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Friday, September 28, 2012

Single Yolk and Lotus Paste Mooncakes单黄莲蓉月饼

This will be my last batch of baked mooncakes, using the new mooncake mould just bought recently. I like this mould because it is not only look flat and one layer like normal mooncake mould, it has three layers, like Chinese say 层次感 ...And i love wooden mooncake mould, because i enjoying the process of knocking here and there ^_^..
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I saw this pattern only left one, quickly grap it and the price also cheaper than others, thought maybe due to last piece..

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I use this golden syrup which i have kept for a year, the longest you kept, the nicer of the mooncake turned out. After this, i need to buy some to keep for next year mooncake festival...

Ya, one more tip i learnt, when you waiting for 回油 (freshly baked mooncake will be hard, you need to wait few days to let the mooncake skin return to oil and soft ), try not to lay dolly paper or baking paper underneath the mooncakes, the process of 回油 will be slow because the oil will be absorbed by the paper instead of mooncake..

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I prefer just single salted egg yolk rather than double egg yolks (i feel too much of yolks), saltiness from the salted egg yolk just balance out the sweetness from lotus paste, perfect combo..


Single Yolk and Lotus Paste Mooncakes单黄莲蓉月饼
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
*makes 9 large mooncakes


325g Hong Kong Flour or super fine flour
225g Golden syrup or Special mooncake syrup
75g cooking oil or peanut oil
1/2tsp alkaline water


1. Sifted flour in a mixing bowl.
2. Mix syrup, peanut oil and alkaline water, slowly pour into flour.
3. Use a spatula or hands to mix till form soft dough. Cover and rest it for 1 hour.
4. To weight 60g each and shape to ball.


800g lotus paste
9pcs salted egg yolks (brush with rice wine, steam for 5mins)
30g melon seeds, toasted


1. Add melon seeds with lotus paste, combine well.
2. Weight one salted egg yolk and lotus paste to 100g each, shape to ball.

Egg wash- 1 egg yok + 1tsp milk (lightly whisk to combine)

To make mooncake

IMG_8424 copy 1. Flatten the pastry ball and place a lotus paste filling in the centre, wrap and seal the dough slowly by pushing them until totally cover the whole filling, slightly shape into ball again.
2..Lightly flour the mould, knock out excess flour.
3. Place a mooncake ball into the mould and flatten the base with your palm.
4. Overturn the mould to tip the mooncake out by tapping the sides against the table lightly if needed.
5. Bake at a pre-heated oven at 180c for 7mins.
6. Remove mooncakes from oven and set aside to cool for at least 15mins.
7. Apply egg wash on the whole mooncake and bake at preheated oven at 170c for 15-20mins or until golden brown.
8. Remove mooncake from oven, immediately transfer to wire rack to cool. Serve after 1-2 days in room temperature as to soften the mooncake skin.


You might thought i like to eat mooncake since i made so many types, no, you were wrong, i like to make them but i don't really like to eat them, hehehe..Here were some sent to relatives and friends..

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After baked version, the next will be snowskin mooncake which is my children's favourite, will make them in these two days so i can serve them during the BBQ party which will held on this Sunday of Mid-Autumn Festival ..how are you going to celebrate this coming Mid-Autumn festival?

祝你们中秋快乐。。。。月圆花好 Happy celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival ..


珊珊 said...


zila norazila said...

semalam baru i jumpa ini mould..special sbb dari kayu..cantik2 mooncake.:)

Mel said...

Wah...still baking mooncakes? Homemade one is always the best! Wish I can have one from yours....looking really yummy there! I have yet to bake mooncake; maybe next year lol. Oh, wishing you and your family Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Hang up some lantern already? :-)

Kimmy said...

Hi Sonia, saw all your postings on mooncakes. I must tell you I really like the colour tone of your mooncakes[so even and nice]. Have bookmarked your coconut filling for my next bake, next year...

Kimmy said...

Hi Sonia, saw all your postings on mooncakes. I must tell you I really like the colour tone of your mooncakes[so even and nice]. Have bookmarked your coconut filling for my next bake, next year...

0620 said...

very “水”..... :)

Saraswathy Balakrishnan said...

Soni are u on moon-cake baking sphere... loving it visibly from ur post:)

Saraswathy Balakrishnan
Taste of Saras Kitchen

Saraswathy Balakrishnan said...

Soni are u on moon-cake baking sphere... loving it visibly from ur post:)

Saraswathy Balakrishnan
Taste of Saras Kitchen

Joceline Lor said...


Artsylicious said...

I like your 1st photo! happy mid autumn to you! super jealous you can do BBQ! here we're in REAL mid autumn, temperature below 10C...

Baby Sumo said...

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you and your family, Sonia!

I'm the opposite of you, I like to eat mooncakes but dont like to make them. Haha!

Qi Qi in the house said...


eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

very pandai, all type of mooncake mould u also can handle very well.

oh ya, back to the earlier mould (kahwin mould, haha), need to pre order

Tracy Low said...


Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

I also prefer single yolk.

Happy.mims-autumn festival to ur family and u!

Elaine said...

Wish I could taste your lovely mooncakes! haha. Have an enjoyable Mid Autumn Festival with your family!.

Angelic Heart~ said...

another beautiful mooncake! you can open shop and sell, i'll definitely be your customer.

yvonne said...

I like my mooncake without yolk, just plain lotus paste, hehehe~

Happy mid autumn to you and your family, Sonia!

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Very beautiful mooncake :)
I also looking for this pattern. The wooden moulds selling here are very expensive!

Pink Lady said...


Simple Person said...

wow the mooncake looks very nice...

Casey said...


sabrina 莎莎 said...

很美的双手呢~~~ =)
嗯。。我不敢用木模。。怕敲坏瓷砖就荷包痛了呢~~ =P 我蛮粗鲁的捏~~~

PH said...

Sonia, very nice, very nice! I like the shape of "tiga tingkat" and as for the knocking, I help my auntie make ang koo and my knocking so loud, disturb my uncle. Hee..hee..

Karen said...

wow..very nice mooncake, like store bought, you very pro liao.. :).. 中秋节快乐!

ykristen said...

Wow Sonia your mooncake looks good, wish i could make them like you too.
Can i buy some from u if you have extras at home? Maybe u can consider selling them since u love baking so much, i definitely won't mind ordering from u

Yannie said...

So beautifully done, Sonia. It looks so presentable like we bought outside. You are certainly too good.

Adina Aruştei said...

Amazing, Sonia!!
Love them! And miss them so much :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Tracy, i got it from the shop near my house but now no more stock for this pattern, will let you if i happen to see one.

Mich Piece of Cake said...

I also like this type of mould. The steps make the mooncake very beautiful. Thanks for the tip on the golden syrup. Think I should buy one bottle now for next year!!

Anonymous said...

happy mid autumn festival to you & your family...all your mooncakes look so pretty :-) ... thanks for sharing all your fabulous recipes here


鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Somewhere in Singapore said...

Happy Mid Autumn Festival to you and your family...

Li Shuan said...

Oh...last batch already ...i quick quick come to reserve some or else have to wait till next year. Actually I also like to use wooden mould to "kok" but my husband c/o very noisy haha.... That's why I have to "ko" when he is not around.

Very nice moon cake and good pics as well.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Wah Sonia, your mooncakes very Swee ya, I would pay big $$ to buy it! So you baked your last batch? I'm still planning to do some tomorrow if I have time...but chocolate version heehee. May you and your family have a wonderful mooncakes festival ya my friend! Eat some of your nice mooncakes first.....hungry....nom nom nom....

Cosy Bake said...

Perfect baked moon cakes!! I love your moon cake recipe, and have been using it . Very tasty and I love the texture. Looking at your moon cakes, I m drooling. i always a fan of lotus with yolk moon cakes , YUMMMMMM!!

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

Oh! very nice mooncakes, yummy!

Sally said...


Ana Regalado said...

I prefer single yolk as well ! Two is too much ! lol Another beautifully made mooncakes , Sonia ! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you and to your family !

Unknown said...

Happy Mid Autumn Festival! I will come and get your recipe if happend I make this traditional mooncake. Very beautiful and just like those selling outside.

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

I have been enjoying reading how mooncake is made. This one cannot bring in to Australia leh, cos of the yolk. Although it is so delicious. Happy Mid Autumn Festival.

Baking Diary said...

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you Sonia, you sure have lots of pretty and delicious mooncakes to share with your relative and friends:D Next year I must try to bake more:)

mycookinghut said...

Looks really yummy!!

0620 said...

Wishing you and family a very happy Moon Cake Festival :)

Sally said...


Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

Your moon cakes looked so perfect, definitely better then shop bought!! Wishing you and your family a beautiful and happy Mid-Autumn Festival!!~

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Sonia, your moon cakes must be far better than ones from stores, seriously, they look amazing!!! And you even care about the honey and prepare a year in advance. I LOVE your determination to succeed and all of your posts show your perfection! ;)

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Happy mid-autumn festival to you & your family too! These mooncakes look exactly like store-bought but better than store-bought becoz they were freshly baked & free if preservatives!

J.O said...


Unknown said...

祝:中秋愉快。身体健康。 简简单单的一句。嘻。。。

Bakeling said...


很高兴能在这里看到很多的月饼,很有中秋的气氛 !

chow and chatter said...

wow these look amazing perfect

Eileen, Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Your mooncake looks so nice, especially the layered look which has 3D effect, pretty! Have a great time BBQ! I remember when my children were younger, we used to bring them out to garden 提灯笼,now that they are older, they No longer fancy that: ) 中秋节快乐!

Chef and Sommelier said...

Sonia, you should open a pastry shop. (Or are you already having one?) I know of shops that survive solely by making and selling mooncakes during this month of the year. Other months just take thing easy.

Unknown said...


shan said...


你的golden syrup是买的吗?我去年买的是有expire date,我就奇怪不是收越久越好吗?!

Small Small Baker said...

Didn't make any mooncakes this year, come and eat yours. Happy Mid Autumn Festival! :)

Small Kucing said...

Happy Mid Autumn to you and your family

Kelly Siew said...

They look sooooo good! I'm not a big fan of mooncakes so never thought of trying to make it. Maybe I should try and make them as gifts.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

lena said...

actually i'm so afraid of knocking, afraid that it might irritate my neighbours or break my counter table, i usually put a cloth on it..heehe..happy mooncake festival to you, sonia!!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Nicely done! I really like the kua chi in Malaysian mooncakes. The ones imported from HK and China don't have kua chi. This year, I bought the one imported from Malaysia and it contains kua chi, missed it a lot. :)

daphne said...

wow, u r so good at making the mooncakes- even though you don't like eating them! :) Happy belated. autumn festival to u and your family. ;)

Sem said...

hi, i have tried out your recipe for the mooncake pastry and the coconut fillings, it really turns soft after two days, a recipe keeper,i like your picture of the mooncake, very unique.

Rose world said...

I never personally hand made a mooncake before. *blush* But nice mooncake mould you have there. Happy belated Mooncake Festival, Sonia.

Caca said...

wow, i like this beautiful and very homemade feel mooncakes.

Shu Han said...

WAHHH, so impressed with all the mooncakes you made. we recently tried making some, just simple snowskin ones and already they were so difficult to get right. you're crazy sonia :)

mui mui said...

Love all your pretty mooncakes.
This lotus paste with single yolk is one of my favorite too.
Homemade ones are always tastier then those from the store.

WW said...

Hi Sonia, if I don't use Hong Kong flour, is cake flour or all purpose flour more suitable as replacement?


teo ai li said...

Hi Sonia, forgive my ignorance...is there any size/weigh for the mould? I know those small springer type,they have different mould weight like 55gm etc.....Thanks!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

teo ai li, i use the wooden mould, you can see the picture in this post, diameter is 3"

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