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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Koi Fish Jelly, and Pai Tin Kong CNY 2012

When i was trying to figure out what to present to Tin Kong (Pai Tin Kong is a big celebration for Hokkien peoples), then i saw Anncoo Journal's Koi Fish Jelly, immediate i decided to make Koi Fish Jelly since i have two moulds given by Ann last time. My mother was so happy to see this Koi Fish Jelly.

Koi Fish Jelly

These are all items that my mom presented to "Tin Kong"

Picnik collage

These two Koi Fish jelly moulds was given by Ann. Thanks to Ann again for this lovely mould. She also sharing very detail steps on how to make this jelly, check out her link here.

Koi Fish Jelly

I also bake a marble Bundt cake..


I use the balance agar agar mixture made into two flowers jelly using mooncake mould.


Koi Fish Jelly compare with the real Koi fish in the pool..

Koi Fish Jelly

Koi Fish Jelly
(recipe source: adapted from Anncoo Journal)
*makes 12 Koi fish and 2 mooncake size

Koi Fish Jelly500ml Water
100g Sugar
150ml Fresh milk
9g Agar agar powder
3 Pandan leaves
12 Black currants

2 Fish molds

1. Using scissors to cut black currants into half and roll into tiny nibs with your finger tips as fish eyes. Tie pandan leaves into a small knot.
2. Mix water, sugar, agar agar powder in a pot, stir to mix well. Boil with pandan leaves, keep stirring water until boil at medium heat. Off heat and stir agar agar liquid for another 2-3 minutes. Discard pandan leaves.
3. Put agar agar liquid under double boiler or at low heat to prevent agar agar liquid set quickly. ~ stir occasionally.
4. Using a tweezers and dip black currant into agar agar liquid then place black currant on the fish mold eyes. It will sticks quickly. (I use chopsticks)
5. Take 2 tsp of agar agar liquid into a sauce plate and add a drop of coloring into it (any color you prefer) and mix well. (I used 2 colors ~ cherry red and lemon yellow)
6. Using the back of the teaspoon,smear the colored liquid quickly on fish mold body ~ mix any color you like. (if the colored liquid has set, add a little hot agar agar liquid to dilute it- this way was not worked for me, next time I will make 1tsp at a time as the agar agar set too quickly and could not dilute even I added hot agar-agar).
7. After the colored liquid set on the fish mold, reboil the plain agar agar liquid. Off heat and pour fresh milk into it and stir for another 2-3 minutes and gently pour it into molds (cool down the liquid if it is too hot).
8. Chill agar agar Koi fish in fridge for at least 2-3 hours or overnight before removing from the fish mold.


My 1st time seeing this beautiful Chinese chive's flowers in the chive plant that planted by my mom.



Jes's Deli Corner said...

Looks like a real fish swimming around. So happy to see the food that you bai for tin Kung. My MIL side very sien one just vegetarian and only 3-4ppls around unlike other families which they pray together with relatives and with the fire crackers. So atmosphere.

yummylittlecooks said...

Wow, so beautiful, love the colour of these fishes. Happy dragon year to you & your family:)

Ana Regalado said...

That koi jelly really looks pretty ! Gorgeous photos as always ;)

DG said...

What a brilliant colours of your koi fish jelly, they look real!

Yan said...

The only thing I can say is "Wow, wow ,wow !"

Anh said...

wow! the fish jelly looks so cute!

Simple Person said...

wow the koi really looks nice..
n the color looks so real...

Mel said...

Your fish jelly is so beautifully done! Looks real eh! I always admire those who makes this type of jelly because of the colour done in here.

Nina said...

How cute is this! compliments!

Roses_Leo09 aka Hanim said...

hi sonia
ur fish jelly is so cute

Suhaina said...

wow..the fishes looks so adorable... u have a very good job..never seen such beautiful jelly..looks alive..

ann low said...

WOW!! Your koi fishes look so real ..
I don't think I find the jelly fishes if you place them in the pond ^-^

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Of course I remember this post from Ann. It's my favorite non-live Koi! =) You did a fantastic job creating them. So pretty~~~.

As for your question of CNY, it was more less a regular day. It's the best if we could celebrate it in Taiwan. Kids have school, and our life is pretty much same. They did learn about CNY in school, etc. But we have no relatives here to celebrate with. Plus, I have never been to CNY celebration at home, so I don't know what to expect. We always celebrate with friends at a restaurant. So I just learned some cultures from your posts!

Cuisine Paradise said...

The koi jelly look really awesome!!!!! Love the colour. Agreed with Ann that it might be mistaken as REAL koi for a glance too :)

苏联妈妈 said...

The koi fish look really like real one. Nice !

sean said...


Cocoeriley said...

Sooo cute. 元宵节快乐!

Li Shuan said...

Sonia, the Koi jelly looks so real and beautiful. Well done!

Small Kucing said...

my aim is to be able to make such beautiful fish

raquel@eRecipe.com said...

wow that is beautiful, I think I cannot eat that I will make that for display only. =)

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

How fabulous this celebration is! With everybody bringing along lovely homemade food to worship. Your koi fish jelly look so beautiful, and your mable cake must be delicious too :D

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Somewhere in Singapore said...

So nice and cute...

Anonymous said...

Wow they are soooo adorable! :D Well done! And Happy New Year to you.

daphne said...

how auspicious!! Those are great tips for the jelly! Hope u r enjoying the last few days of CNY!

Diane said...

These fish look so real!!! Diane

Anonymous said...

Beautiful koi fish! What a great idea to use black currants as eyes ^_^

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Wow, there were so much of food being served to "Tin Kong!" The fish looks quite real from the picture & you have some real one to match with your fish jelly! There were 10 fish jellies, so how many real Koi fish do you have at the pool there?

irene myme said...


E @ Act Fast Chef said...

Beautiful koi fish!

ping said...

I saw Ann's post on this as well and you did a marvelous job just as she did! You both are amazing!

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

These koi fish looks so lively and real! Awesome.

Sherleen.T said...

very lovely little fishes...:)
your bundt cake too, look so moist...

Pete said...

Looks like real koi swimming in the water.....

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

So prety..i though they are real fishes

Little Corner of Mine said...

So pretty! I also like your mooncake mold, it's a pattern I haven't seen before. Love your pictures of pai tin kong.

Pushpa said...

Beautiful they look so real.Gorgeous clicks.

lena said...

i would like to have a swim with these fishes!

Dumpling Love said...

Your's and Ann's look so cute and perfect, I wouldn't bear to eat them! I have never tried to make agar agar jelly before! Need to try it one day because I love eating it! haha.

spdong said...


annann said...


ogyep yummy mellow said...

My Dear, the koi's really look like koi's.. Mind sharing with me, what does koi means to u.. ?

Angie's Recipes said...

Colourful and pretty!

Colin Woon said...

Nicely done, Sonia! So beautiful!

kitchen flavours said...

Beautiful koi fish jelly! Great job! CNY will last for another 2 more days, suddenly it seems so fast! Your bundt cake looks lovely!

Happy walker said...

cute "jellyfish" XD

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Oh wow so cute! The flowers very pretty.

Nadji said...

Sonia mon amie, très bonne fête. Tes poissons sont magnifiques et très bien réussis. BRAVO!!!!!
Dommage qu'on n'a pas ces moules chez nous.
A très bientôt

Dmarie said...

too cute!!

Shirley @ Kokken69 said...

This is so pretty! I have never seen Pai Tin Gong ceremony before... (always takes place in the middle of the night...) The ceremony looks so colourful and elaborate... Love the tradition but I suspect most of what we have here has already become very simplified...

Lrong Lim said...

The 'goldfish', too pretty looking to eat? :)

hanushi said...

Really pretty... Happy cny!

Lori said...

The jelly looks so realistic! I just love that mold. You got such great detail with the color.

Yummy Bakes said...

Your Koi fish is very pretty. 元宵节快乐

温馨小屋 said...


WendyinKK said...

You can melt the agar again on defrost mode with the microwave. Just takes a few seconds.

Martin said...

好可愛! 讓人看了都捨不得吃它了!!

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