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Monday, March 18, 2013

Mango Pomelo Sago Dessert 杨枝甘露

After every Pai Tin Kong celebration (CNY day 9) , my mom sure give me one pomelo. Usually i don't buy pomelo because kids don't appreciate this fruit. When i was thinking to make this dessert using the pomelo given by my mom the other day. I saw Jessie also sharing this dessert using so beautiful pinky pomelo. When i was trying to peel this pomelo, I was hoping my pomelo will be look pink like her but i still got the same ordinary plain pomelo, so sad ^_^..

IMG_8373 copy


IMG_8333 copy

Mango Pomelo Sago Dessert 杨枝甘露
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

200g mango, diced
IMG_8339 copy 175ml evaporated milk

100g sugar
1 cup hot water

50g sago

For garnish
Pomelo, peeled and pulps are separated
Diced mango
Ice cubes

1. Boil sago in hot boiling water till cooked, soak in cold water.
2. Blend mango and milk till smooth and fine.
3. Prepare syrup by melt sugar with hot water, set aside to cool.
4. Add in syrup and sago into mango juices. Chill before serve.
5. To serve, spoon mango mixture into a serving bowl. Add few ice cubes, garnish with Pomelo and diced mango. Enjoy !!


PH said...

Sonia, the weather is so hot now. Wish I can have a bowl of your refreshing dessert!

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Joceline Lor said...


Esther@thefussfreechef said...

Today is sooooo hot, this would be perfect!

Casey said...


Mandy said...


Kuazue Mohamad said...

haiya..where to get the pamelo..must try..n it look soo yummy..

Mel said...

Ooo....this is the right dessert for this "oven" weather here, so refreshing.

Yannie said...

Reading the recipe can make drip my saliva already. I love this dessert so much.

茄子 said...


Aunty Young(安迪漾) said...


Small Kucing said...

i have mango but no pomelo :(

yvonne said...

Oh, I haven't had this dessert for quite some time already. I'm salivating now.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I loves this, but never come into my mind to make this...

My Little Space said...

How I wish to hop over right now to have some your lovely dessert with ice. haha.... So very hot over here.

MunatyCooking said...

Creamy, mouth-watering dessert :)

mui mui said...

This sure look so refreshing and yummy!
How I wish I can a bowl now :p


Esther Lau said...

Wow, so refreshing !!!!Two desserts to go please :)

Angie's Recipes said...

Such a delightful and beautiful dessert!

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

This is super yummy :)

Amie said...

Nampak sangat sedaplah Sonia!

Sona - quick picks/pick quicks said...

lovely clicks..and the dessert luks soo yummy

Sona - quick picks/pick quicks said...

lovely clicks..and the dessert luks soo yummy

Kelly Siew said...

I love Pomelo (although not so much the bitter ones) and your dessert looks really refreshing!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Yummy! I loved this dessert too.

Chef and Sommelier said...

Hey Chi! That's your niece's (my 2nd daughter) favourite! LOL!

Shu Han said...

I love mango pomelo sago!!!! It's my must-ave at hk dessert places! Thanks so much for sharign this! Love asian desserts because they're often much healthier than western ones, so i feel I can have one more hehe.

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Hahaha, I was laughing non-stop after reading how you were hoping for the pink flesh pomelo. Actually I was terbalik, I thought the pomelo given by my MIL was a plain colour one until I open & saw the flesh. After trying this dessert, my son now loves the HK style of tong shui! Like your version, Sonia!

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

this is my fav dessert too, so refreshing

Sokehah cheah said...

Lovely dessert! Although I live in Ipoh, I hardly take pomelo and I'll go for the white one, the pinkish ones are sour and a little bit bitter.

Mich Piece of Cake said...

Looks delicious and refreshing! I don't know where to find pink pomelos either...

Baby Sumo said...

Even without the pink pomelo, your dessert still looks very pretty!

hanushi said...

One of my fav desserts! Cooling for hot weather! :)

Yummy Bakes said...

I would love to have a bowl of this yummy dessert.

Janine said...

how i wish i thought to use pomelo for this dessert! now i've finished eating all the pomelo from chinese new year :(

Dawn said...

Hi Sonia, I was keep thinking how to settle the 2 pomelo at home. Now you have given me a great idea. Thanks :-)

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , that's why I only buy pomelo that has been peeled already lol I want a bowl or three of your refreshingly yummy dessert !

Baking Diary said...

Luckily one of my boys love pomeloes as much as me so the 2 of us always finish them:) Next time I can try this delicious looking dessert too!

Juliana said...

Mango and pomelo, sounds interesting and very tempting...I am ready for it Sonia.
Hope you are having a great week :)

Unknown said...

weather here was so hot. good to have a glass to cool down. nice. ha... my boy like pamelo. every time go giant much see got pamelo o not.

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

OMG I'm a HUGE pomelo fan! When I go to Taiwan, I eat at least one Pomelo at one sitting, yes one sitting, the whole thing for myself. :D This dessert must be so delicious with mango and sago...

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