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Friday, October 12, 2012

Mini Red Bean Buns 迷你红豆面包

When my daughter invited her best friends to our Mid-Autumn festival BBQ Party, her friends were so sweet, even gave me a baking cookbook as a gift. The title of the book is 星期天的烘培时光 by 郑荣仙.(a famous Korean cookbook writer).  There are many simple and nice baking recipes from this book, the first recipe i tried was this mini red bean buns..

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The taste of this bun is not overwhelming, just a plain and simple bun, nice to have it with a cup of coffee..

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Mini Red Bean Buns 迷你红豆面包
(recipe source: adapted from cookbook 星期天的烘培时光 by 郑荣仙, with minor changes) ***makes 30 mini buns

200g High Protein Flour
IMG_0223 copy 50g cake flour or low protein flour
1/2tsp instant yeast
50g caster sugar
1/8tsp salt
25g egg
125g milk
45g unsalted butter

100g cooked red bean

1. Mix all dry ingredients except butter in a mixing bowl.
2. Knead till a smooth dough, add in butter, continue knead till elastic.
3. Gently mix in cooked red bean into dough, cover and set aside to proof for 50mins.
4. Take out the dough, gently use your palm to release air from the dough, continue to rest for another 15mins.
5. Use a rolling pin (may dust with some flour), roll into 20cm rectangular shape.
6. Cut into small rectangular piece, arrange on a lined baking pan, rest for another 40mins.
7. Bake at the pre-heated oven at 180C for 15-18mins.
8. Store in air-tight container for leftover buns to maintain the softness.

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With this mini "frangipani" flower from my garden, wishing all have a Happy Weekend ahead..

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Mel said...

How thoughtful of young girls nowadays! Oh, I would love to make this mini red bean buns one day. Must be yum yum and good for afternoon tea break for me. (I don't care much about lunch but more on afternoon tea!) Have a wonderful weekend Sonia!

Casey said...


yvonne said...

I thought this bun has red bean filling :O Very interesting!

cikmanggis said...

wah sungguh baik sekali kawan anak Sonia..seronok jika anak-anak pandai mengambil hati orang dewasa kan:)

..dah lama tak buat roti...belum ada "angin" roti ni hehe.

ann low said...

This mini buns are best for afternoon tea. I love the mini size.

Simple Person said...

i thought you are making those red bean paste .. :)

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Somewhere in Singapore said...

At first, i thought it's scone, hehe...

ahteekitchen said...

Yooo, cantiknya gambar! thumbs up!!
Seems like the lens kit had been upgraded jor~~ ^^

Small Kucing said...

yummmm...good for anytime

VineelaSiva said...

The buns looks very inviting.Feels like grab the whole bowl.

sabrina 莎莎 said...

=P 很美的照片哦!!!

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

The buns look dainty and adorable, and your flower looks stunning, your photos are really beautiful!!

CQUEK said...

Delicious in taste and in appearance.

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

I like these few photos, very nice and pretty. Look very different from previous ones :)

Artsylicious said...

Sonia, nice buns and flowers! wow, the girl is so thoughtful,what a perfect gift for you! :)

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , do invite those girls again ! lol .... These buns look yummy ! Send some of that over here ! :D What lens did you use for these photos ?!

Unknown said...

small small bun. one mouth one...em...

Little Corner of Mine said...

Look so cute and pretty!

Joceline Lor said...


divya said...

oohh im drooling here...finger-licking good :)

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

1st time of seeing the red bean mini buns & they are so cute! Looks like your daughter's friend respects you a lot!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

I have that book too! It's such a nice book with simple bakes to try. :)) your mini red bean buns look like cute little scones, heehee. Love the frangipani .....

daphne said...

happy weekend indeed! I love how red bean is sprinkle throughout the bun instead of just red bean paste! cute.

Mich Piece of Cake said...

Your daughter's friends are so sweet! This looks like a delicious snack...

Mandy said...


Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

You know how much I love red been! I wish this is my breakfast. I enjoy your new photograph very much! :)

Cheah said...

Sonia, your clicks are so sharp and beautiful and those friends of your daughter's, so thoughtful of them!

Shu Han said...

awwww so sweet! (:

Baby Sumo said...

Your daughter's friend is very thoughtful. I also love your frangipani photo.. very nice!

Li Shuan said...

Cutie mini buns...! Now u already handal using ur new camera ...I like the frangipani photograph.

shan said...



Nadji said...

Je vais les tester vite. Je ne fais pas souvent de cuisine coréenne.
Les haricots rouges doivent rajouter beaucoup de goût.
A bientôt

missyblurkit said...

The girls are so sweet...I love red bean buns. Gonna see if I am up to it making it.

irene myme said...



PH said...

At first I thought the buns got red bean filling. Then I realised that it has red beans all over the buns. Very nice! First time I see this type of buns. And your photos very canggih, got sharp got blur hee..hee..

Angie's Recipes said...

So soft and great! I love them with some tea for the breakfast.

Baking Diary said...

These buns look delicious! I like the mini size!

mui mui said...

Cute red bean buns. Can I have 1 morning tea? :)

lena said...

so cute! i'm sure i will enjoy eating these mini buns too! i like the red beans speckles round the buns

Martin Tarnowski said...

Sonia , do invite those girls again ! lol .... These buns look yummy ! Send some of that over here ! :D What lens did you use for these photos ?!

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