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Friday, February 17, 2012

Chicken and Bacon puff rolls

Yesterday i was reading through the Bourke street bakery book-the ultimate baking companion ( Christmas gift from my two lovely blogger friends Jane and Helena) and try to understand the tedious steps on how to make my own bread starter, also admiring the beautiful croissant in the book. After i spent quite some time and i still don't quite understand how to make the starter ^_^, so i gave it up and continue flipping thru the book and this chicken and bacon rolls was caught my attention. So i decided to make this for today lunch.

Chicken and Bacon puff rolls

The original recipe call to prepare own puff pastry, but i use the store-bought puff pastry since i have one packet in the freezer for longer time. Anyway, next time i must try to make my own puff pastry.

Chicken and Bacon puff rolls

This roll is really yummy, crispy skin and nice savoury filling, you have to try this!

Chicken and Bacon puff rolls

Chicken and Bacon puff rolls
(recipe source: Largely adapted from Bourke Street Bakery book-the ultimate baking companion)
*makes 8 rolls

Chicken and Bacon puff rolls50g bacon, chopped (or replace with chicken ham)
1 big onion, chopped
2 garlic, chopped

250g minced chicken
10g bread crumbs
1/2tsp salt or to taste
A dash of white pepper
some chopped spring onion
8 sheets of store-bought puff pastry , 4”x4”
Egg wash (mix 1 egg with 1tbsp milk and a pinch of salt)
Sesame seeds, for sprinkling

1. Pre-heated oven to 200c.
2. Heat up 1tbsp olive oil in a pan, sauté garlic and onion till aroma.
3. Add in bacon, continue stir till brown and fragrant. Set aside to cool.
4. Mix minced chicken, bacon mixture, bread crumbs, chopped spring onion, salt and pepper in a mixing bowl. Blend and stir the mixture in one direction until the meat becomes gluey.
5. Slightly roll store-bought puff pastry to 4”x4”, place some filling on the pastry, firmly fold the pastry over, pressing to enclose the roll tightly.
6. Place on the tray, seam side down, brush the tops with egg wash and sprinkle sesame seeds.
7. Reduce the oven temperature to 190c and bake for 30mins or until golden brown.


yummylittlecooks said...

Wow...these looks extremely delicious!!

Imo Teo said...

i took one for high tea,thanks~^^

Yummy Bakes said...

Great to have this for tea. Very nicely done.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, how come there is something red red in the filing? Do you put any chili? Agnes

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Agnes, no, i did not add chili, that should be the chicken meat turned brown after baked.

Li Shuan said...

Sonia,these rolls looks yummy! I have a massive bag of ready made puff pastry in my fridge, really should do something abt it. This is an good idea to get rid of them...hehe..

Joceline said...

wo mao makan ini ~ sedapnya ! :) :)

Cocoeriley said...

Is nice to serve during tea time ;)

daphne said...

I love his recipes!!! It's awesome! I don't have the time to make puff pastry so I use store bought ones all the time.. haha. time poor but hey it works!

Diane said...

Love this recipe definitely on my 'to do' list. Thanks Diane

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Think I'll do the same, store bought ones are way easier! These rolls do look yummilious!

Unknown said...

Very interesting filling. Your puff are looking good !

Janine said...

one of my favorite rolls from bourke street! you should try the pork and fennel too! love how you have made it fast and simple with your substitutions :)

lena said...

can see the juicy filling in the rolls! Yum!

Unknown said...

These roll looks so yummy.
thanks your recipe^^

Julie said...

superb ,puffed up..tempting tea time snack!!

Erivum Puliyum

Shereen said...

erm , under the method note no2 , i think is suppose to be saute onion n garlic till aroma . ^^

ann low said...

Nice rolls with that puffy and delicious filling in it :)

Little Corner of Mine said...

Sure look delicious! I couldn't resist this.

Nabila A. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ping said...

How do you make your puff pastry behave so well and so neat? These are beautiful! Mine would puff up all over the place :D

3 hungry tummies said...

Omg I can easily eat 10 of those! I heard about the cookbook too, must have a look the next time I visit a bookshop

Bo said...

Those look so good...and anything wrapped in puff pastry is delicious.

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Wait, did you just say store bought puff pastry? I'm IN!!!! I'm glad your recipe doesn't include one from scratch..hehee. I can follow this. Thanks Sonia! These look delicious and I bet kids will love them!

Anonymous said...

Looks delicious, I need to add one more item in my shopping list - puff pastry..hehe

Lrong Lim said...

Looks very professional...

Ana Regalado said...

These looks really really delicious ! I could use some right now ;D

Angie's Recipes said...

I made something similar before, with a mix of ground meat though. They are really delicious.

Jeannie said...

That looks really delicious! Making own puff pastry is very tedious to me so store bought is fine lol!

Victoria said...

These look fantastic! So flaky and delicious and such a flavorful filling, yummy :)

Gloria Baker said...

OMG Sonia thes look so perfect!!! I love them

Sherleen.T said...

puff is always my tea time favourite...yours look so superb, sonia...:)

My Little Space said...

Sonia, I haven't had puff pastry for a long long time already. You're making me salivate. Wish I can have some of yours right now. Yummmm...
Hope you're having a lovely weekend.

Shoutforfood said...

I'm so hungry I could eat all of them.

Nadji said...

Délicieux. Je note.
A très bientôt

Mary said...

These look wonderful and I love the idea of making them for a quick and easy lunch!

Anonymous said...

ohmygosh those look amazing! i love wrapping everything in puff pastry:P

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, this looks so delicious! Bourke St Bakery is also very famous for their pork & fennel rolls, everytime when I visited their bakery, we would surely buy the pork & fennel rolls.

yvonne said...

I have a pack of ready-made pastry, only having the idea to wrap it with tuna/sardine.

Now I have more choices, reading from your entry here :D

Hudson said...

Those look so good...and anything wrapped in puff pastry is delicious.

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