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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hanamikoji 花見小路 Gion, Kyoto Japan

After Kōdaiji 高台寺, there were few places in our plan like 园山公园,八坂神社,四条通,知恩院、青莲院, 平安神宫, 三十三间堂 but we were too tired and my husband complaint that he had enough visited temples, hahaha (So we have excuses to visit Kyoto again ^__^). Since we were too tired walking, so we decided to catch a cab to Hanamikoji 花見小路 at Gion (祇園) is Kyoto's most famous geisha district.When i see Alan (Travellingfoodies)'s geisha photos, i make sure to visit Hanamikoji 花見小路 as i want to see real geisha!!


But luck was not with us, due to raining day, we did not spot any geisha walking on the street even we purposely went there during evening time (best time to spot geisha when they start work at this time)...
If i have a chance to visit Kyoto again, i must visit here again..
Instead we spotted few peoples makeover with Kimono..


One of the makeover shop


Another nice man-hole


After walked till end of the road, we reached this road called 東大路通


There were many shops selling souvenirs, cookies, candy and etc..





Ana Regalado said...

You didn't try the geisha costume ?! lol That place looks so pretty and clean ! I really need to check our manholes here ! :D

Diane said...

Interesting post with some great photos. Love that manhole. Have a good day Diane

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Shu Han said...

loved hearing about your trip! Sounds like a blast, so jealous!

sabrina 莎莎 said...


Li Shuan said...

I was trying very hard to see which one is you in the kimono ..haha. I didn't do the costume thing when I was there, my husband probably has no patient to wait for me to put up the make up and costume anyway.

Anonymous said...

Omygosh i am so jealous!!! I really enjoy your posts about Japan, please DO post more! :D

Unknown said...

这里好美 好清静的感觉
加上美食 绝对是度假胜地呀

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Don't you just love the names of the streets in Japan? Why didn't you try the makeover & let us see how cute is Sonia dressing in the Traditional Japanese costume? I think all the guys out there will hit their heads to the light poles(becoz of being looking at you!" hahaha!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Jessie , I think all peoples will run away after seeing a fat obashan wearing kimono..Hahaha..

Li Shuan , my husband same same, hehehe ..

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Lol! No! I thought after the picture of kimono rental, you would show up with your selection of kimono on you! I really wanted to see! Who is obasan, not you! ;) I have seen Maiko-san but never seen geisha. It's really rare. Although you were there during rainy season, it seems like there was no crazy rain that time (that you couldn't sightseen). Thanks for sharing your photos!

Colin Woon said...

I'm glad to see that you're having plenty of fun and still making plenty of wonderful food.

I have somewhat disappear from blogoshpere for a while, busy busy. Just to stop by to wish all is well with you and your family. Have fun!

Anonymous said...
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lena said...

aiyah, you shld have done a kimono makeover too and then show us!!

clee said...

how much was the kimono dress rental? is it whole day?

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