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Monday, December 3, 2012

Homemade Caramel Kaya ( coconut egg jam) 咖椰

I have been thinking to make caramel kaya ( last time i did pandan kaya but never try with caramel type) for so long, finally i made it with one duck egg (leftover from making salted eggs the other day) that sitting in the fridge for too long....

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Just one duck egg and 2 chicken eggs, we can have so lovely homemade kaya at home, next time i will try to make it instead of buying them from shop..Why i add duck egg?
I was told by the shop owner who selling duck eggs to me, she said the famous kopitiam (cafe) in Klang buying duck eggs from them to make their famous kaya...


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I just modified from earlier pandan kaya recipe to become caramel kaya. I was pleased with the result, smooth kaya and the sweetness just alright for our liking...

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This morning, i was enjoying toast with kaya and butter , with a cup of coffee...
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Homemade Caramel Kaya ( coconut egg jam) 咖椰
(recipe source: modified from pandan kaya recipe, by Sonia a.k.a Nasi Lemak Lover)

3 large eggs, lightly beaten ( I use 2 chicken eggs + 1 duck egg )
250g caster sugar
350ml thick coconut milk
(500ml water + grated coconut (from one large old coconut), keep the balance)
2pcs pandan leaves, knotted

1. Mix 150g sugar with coconut milk, use a hand whisk stir till sugar dissolved.
2. Add in egg, stir to combine well, set aside.
3. Add balance 100g sugar in a saucepan, cook over medium heat till became golden syrup.
4. Pour golden syrup into egg and coconut milk mixture, and the syrup will form into curd, don’t worry, continue stir until syrup dissolved in the mixture (Be careful when you pour the syrup, it will spill !)
5. Sift the kaya mixture into another mixing bowl (stainless steel preferred), add in pandan leaves.
6. Place mixing bowl over another pot of boiled water on low heat (double boil method), stir kaya mixture occasionally.(Do not stop too long, 1-2mins intervals). Discard pandan leaves once the leaf is cooked.
7. It took at least 1hour to cook till desired thickness. Cool completely before store in a clear jar and keep in the fridge.


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Beside spread kaya on toast, later i will share with you on other ways of enjoying this homemade kaya..


Mel said...

I think using duck eggs taste some difference with chicken eggs. I like to make my own kaya too... but I am trying to cut down on coconut milk and eggs due to high cholesterol.... so sad...

Veronica said...

Your caramel kaya looks so smooth. Very lovely texture. Perfect on buttered toast.

Tracy Low said...


Unknown said...


Bear Viewing Alaska said...
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Sokehah cheah said...

I do remember my mum used to say that kaya made with duck eggs give a better colour. I simply love kaya but need to cut down on coconut intake because of my cholesterol....what a pity!

Casey said...


eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

thanks for sharing the steps and the result was fantastic.

your photos also sui sui, well done sonia

Mich - Piece of Cake said...

I love the beautiful colour of your kaya. Looks so smooth and rich.

Smiley said...

散发很香kaya气味,这很香滑!Opps,不好意思,I ta pao sendiri ya (*_*)

Somewhere in Singapore said...

The colour is so nice...

Fern @ To Food With Love said...

I prefer the brown kaya compared to the green pandan one. Looks beautiful. I've never tried it with duck eggs before. What's the difference in taste?

sabrina 莎莎 said...

wow!! its great~~~!!!!
i wish to ve one tin... =P
will keep tis method to make myself one day... haha!!!

Pink Lady said...

Smooth caramel kaya...make me wanna have a toast now!!

ann low said...

Totally agree with all your readers, your kaya looks very smooth and rich.

Li Shuan said...

That day my friend also told me she used duck eggs to make kaya. Ur kaya looks silky smooth ...very inviting. My angmo only eat peanut butter and Vegemite ... He only eat caramel slices but not our kaya spread....sian!

PH said...

Very nice kaya, lor! I will just take a spoon and scoop to eat :)

Joelyn said...

Sonia, thanks for this fabulous post!

Unknown said...

I heard the traditional way of making kaya is only duck eggs. Since the price is not cheap most nowadays kaya is made with chicken eggs. Is good to made own kaya. Definitely flavorful. Yours look really great!

bernice's kitchen said...


Baby Sumo said...

Sonia, your kaya looks great! But I dunno if I got patience to cook for so long.. hehe.

Joceline Lor said...


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Bernice , 我也不知道哦,不过我就是顺一个方向搅拌。可能就这样变滑了。

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Fern, I couldn't differentiate but it just taste nice and taste similar like the famous kaya in KLANG.

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

Very nice kaya jam, i must try out your recipe and thanks for sharing!

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Very funny, my family don't like kaya(including me) @^@
So i come to taupau your eggs, hehe...!

Happy walker said...
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Min said...

I want to make Kaya too! Any difference in taste for this duck egg version?

VineelaSiva said...

Wow sonia sounds new to me.I never hear or taste about this spread.

Brenda said...

Sonia, 可以卖 kaya 了, 单卖相就很吸引人呢!:D

ICook4Fun said...

My aunt operates a kopitiam and she too used duck eggs to make kaya as she said kaya gives a thicker and richer consistency to the kaya. We were spoilt by her as we get her homemade kaya from her weekly. That is why now I also make my own kaya as the store bought kind just not good ;)

Esther@thefussfreechef said...

Nothing beats a good jar of homemade kaya. Yours look so smooth and yummy.

Stephanie said...

Hi Sonia,
I was thinking of to cook kaya again after trying your pandan kaya, great that you post this caramel kaya, is this the same as the 'brown kaya' that we used to buy from store? or that one is called palm sugar kaya? I am not sure....
Thanks for sharing!

Baking Diary said...

Looks as good as your pandan version....I would love to try this too:D When I am feeling hard working lol!

Angie's Recipes said...

I am thoroughly tempted with your coconut egg jam. Yum!

Artsylicious said...

Sonia, this is very smooth and silky!! tempting tempting!!

daphne said...

it looks so creamy! Thanks for the step by step photo as well!! I'm going to bookmark this!

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

I have never tried duck eggs in my cooking yet but this has inspire me to try. Ducks have been laying eggs all over my kebun...aiya they don't know how to lay eggs properly.

Sem said...

what i normally did was to cook kaya till smooth, then cook the sugar separately till it become caramel and add back to the kaya and stir well. I like the carmalised taste in the kaya when you cook the sugar till caramelise.
Will try your method to add golden syrup to make brown kaya as it look nice and smooth.

Chef and Sommelier said...

Hi Sonia! Love the colour of the Kaya in the glass container. Very authentic. Somehow, I prefer and feel more connected to brown/orange kaya than the green pandan version. It's the childhood thing again... :)

Little blue said...

Nice...where is my toast?? Hehe...and i also saw a cute wire rack.

Elaine said...

Thanks for the recipe. I loved this type of Kaya and yours definitely fit the bill!

Sally said...


Small Kucing said...

bravo...your jam is so smooth! ...people say make this have pantang ...cannot say the kaya looking good else will be lumpy or watery.

Am going to bookmark this for later use

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Kaya kaya, I haven't had you for such a long time! Xiao liao, talking to kaya pulak! Photos were taken beautifully! If last minute I find time, will call you to take me "gai gai," go to your frequent shops where you normally buy the baking stuffs & the "ka chang," ok?

Anonymous said...

Very interesting...looks delicious.

For technical reasons, I'm no longer posting at http://akshaypatrerecipes.blogspot.in.

This is my new blog adress

Happy to follow you. I hope you'll follow me back.

Ana Regalado said...

This caramel kaya looks as good as your pandan kaya ! It looks so rich and smooth , perfect to spread on buttered toast ! I've tasted kaya before but I've forgotten its taste now :P :D

zila norazila said...

kaya..uittss look delicious la..u sangat rajin:)

Zoe said...

Hi Sonia,

This is something new that I learn from you. Just 1 duck egg can enhance the taste of kaya! Amazing!


Bakericious said...

Sonia, so how is the taste using duck egg? is it better?

mui mui said...

Your kaya have such pretty orangy hues.
Duck egg....I learn something new every time i drop by your blog. Pandai!!!!

Unknown said...

Wow, I am new to your blog but glad I stopped by so many amazing and new to me recipes.

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Hmm, very interesting. I wish I was sitting next to you at the table enjoying this toast! ;) Looks yummy!

My Little Space said...

Whoa Sonia, you're very hard working. I really enjoy homemade kaya but too bad unable to finish it most of the time. Very sayang. Wish I can have some of yours. Slurpppp...

lena said...

yeah, that's what my mum told me too about using duck eggs to make kaya the previous time. I guess they give a better fragrance to the kaya.

Alice said...

i love kaya! but never make it myself :)
will give this a try but i guess i will use all chicken eggs :)

Chris said...

Hi Sonia!

Your kaya looks awesome! I'm hoping to make it soon. Thank you for always sharing so many delicious recipes. :D


Chin said...

Hi Sonia, would you happen to know if I could get the same caramel color if I were to substitute caster sugar with gula melaka for the caremalisation step? Thanks in advance.

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