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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Old-Fashioned Birthday Cake, and party foods 怀旧的生日

The other day when i had conversation about Birthday party with my hubby, and i just realized that both of us never had neither a Birthday party nor Birthday cake when we were young. Our family financial situation was not allowed to have such luxury celebration last time. When i was a kid, our family were staying at the kampung (small town) , to have a Birthday cake is big thing for us, we can only travel to big town like Klang to get Birthday cake because there were no bakery shop at our small town last time..Anyway, we never blamed our parent and we blessed for what we had last time, it also trained us become stronger and appreciate for everything that we achieving now.
Nevertheless, i still have kawan-kawan yang kaya ( rich friends) last time, so i still have chances to attend their Birthday parties, hehehe..When i flipping through those old Birthday party photos the other day, recall a lot of nice memory and nostalgia feeling about these old Birthday parties. So i decided to held an old-fashioned party for my hubby this year..

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I tried to recall what foods were served in a Birthday party last time. Here i came out with these old-fashioned cake and foods..I also served these foods with old fashioned enamel plates and Corningware L'ECHALOTE (Thanks to my hubby finally got me this set of classic casserole that i have been wanting to own a set)

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Dig out all these old Birthday photos to get the ideas on how to decorate the old-fashioned Birthday cake

The common old-fashioned Birthday cake has those colourful edible wafer flowers, chocolate rice on the sides of the cake, star pipe buttercream..
This time i really made an old-fashioned Birthday cake even the buttercream also taste exactly like those i ate in old time. I learnt how to make this old-fashioned buttercream from the bakery shop that usually i visiting, just realized the buttercream is made with one type of margarine called Creamwell..check out recipe below..

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Some of the foods that usually served in a Birthday party last time..The fried chicken also old style, you must be wondering why fried chicken also has old style, hehehe, find out the recipe below..

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Must have item -red eggs, recipe here ( i have revised the old post to include exact amount of ingredients )

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fried meehoon, recipe here

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my hubby's favourite- Hokkien fried mee, recipe here
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Chicken curry, recipe here
This is a must have dish, as we like to pour a lot of curry gravy onto fried meehoon or fried Hokkein mee..

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One of the kuih that i like to eat in an old-fashioned Birthday party- corn pudding..will share recipe soon..

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old-fashioned agar-agar jelly, will share recipe soon
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Old-fashioned fried chicken..

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In old time, taking Kentucky fried chicken outside also a luxury thing, so usually my mother using this type of pre-mix Kentucky flour to fry chicken..very easy, just coat this flour with chicken and deep fry..

My son Desmond said he likes this old-fashioned fried chicken very much ^_^

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Happy Birthday to my hubby!! stay healthy...
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Old-Fashioned Birthday Cake
(Recipe: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

One 7” chocolate sponge cake, refer recipe here

One quantity of Creamwell buttercream, refer recipe here
Chocolate rice
Edible wafer flowers


1. Using a cake divider to divide sponge cake into 3 pieces.
2. Frost the whole cake and between layers with Creamwell buttercream.
3. Pat chocolate rice on the sides, and pipe a ring of star buttercream around the cake.
4. Decorate with edible wafer flowers.
5. Cover and keep in room temperature.

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** I got this old-fashioned Birthday party idea when i saw Wendy also held one for her husband last time..


Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

So sorry, this post were re-posted and resulted few earlier comments were deleted. Here are those earlier comments:-

-Somewhere in Singapore
Happy Birthday to your hubby!!!


-sabrina 莎莎
祝你的他生日快乐!!事事顺利!! =) Sonia,你真的好棒哦!!一大堆美食蛋糕,随手轻松准备得妥当!!

-Veronica @ Minty’sKitchen
Happy Birthday to your dear husband Sonia. Tell him he is a very lucky man! All those 'old fashioned' food on your table will never go out of style. No doubt they taste super-delicious! on Old-Fashioned Birthday Cake, and party foods

-Tracy Low

Happy Belated Birthday to your husband. Ya this type of old fashion party spread brought back a lot of memories especially during high school. There will be someone birthday party to attend every week until my parents have to put a stop to it ha ha.. They said I have too much good time and not studying :)

Hi Sonia, Happy Birthday to your hubby. Love your old fashion birthday feast and cake. Everything look so delicious and brought back memories of the good old times. Thanks for sharing all the wonderful recipes. Have a lovely day. on Old-Fashioned Birthday Cake, and party foods

Happy birthday to your hubby. Cream well is a new thing to me. About the Kentucky fried chicken flour, my mum used it during my childhood time.


-Crystal Loh

Oh wow this was an intersting post...and I have enjoyed looking at every photos....You have been real busy, have you? Happy birthday to "Mr NasiLemakLover".... hee....hee...

Mel said...

Oh wow, this was a great post with table full of delicious and yummy food.... celebrating birthday with a theme..."old fashioned birthday party"! Guess what Im from the old fashioned years too...hahahah..... "happy birthday to your husband n may he be blessed with happiness and good health".

Joceline Lor said...


Sally said...



cikmanggis said...

Happy bday to your Hubby Sonia.Semoga bahagia sehingga akhir hayat :)

Yummy Bakes said...

Happy birthday to your husband.

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

wow sonia, i guess u have a pair of 万能手,how can u prepare all these dishes by ur own??

actually, some of the dishes u mentioned above still appear when we hold birthday celebration at my mother in law place, hehe, kampung party

Annie's Journal said...

What a very special birthday party! Your husband is so blessed indeed:)He got a true treasure when he found his wife:)

Unknown said...

Very enjoy looking at your old-fashioned fooD that serve during Birthday party. Happy Birthday to your hubby!

PH said...

Sonia, this post really brings back old memories. So nostalgic! I remember those wafer flowers. When I was small I used to target those flowers :) Your hubby had a great birthday, so many good food and some more got red eggs. He is a lucky man!

Passionate About Baking said...

Happy birthday to your hubby, Sonia.
Yes, your post also reminds me of our birthdays in earlier years. I always remember the biscuit roses, I love them very much. The foods that you have, all looked so yummy!

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Happy belated birthday to your hubby! Wah you are truly a 贤内助! So good to cook up such a delicious and memorable meal for him! * appluase*!!!

ann low said...

Sonia, I still remember this old fashioned cake during my time with the thick thick cream on it.. :DD
Anyway Happy belated Birthday to your hubby!

Li Shuan said...

Sonia, wishing ur husband happy birthday and stay happy happy forever....
You've organized a very special and meaningful bday party for him, what a wonderful wife ur. Ohh..I like the old fashion flower decorations on the cake...that brings back lots of memories. ...good on you my friend. Besides lots n lots of delicious traditional party food...I like the old style Kentucky fried chicken too. Last night I have the new style one ( from the shop) not nice at all..haha...maybe the old style suit me better.

Esther@thefussfreechef said...

Very thoughtful of you Sonia :) your hubby must have enjoyed himself immensely. Blessed man :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Sally, yes, i did marinate with light soy sauce and a bit of salt for several hours.

0620 said...

Desmond looks 靓仔 :P
Happy Birthday to your hb !!

Mich Piece of Cake said...

Happy birthday to your Hubby, Sonia. this brings back many memories of my childhood...

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

hehe... i remeber i like to eat the edible wafer flower when i was a kid!

珊珊 said...

我看上了那个鸡腿哟!! 看起来就知道有多好吃了!!

Sharon @Feats of Feasts said...

This is such a good idea and a good theme to celebrate a birthday. Have a blessed birthday to your husband. The spread looks really delicious!

Sissi said...

The cake looks perfect! and the whole birthday party is fantastic. I wish someone made it for me too! (I also used to have buttercream cakes made by my mum, but always chocolate buttercream because I have always been a chocoholic).

Simple Person said...

Well I m more fortunate than you...
I got birthday cakes....
Lol on old fashion birthday food...
But nowadays lots of people call for catering and the food is more or less like this....
If you got drumstick during bd means that you are fortunate... Happy birthday to your hubby....

孤Owl的王子- Nick Goh said...

i like this kind of old fashion birthday celebration!!! so got feel~ so got child's memory....like it!!

Angelic Heart~ said...

I love the birthday food, especially the cake, looks very tasty! and yes, i have had this type of birthday meal when i was a kid...

happy birthday to your hubby:)

Anonymous said...

你的另一半一定很感动吧! 真有心思。 我虽是道地的吉隆坡人, 但童年是在非常贫苦环境度过, 莫说生日蛋糕, 三餐也非常免强。 不过, 我心存感恩, 逆境把我们训练得更惜福。共勉之! *妙音*

huikhee and yoonlai said...

Happy Birthday to your hubby!! :D

Stephanie said...

very old-fashioned! I miss the cake with lots of choc rice!
Happy Belated birthday to your hubby!

Swee San @ The Sweet Spot said...

yes i remember the old fashioned birthday parties.. sponge cakes with piping gel cartoon or paper wafer roses, curry chicken, fried mee hoon, red eggs and pink agar agar...
my mom's version of fried chicken is marinated with ginger paste, then with some of the kentucky flour ..

Hearty Bakes said...

Happy Birthday to your hubby!
the spread looks delicious.
I sooo heart this post Sonia! it brings back good old memories. it's so heart warming! I think I will follow suits for my birthday since the last time I had a party was when I was 14.
thanks for sharing, I had a good time reading your post, enjoying every bit of it as I walk down the memory lane...

Rachana said...

Birthday wishes to your hubby. He is a lucky man!

cherry potato said...

happy birthday to your beloved hubby.


Baking Diary said...

I am sure your hubby was very happy with his old fashion bday party.....every dish cooked with love huh lol! Happy belated bday to your hubs:)

Artsylicious said...

Sonia, all the food are so yummy, who cares the style?? as long as they are yummy and brings fond memories! You re a very lovely wife besides a super good cook! :)

Jane Chew said...

Happy birthday to ur abang. May he always stay young n healthy. Your cake looks perfect for me. U r such a lovely wife. This type of trad bdy party really brings back lots of memories. Good job!

Gloria Baker said...

Happy birthday to your hubby Sonia!! this look beautiful!

Ana Regalado said...

Awwww you're so sweet ! Preparing those delectable feast ! Belated Happy Birthday to your hubby , Sonia !

Sem said...

This is a very nostalgic post, i can recalled I always fond of the rose syrup flavoured agar-agar.You can really cook up a feast, how lucky is your family to have such talented mum and wife:)

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


蚊子 said...


Unknown said...


Esther Lau said...

Sonia, looking at your old fashion b'day party, it brought me back to those days :) long time we never have this kind of party. We do have the menu like yours : curry chicken, icing cake, agar- agar, fried mee hoon and the homemade KFC. Ours also never miss out sandwich and watermelon basket :)

Joelyn said...

Nice one Sonia. Happy Birthday to your hubby too. My family also do not buy cakes as it's out of our budget but home celebration with home cooked food is a norm and your post brought back old memories :)

Sokehah cheah said...

Both my hubby and I have never, ever celebrated our birthdays before. The old-fashioned birthday cake is a reminder.....You're great, making all those goodies single-handedly!

Agnes CF Lee said...

Nice to have things back to basic..very homely way to celebrate birthday..that's how it should be..

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I love buttercream from the yesteryear!
the link to buttercream doesn't work though...

Jes's Deli Corner said...

Happy birthday to your hubby! When I saw the old fashion foods here, this recall my favourite old fashioned of Kentucky flour for fried chicken..it was yummy...I wanted to make this one day. Oh ya, can't wait for your jagung kuih recipe in next post..my fav too.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Anonymous, the buttercream link is up now.

Anonymous said...

thanks for relinking the buttercream recipe :)

lena said...

wow sonia, i really salute and admire you for taking the effort to make all those delicious looking food up there! your old fashioned cake is really the type of old fashioned..especially with that sugar flowers! Good!

Choi Yen said...

Oh...the flowers on the cakes! I love old fashioned cake especially the cream, the more the merrier!!!

Cosy Bake said...

Oh... this is one of the best tasting birthday cakes I think. Love the smooth butter cream and the soft sponge!

Caca said...

I like how you decorate the cake with rice paper roses.

mui mui said...

Love all your oldies.
Remind me of my younger age. :D
I guess we are from almost the same generation.

Peishan said...

Sonia, is it ok to chill the cake? Noticed that you mentioned leaving it in room Temperature.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Peishan, it is ok to chill in the fridge , but advise to let it return to room temp before consume .

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia.....love the old fashioned cake that you made. Very beautiful...can i ask when is the best time to put the buttercream on the cake? Do we to wait until completely cool? Thanks

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Anonymous, yes, wait till cake completely cool then only apply the cream.

Caca said...

Sonia, can you share the agar agar jelly recipe?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia is it possible to use 3 cake pans instead of 1 and slice it? Thank u so much! Appreciate your answer.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

anonymous, yes you can, adjust the baking time accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, I noted from the recipe that the cream and cake should be kept at room temperature. Can i know if there's any difference if we were to refrigerate it? Thanks

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

anynoumous, it will turn harden when you refrigerate it, remember when old days, we dont have fridge, cake only store in room temp ^_^

cake recipes said...

Oh my gosh, this cake turned out beautifully! You did a great job with the frosting. I don't think I could ever get mine to look as smooth as yours. This cake looks delicious

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