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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Nyonya-style Asam Fish Curry with Zespri Kiwifruit wedges

I think i better quickly share this Asam fish curry with Zespri kiwifruit recipe with you, so you can cook it up during these holidays (Malaysia day) , and remember to cook more rice because one plate rice is not enough, this asam curry is simply delicious!
Happy Malaysia Day to all Malaysian !!


Quickly go and grap some Zespri Kiwifruit from the supermarket nearby (in fact i just bought some at Tesco this morning at discounted price) , because this is one of the main ingredient for this Asam curry..
Next time i will just use my sweet sambal tumis to cook this asam curry, quick and fast!


Nyonya-style Asam Fish Curry with Zespri Kiwifruit wedges
(recipe source: by Rohani Jelani @ Bayan Indah, courtesy by Zespri Kiwifruit)

3 Zespri Green Kiwifruit, peeled and quartered lengthwise
75ml oil
1 torch ginger (bunga kantan), quatered lengthwise
IMG_7726 600g fish, cut into 5cm chunks or 3cm slices/steaks * red snapper or threadfin or white pomfret
1tsp salt or to taste
1 and 1/2tbsp sugar or to taste

40g tamarind pulp
650ml water

Chili paste ingredients
15g dried chillies, snipped into 1cm lengths
3 fresh red chillies(60g), seeded and sliced
100g shallots, sliced
2 stalk lemongrass, cut 12cm from the base, sliced
1cm turmeric root, sliced
5g shrimp paste
125ml water or adjust accordingly

1. Soak dried chillies in warm water for 15mins until softened, Rinse several times, discarding as many of the seed as possible.
2. Place the dried chillies, fresh chillies, shallots, lemongrass, turmeric, shrimp paste and the 125ml water in an electric blender. Whiz to a fairly fine paste and set aside.
3. Squeeze tamarind pulp and 650ml water together with your fingers to extract the pulp. Discard seeds, set tamarind liquid aside.
4. Heat oil in a roomy pan and add blended chili paste, cooking on low heat until most of the liquid evaporates, oil surfaces and mixture smells “cooked” and fragrant (take about 30mins).
5. Add tamarind liquid and bring mixture to boil. Add torch ginger, salt and sugar. Simmer mixture on medium heat for 5-6mins before adding fish. Cook until fish turns opaque, about 10mins. Add kiwifruit wedges, bring mixture back to boil and take pan off the heat. Taste and adjust seasonings.


Mel said...

Aah, slurp! Waiting for this because I simply just loves Asam Fish! Was it that good after putting in the Kiwi Fruit?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Mel, i can't really taste kiwi in the gravy as you know all spice ingredients taste is overwhelm than kiwi taste, but when you bite kiwi slices together with gravy, both taste are just nicely blend together.

Dumpling Love said...

I love assam fish! This looks and sounds so good, Sonia! It's hard to find torch ginger here though - is there a substitute or can you do without it?

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

I love this asam fish , I want to try this tomorrow ~~ Thanks for sharing !!!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Dumpling love, There is no substitution, you can just ignore it. I would suggest you add 2 slices of young Ginger in the chili paste ingredients and blend it together.

Amie said...

Uniknya masakan... oh Sonia! Tentu sangat sedap nih!

sabrina 莎莎 said...

oppsss!!! Sonia~
ta's a great dish!!!! I love!!
ya... one plate of rice is not enough~

Simple Person said...

kiwi in asam curry fish ?
hmmm my parents make asam prawn with cucumber...
so the kiwi sweetness will counter the spicy...

Li Shuan said...

Friend, this is delicious ... Love Asam fish.. drooling when I am reading this post( especially it's dinner time).
You are very efficient put this recipe into action very fast.

PH said...

This is really good! My grandma likes to put pineapple in assam fish and I think kiwi fruit is a good alternative because it is sweet and sour.

fuat gencal said...

Ellerinize sağlık. Çok leziz ve iştah açıcı görünüyor.


ibundo said...

one dish that i must try. you ni ada macam2 idealah sonia. Never thought using kiwifruit in asam pedas.

Unknown said...


Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , maybe it's better if you use green kiwi instead of yellow ?! Nevermind , that dish still looks drool worthy ! I'm so hungry right now I almost licked our cumputer screen when I saw your delicious dish ! lol

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

哇哇哇!这asam fish真让人流口水,不管啦,下次去你家吃饭,哈哈哈哈!

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


divya said...

looks so tempting & very very yummm

Unknown said...

Sonia thanks for the recipe eh. I think can use any asam fish curry style + special ingredient - kiwi right. Really looks yummy, makes me hungry at this time.

Nadji said...

Je n'ai encore jamais cuisiné le kiwi en sauce. Un plat très original.
Ca me plait beaucoup. Je note.
A bientôt
See soon

daphne said...

sweet, spicy and tangy with the addition of kiwi!! I would love to try this!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Makes me drooling, hehe...

Edith said...

Another assam fish recipes I read today. It sure must be sending me signal to cook it soon.

Lori said...

I've never used kiwi in a savory dish. This looks so interesting. I have no doubt I'd love it!

Mich - Piece of Cake said...

My mouth is watering when I look at your photos! I wonder if the kiwi would add extra sweetness to the curry?

3 hungry tummies said...

How refreshing to see kiwi fruit in a asam curry! More rice is certainly needed!

Swee San @ The Sweet Spot said...

Good job to u and QP both for cooking this dish! delish

tigerfish said...

Starting to see kiwi being used in savory dishes! Love!

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lena said...

this is mouthwatering and so special using kiwi to cook assam!

Angelic Heart~ said...

first time see using kiwi to cook curry.. so~ special!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Looks delicious! I never used Kiwis in savory dishes! You inspire me!

Choi Yen said...

substitute for pineapple?

missyblurkit said...

This was such an appetizing dish that day. A lovely twist to the usual tomatoes and egg plants in assam fish curry.

Lysha said...

I recently by chance found your blog...cool..guessed your blog just makes me happy,one big huya to U...HUYA.

Suhaina said...

wow.looks yumm. never tried this combo.

Caca said...

this is good, add kiwi instead of pineapple.

mui mui said...

Sonia, I have been missing out some of your yummy food from here so I am going to start here and read each post till your present one..hehe
Wwaw! This Assam fish looks so sedap! I would like to try this in future, between it this dish very hot? Cos I see there is 15 dried chilies in the chili paste!

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