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Monday, February 6, 2012

Chinese Steamboat / Hot Pot 火鍋

Before CNY ends today as "Chap Goh Mei" celebration, let me share with you the steamboat (similar to Japanese shabu-shabu)  that i prepared on Chinese New Year Eve..And I believe many of the Chinese family also like to serve steamboat as Reunion dinner 团圆饭on Chinese New Year Eve. Every family members get together, sit and surround the table, chit-chat and enjoy the steamboat, feel so good!

steamboat 1

steamboat 2

Two must have items- chili dippping sauce and shallot oil

Chinese Steamboat / Hot Pot 火鍋

This is how i serve the steamboat, no exact measurement could be provided, all ingredients are subject to individual preference..We enjoyed this steamboat at our favourite patio area..

Chinese Steamboat / Hot Pot 火鍋

In normal day, usually we don't serve abalone in steamboat except Reunion dinner..

Chinese Steamboat / Hot Pot 火鍋

Chinese Steamboat / Hot Pot 火鍋
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

Chinese Steamboat / Hot Pot 火鍋Chili dipping sauce (blend and mix together)
150g fresh red chili
1 lemongrass (white part only)
2 shallots
3 cloves garlic
½” ginger
1/2tsp salt
1tsp sugar
Lime juice
2tbsp ground roasted peanut

Stock (boil for 1 hour)
4 chicken carcasses
1 yam bean /Jicama
1 carrot
Salt to taste

Deep fried shallots with oil

Steamboat Ingredients
“Thang O” green leaf vegetables
Any other type of green vegetables
Chinese Long cabbage
Needles mushroom
Fish maw
All types of fish balls and meat balls
Yong tau fu
Fried beancurd skin
“Yi Mee” noodles
Canned abalone

1. Pour stock in metal pot at the center of the dining table.
2. While the hot pot is kept simmering, ingredients are placed into the pot and are cooked at the table.
3. Once ingredients are cooked, put few spoons of fried shallots with oil, serve with chili dipping sauce. Enjoy!


After the steamboat, two kids from neigbour's house came to our house and playing fireworks with my kids. And I noticed they love the dragon cookies and Pork Jerky Bak Kwa that i prepared and even for other kids who visited my house too..i have updated the dragon cookies post as I added a recipe which i saw in a newspaper for your reference.

Happy Chap Goh Mei to all my Chinese readers..


Somewhere in Singapore said...

Today i'm very fast!!! hehe...

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Drooling liao by looking at the foods!!!

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

So much of food there, Sonia!Your chilli paste recipe is very useful to me, will use it 1 day! Thanks of sharing!

ping said...

Lovely feast! We haven't done this since moving over here and the older generation who used to do this are all not up to it anymore. I remember the charcoal steamboats we had. Memories....

Ana Regalado said...

What a mouthwatering spread you have there , Sonia ! And I love your chili dipping sauce , will try it sometime ;) Hope you & your family will have an enjoyable Spring Lantern Festival !!!!

ann low said...

Happy 'Yuan Xiao Jie' Sonia :)
Same as Jessie, I love the bright red chilli paste. Must be very 'shiok' to use for hot pot!

Small Kucing said...

CNY sure got day that eat steamboat LOL

Catherine Lee said...

Hi, may I know what type of stove you are using & which brand ? Thanks ! Your family is so blessed to have you, such a good cook !

Li Shuan said...

ioorr...very nice steamboat. I want the abalone! hehe!
You are right, its so much fund to get together to eat steamboat. At least everyone cook their own preferred food and save a lot of work for the host.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Imo Teo said...

Love steamboat v much...

kitchen flavours said...

Happy Chap Goh Mei!

VineelaSiva said...

Hey it looks different.When i went to Taiwan i saw like this pots eating and steaming.Love the way but never tried.

Sharon @ Feats of Feasts said...

I agree with you on the shallot oil and chilli dipping sauce...can't do without those when having steamboat. :) Happy chap goh meh!

苏联妈妈 said...


WendyinKK said...

I never had steamboat with abalone, and I'm sure it makes the steamboat extra special.

My Little Space said...

Whoa Sonia, really no jokes. Abalone for steamboat! haha... Making me salivate.
Happy 'Yuen Xiao Ji' to you & your family too. Btw, your son is a dragon boy then he is taking his UPSR this year! And you're a rooster. I supposed I am one round older than you.lol. hehe...

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

What a sumptuous feast you have there! We have not been taking reunion dinner at home for the past few years, the old folks prefer to settle at the restaurant instead.

ICook4Fun said...

Happy Chap Goh Meh to you and your family!! I am a fan of steamboat but not Carlos. He can't understand why we boil our food instead of grilling it. He said everything are tasteless :(

Little Corner of Mine said...

Happy Chap Goh Meh too! We had an early steamboat celebration too.

lena said...

wow! BIG BIG abalones!!

Rose world said...

I love steamboat. Healthy and you can eat all you want.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Wah...very nice leh, whole abalone! We usually have sliced ones only....extravagant ya! Happy belated Chap Goh Meh to you too! 😊

Jeannie said...

Ya, I did steam boat dinner for that day too but no abalone haha! Yours have a lot more ingredients than mine;)

hanushi said...

My family also love steamboat during CNY. Yours look fantastic and sumptuous! :)

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

Such beautiful spread of super delicious food for the steam-boat hot pot dinner, and to eat it in the patio too, that's absolutely amazing!!

Shu Han said...

oh just look at the spread! I'm jealous! hot pot is my favourite part of chinese new year, not just because it's delicious, but because the whole idea of the family gathering around and slowly (or quickly) sharing the food and makign teh soup taste more and more delicious by each and every one's additions, is just so heartwarming.. hai, it's been 3 years since I've been home for chinese new year..

Anonymous said...

This year I also prepared steamboat on 2nd day of CNY, bo bian ar, my mum balik kampung, I don't know how to cook a decent meal, steamboat is the easiest for me.. hehe

Simple Person said...

wow abalone for steamboat ..
that is really "grand"

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

I've only tried grilled abalone - looks so good! The dipping sauce is very different from Taiwanese style hot pot. I enjoyed reading this post Sonia!

Jo said...

Oh wow what a feast! Hope you had a great CNY and I can't believe it has come and gone just like that.

Zoe said...

What a great feast for this celebration! Love the homey plus festive atmosphere that you created in this post.

Elin said...

wow...nice steamboat and those abalones...awwww drooling now :)

Angie's Recipes said...

What a FEAST!

Sherleen.T said...

this is a wonderful feast...:) you must having a great time with your family on Chap Goh Mei...
i can't resist your chilli dipping sauce...eating anything with it, definitely yummy...

Gloria Baker said...

Sonia really lok amazing and nice!

Mary said...

Your kids look so happy! I love the peek at your holiday table too. Guess what? I am picking up a steamer basket tomorrow. I just can't stand not being able to make so many of these things! I can hardly wait to try it. I still want to try your steamed cake!

Shirley @ Kokken69 said...

Oh, I have not had steamboat at home for so long... Love the spread. Maybe I should plan for a steam boat meal soon with my family... :)

Shirley @ Kokken69 said...

Sonia, what did you wrap the enoki mushroom with? So interesting.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Shirley, nothing special lar, I just put Enoki mushroom in cut spring onion/scallion .

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