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Monday, February 20, 2012

Red Yeast Marble Chiffon Cake 紅麴大理石戚风蛋糕

The other day when i was flipping through 孟老师's cookbook and this chiffon was caught my attention as red yeast is used in the recipe. I got a bottle of this red yeast from Lena (Frozen Wings), so this recipe just perfect for me to try out red yeast which i have never cooking with it before..

Red Yeast Marble Chiffon Cake  紅麴大理石戚风蛋糕

This is the bottle of Red Yeast 紅麴料里醬 , Thanks Lena!
Also Thanks to Lena for given me a cute small Japanese bowl (that one i use in these pictures)..

Red Yeast Marble Chiffon Cake  紅麴大理石戚风蛋糕

Lena was worry whether i can use this red yeast paste in baking. But i am sure because the red yeast picture as shown in the cookbook is exactly same like that one she gave me..^_^

Red Yeast Marble Chiffon Cake  紅麴大理石戚风蛋糕

Fold meringue into the egg yolk batter and take a small portion to mix with red yeast paste..

Red Yeast Marble Chiffon Cake  紅麴大理石戚风蛋糕

Red Yeast Marble Chiffon Cake  紅麴大理石戚风蛋糕

Red Yeast Marble Chiffon Cake  紅麴大理石戚风蛋糕

I got a very sweet pinky marble but i don't really can taste the red yeast in the chiffon..It has the wine aroma and fermented beancurd taste before putting in baking. Anyway, in overall this chiffon is nice, soft and moist..

Red Yeast Marble Chiffon Cake 紅麴大理石戚风蛋糕
(recipe source: adapted from孟老师的100种小蛋糕)
*makes a 8” or 20cm chiffon

Red Yeast Marble Chiffon Cake  紅麴大理石戚风蛋糕60g egg yolk (4 medium eggs)
30g caster sugar
1/2tsp vanilla extract
35g corn oil or salad oil
70g milk

90g cake flour
1tsp baking powder

135g egg white (4 medium eggs)
60g caster sugar
1/4tsp cream of Tartar

2tsp red yeast paste 紅麴料里醬

1. Lightly hand whisk egg yolk, sugar and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl.
2. Add in corn oil and milk, continue to combine well.
3. Sift in cake flour and baking powder, lightly stir to mix well.
4. Mix 60g caster sugar with cream of tartar in a bowl.
5. Beat egg whites over high speed till foamy, gradually add in sugar and tartar in 3 times and beating well for each addition. Beat till soft peak formed.
6. Take 1/3 portion of egg white mixture and use hand whisk to mix with egg yolk mixture till combine.
7. Fold the balance of egg white mixture into egg yolk mixture, combine well. Take 125g of batter and add in red yeast paste, fold well.
8. Pour both cake mixtures into baking pan alternately and create a marble effect, lightly tap on the worktop to remove air bubbles.
9. Bake at pre-heated oven 170c (with fan) for 30mins or you may adjust according to your type of oven.Invert the cooked cake immediately on a wire rack until it's completely cool before remove the cake from cake pan


鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


yummylittlecooks said...

Looks so tempting..

Li Shuan said...

Sonia today we are sisters i am planing to post my chiffon too.. The red yeast looks interesting. I have never seen this before. It gives a touch of pinkish colour which looks absolutely sweet :)

lena said...

hi, i just came back and saw your mail. oh, i never thought it can be used for baking, i thought it's used for cooking only. i have a bottle myself but i still hvnt opened it yet. Thanks for letting me know, really interesting.

ping said...

Red yeast? Is this the same thing used in the red wine chicken dish? What an unusual and interesting way to use this.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Ping, yes, usually this red yeast use to coon wine chicken dish..i hope to cook wine chicken soon.

WendyinKK said...

I want to ask Lena mana beli.
I want one too

irene myme said...


sean said...


Cuisine Paradise said...

Amazing! I have read about this "紅麴" in recipe book before but have not seen it selling in Singapore. May I know where your friend get this from? Your chiffon cake really look super yummy!

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

This is an interesting baked! Nice chiffon!

Joceline said...

颜色很自然,蛋糕组织也很细嫩! very good 啦!我要吃也!

Mel said...

I came across in one of the confinement cookbook that called for red yeast ingredients and didn't know what is that. After seeing the picture here, oh it is that. I never knew too that it can be used for baking. Lovely Chiffon you have baked.

Sherleen.T said...

the chiffon has very nice color, Sonia...i learned something new today, baking using red yeast paste...:)

Noob Cook said...

what a creative use of hong zao for the natural red colouring.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Ellena, Lena told me she got it from a organic shop in Ipoh, maybe you could check around the organic shops near your place.

susanyee said...

red yeast,i never use tis b4.long time din go to ingredients shop .haha

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

What a lovely way to create a red color marble effect chiffon cake! Looks very appetizing!!

Min said...

Oh...Lena got this from Ipoh ah, I want to go and find find and see lo. I think this red yeast is quite common in Taiwan. I love the colour it shown in the chiffon, so sweet :)

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Oh wow, interesting...I wonder if they sell it in Singapore. I do know that Tawianese loves to use this in baking. Hope I can a hold of a bottle. ;) love your wonderful fluffy chiffon!

kitchen flavours said...

Your chiffon cake looks so spongy and light! Never used red yeast paste before! Sounds good!

Little Corner of Mine said...

The cake turned out beautiful. This is the first time I heard of red yeast paste.

Gloria Baker said...

what beauty look this!!

Julie said...

lovely slices n totally new to me the red yeast!!
Erivum Puliyum

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Your chiffon cake make me drool ALL THE TIME! You make it so easy too... :-)

My Little Space said...

Red yeast, I have heard of it before. It is actually the leftover Chinese red rice fermented wine. Some even using it to marinade chicken for deep frying. Nice to see it in cakes too. The flavour must be very special. thanks for sharing it & have a great week ahead.

Ana Regalado said...

That's a very interesting chiffon cake ! It looks perfectly-baked , too !

eileen @hundted eighty degrees said...

Very interesting! Wonder if i can get red yeast in singapore. Yours look perfect.

Alice said...

beautiful color! i too wonder where i can find red yeast in spore :)

Anonymous said...

I like the colour, and it's natural ^_^

daphne said...

certainly looks very pretty!! I didn know it has a slight wine flavour to it.

Edith said...

Seems like Red Yeast is getting popular. May I know where I can get this? I check with my baker friends and none know where.

Shoutforfood said...

gosh i want to have it right now.

Mary said...

I've never heard of this yeast before. It is a liquid? Very interesting. the cake looks like it turned out great.

Jeannie said...

That's a very pretty marble cake, I love the natural looking pink!

Simply Life said...

oh this cake looks fabulous!

Sherleen.T said...

Sonia, please come over my home to collect the award that i would like to share with you when you are free ya...:)

Christine's Pantry said...

Beautiful... I like the color!

Sem said...

Hi, after I have seen you baking with red yeast paste, i got one today from the baking ingredient shop, but in the form of red yeast powder.Yet to try it out.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Edith, maybe you should try to look in those shops selling organic stuffs.

hemalata said...

Yummy bread,looks so soft n inviting too...

Unknown said...

Thanx for sharing....
Agra red sandstone

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