea!! Ohhh..love the topping very much!!

Che-Cheh said...

Orea lovers must be really happy seeing this post. Hehe :)

My Little Space said...

Very interesting! It's already in my imagination. haha....

Rachana said...

This must be so good with a cup of coffee. Yum!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

busygran, there is no filling inside.

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

Such a good idea to use Oreo as toppings, we all love Oreo at home, if I am to make this type of bread rolls, I'll have to make quite a lot!!

Bo said...

I would have never thought to put Oreos as a topping on a bread...the more I think about it, the more I like it.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Jane Chew said...

pandai pandai! I love this idea so much. Thanks for sharing.

Simple Person said...

very creative ..
i want to start baking again .. LOL

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Oreo bread,what a creation!1st time of hearing it,the oreo fans must be so exciting of seeing this bread!

Thanks for sharing as to how to determine the 1st proof of dough is ready.I'll try this method in my next bread-baking!

Unknown said...

Very interesting! Baking with a baking pan on top of the buns. Nice even height Oreo buns. Like it !

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Ohh my girls will love this to bits! Good thing I have some Oreo in the storeroom, will definitely try this. ;)

daphne said...

I am a big fan of oreo so this will appeal to me-crunch and softness of the bread! Nice tips too.

Anonymous said...

我吃过报章上推荐的这个oreo面包。 它是有内陷的。 甜甜的, 很好吃!

WendyinKK said...

Yummy! Crunchy!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Your bun making marathon makes me want to make some buns too! Looks good!

Julie said...

Very nice,kids will love this!!

Please link your entries to EP Series-Cilantro & Cumin Event
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Julie said...

Very nice,kids will love this!!

Please link your entries to EP Series-Cilantro & Cumin Event
Inviting Hosts for EP Series-Herbs & Spices

Zoe said...

We are Oreo die-hard fans and will loves these breads very much.

Anonymous said...

very interesting idea indeed!

lena said...

its shape and toppings look special to me!

Mel said...

Ive never came across of Oreo Bread. Thanks for sharing! Looks soft and bet it must be yum yum!

Jes's Deli Corner said...

Wow..I'm going to try this today..would like to ask if the topping still crunchy after baking?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Jes's Deli Corner, Yes, is still crunchy after baking but not sure will it last till next day because all bread gone finished in the same day ^_^

Pete said...

Wah, if I make this, my three kids would sapu all habis very fast....

Janetan said...

wow,this bread looks delicious..must give it a try soon..
oh ya, i have this question again about the kneading process.
why do the dough seen tearing a part when i try to knead it? like you said earlier, using the KA to mix untill dough then use hand to knead, mine still can't window pane even after 25 mins of kneading process, whats wrong?

Kirby @ Maids said...

nice stuff huh :)
im sure all my kids will love this XD
its easy as 123,
then i should go now to try it haha.
thanks for posting.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Jane, drop me an email, I will try to help..

chow and chatter said...

love this what a fun bread

Little blue said...

I am coming...this buns must try! I think my kids will love this so much!

Little blue said...

I am coming...this buns must try! I think my kids will love this so much!

Eileen@hundred eighty degrees said...

Bookmarked. will try this. I think can cut the bun horizontally and spread a layer of chocolate fresh cream. Yummy.

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

You really know how to make us hungry Sonia. It looks so delicious! Your kids are lucky. Please adopt me! =)

Kiran @ KiranTarun.com said...

Aaahh!!! that looks so delish! What a creative recipe using classic Oreo! I concur with Nami, adopt us ;)

tinyskillet said...

I agree, I'll bet your kids love this! With the filling should be spot on! Yum!

kitchen flavours said...

Lovely Oreo Bread! Chocolate filling would be delicious!

Anonymous said...

Oreo bread, my sons sure love it ^_^

Anonymous said...

I had try to make your Oreo bread but when after the first proof cannot make it to round , I mean not a very smooth round it break or tear. Is it before the first proof I should make it to a very smooth ball coz I just simply round it.

Yvonne Yeo

http://dapurresepnusantara.blogspot.com/ said...

Chocolate filling would be delicious!

Anonymous said...

The bread was terrible !Dense poor texture. No good.

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