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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Brown sugar butter bread 黑糖黄糖牛油面包

I have seen so many Chinese bloggers have tried this simple and yummy buns 粗糖牛油面包 . This time i made some changes by changing white sugar to dark and light brown sugar after i seen this type of bread selling in a bakery shop which was published in a newspaper.

Brown sugar butter bread 黑糖牛油面包

Brown sugar butter bread 黑糖牛油面包

One reader asked me whether i could passed window pane test when i use KA mixer to knead bread dough as she told me her KA mixer could not do that. Last time when i made bread, usually i don't wait till passes window pane, as long as bread dough is elastic then i'm ok. Anyway, I tried to use KA mixer to achieve the test this time. After knead for 30mins, I still could not pass the windown pane test. I gave up and continue knead by hand then only passed windown pane test. If you own a KA (KSM150) mixer, are you able to pass window pane test?

windown pane test

To get the nicer deep hole, make sure you make the hole as deep as possible.狠狠地笃 !^_^

Brown sugar butter bread 黑糖牛油面包

Updated on 23 Feb 2012-This bread turned slightly dry the next day because there is no starter dough added, if possible try to consume the same day or re-heat in the oven 180C for 3mins..

Brown sugar butter bread 黑糖黄糖牛油面包
(recipe source: adapted from Qi Qi in the house with minor changes)
*makes 8 buns

Brown sugar butter bread 黑糖牛油面包200g bread flour / high protein flour
50g cake flour / low protein flour
40g sugar
1 egg (large)
80g milk
30g corn oil / vegetable oil
1tsp instant dry yeast
A pinch of salt

For topping
Egg wash
Light brown sugar (金沙糖/ 黄糖)
Dark brown sugar (黑糖)

1. Combine all ingredients in mixing bowl, mix until well blended to form dough, continue to knead till form elastic dough, set aside to proof until double in size. (I use KA mixer with speed 2-3 knead for 30mins, continue use hand to knead for another 5mins till passes the window pane test)
2. Divide the dough into 50g each and mould it round. Let it rest for 10mins to loosen gluten.
3. Roll the dough into flat and oval, place it onto greased pan or lined with parchment paper, let it proof for another 30-45mins.
4. Egg wash the surface and use fingertip to make few small indentations over the dough. Spoon some soft butter and dark brown sugar into the small indentations. Sprinkle light brown sugar on the top.
5. Bake at pre-heated oven at 170c (with fan) for 13mins (put at middle rack) or you may adjust according to your type of oven.

Brown sugar butter bread 黑糖牛油面包


鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


ice pandora said...

*o* -drools- xx

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Hi Sonia, may i know what's the different between light brown sugar and dark brown sugar? Thanks :)

yummylittlecooks said...

Looks so fluffy, bookmarked aldy.....:)

ann low said...

I love this type of bread and your bread looks so delicious. Please reserve some for me :)

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Excellent texture! OH yes, nowadays I rely so much on my KA to knead my bread dough. And yes, it always almost reaches the window panel...well unless the recipe itself is messed up, lol! Good one, will try it soon!

ping said...

I like the dark brown sugar bits! Makes it look a whole lot more interesting! And the inside looks so cottony and nice! Oh btw, I'd made salted eggs following your recipe and they turned out very well! Thanks!

Simple Person said...

It looks great...
Actually I love bread a lot n tried to make but it turn out like a stone... Lol...

ting said...

Hello! I've been a long time reader of your wonderful blog but haven't left a comment until now. Out of curiosity, was there a textural difference between the KA knead and the windowpane knead? Thanks!

vrinda said...

Bread looks so flaky n soft...Gr8 recipe

Julie said...

Very delicious bread,yummy yum!!

Erivum Puliyum

Ana Regalado said...

Perfectly-baked yumminess , Sonia ! You need to put up your own bakery ! Call me if you need an apprentice or a guinea pig hahahaha

Torviewtoronto said...

bread looks wonderfully soft looks delicious

Unknown said...

I'm new here and I would like to follow your blog closely...love the sweet bread!


Li Shuan said...

Sonia, I tried this before n I like the bread very much. :)

Joyce @ Chunky Cooky said...

the bread looks so cottonly soft!.. must be very delicious... yums..

Anonymous said...

I just made a batch of buns using my KA 150 (first time using, normally I will use my bread maker to knead), I can yield a dough that pass the window test, I knead for abt 10 mins, alternate between power 2 and 4

The Sudden Cook said...

Hmmm....I don't know how to bake bread but I feel the interest to start trying..soon. This bread looks so yummy.

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Sonia, your bread looks so good. Inside is so fluffy and elastic. I miss Asian bread so much.

Sherleen.T said...

soft and yummy...can i have a bun with a cup of tea for tea time later? hehe...

elyely said...

Yummy, oops my I know what is KA150 and window pane knead I've extremely no idea. TQ.

My Asian Kitchen said...

wow!! your baking look fantastic as usual!! must bookmark this!! thanks!

Eileen@hundred eighty degrees said...

Hi sonia, i used the same ka model but ive nver tried to mix till it passes window.pane stage as i worried that the motor would be overheated. I will normally handknead after mixing half way...

Passionate About Baking said...

Wow! Looks good Sonia! LOL, I was laughing over your "狠狠地笃"! :p

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Cass, light brown sugar is to make nice caramel colour whereas dark brown sugar has better caramel aroma..

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

爱丝特, that is amazing! 10mins to pass window pane test. You have to show me how you did this, hehehe..

Eileen, yes, you are right, I also afraid kneading by KA for too long will caused overheated..I found after a short while of hand kneading, very fast can archieve window pane test..Thanks for your feedback.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Elyely, KA is meant Kitchenaid brand. KSM150 is the KA mixer model.Windown pane test is the best ways to tell if you've sufficiently kneaded your bread dough, just test by stretching the dough into a thin translucent membrane, I have shown an example in my post, check it out.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

ting, actually they are not much difference!

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

Brown sugar butter bread! Just the name and the pictures have already made me very hungry!!

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

I was about to ask whether will the bread stay soft the next day and I saw your update. Thanks for updating!!

Min said...

Sonia, sometimes I managed to get passed window pane test with my KA KSM150 mixer, but sometimes not. It depends on the recipe of the dough too. Usually I will beat for 25-30 minutes.

daphne said...

Yum! I haven't been eating asian style bread for a while and this confirms why I miss it!! fluffy and soft.. with a lovely crust!

also, i learn more abt making bread here too- esp the membrane test! nice tips!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Looks so good! I certainly can try it with my soft bun recipe and apply this topping. Thanks!

Christina Kim said...

I love reading about your innovations in baking as you are such a highly inspiring baker! Seriously, you are always out there with new recipes or new additions to your existing recipes and you just keep improving along the way! That's really awesome, and even though I am no baker, reading about your baking adventures makes me feel like getting an oven soon!:p

choi yen said...

hubby & I love butter bread for its simplicity but what we get outside just too oily >.< Yours look healthier :P

Fern @ To Food With Love said...

I've always loved butter buns with lots of butter! And crunchy sugar topping! These look yummy! Does the brown sugar melt after baking?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

To Food with Love, not all brown sugar actually melted.

Janetan said...

hi sonia,
wow, how long for you to hand knead the dough until passed the window pane? oh god, i thought with KA i don't have to hand knead. is it because the version is not big enough?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Jane,it took me about 5mins to pass the test .I am not sure whether a bigger power unit can pass this test. Lets wait for an answer if someone own a bigger unit.

Janetan said...

guess may be wendy can answer if she read this..hahhaaha~
i'm so happy that u really take my question to your heart and even found the answer..thank you~

lena said...

i'm also using KA heavy duty , i hardly knead till window stage, if i can remember correctly, i think ijust had it once by takes quite a long time..cant remember how long. Nowadays i normally knead till smooth , probably about 15 minutes.

ogyep yummy mellow said...

Better than store bought one.. Will copy and try out your recipe ya..

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Sonia, I tried using ka mixer and was able to get thn transulent when stretched. I've posted it on my blog.

ee chuah said...

Hi, I'm new in baking.. interesting to try out baking bread.. saw this recipe... intent to try out... just a question, hopefully, is not stupid question, i bought a normal stand electric mixer and found out that the dough doesnt like to stick at the hock... may i know why it like that? sorry ya! no experience on this at all... hope that you can guard me...

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Chuah, you are on the right track ! Smooth and elastic dough will not stick to the dough hook.

ee chuah said...

hi Sonia, oh! really??? ok.. now the dough in the second resting time.... wish me good luck!!! update you if i make it successful... thanks again... i try your steam cake, super yummi... colleagues loves it....

Anonymous said...

yes this recipe is fantastic as I tried it today. Thank you.

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