If you have any question, please drop me an email (sonia9423@gmail.com) or Instagram @ sonianll

Friday, March 1, 2013

CNY delights 2013_final round up, and giveaway results

Re-post !!
(original was posted on 28th Feb 2013 at 10:03pm, somehow due to some technical error, re-post it again)

Thank you to all who made my 1st blog event-Chinese New Year Delights 2013 one of the success event where we have achieved 600 entries !!
I will not achieve this figure without all your full support, Thanks again and appreciate all your time spent on preparing the CNY delight post and send the details to me..
I am glad that my blog become a platform for you to search yummy CNY delights in the future. After this event, I will compile all round up and have it post up on the page which located at the upper top of my blog..
Here come the final round up, more yummy CNY delights..this time we have a Western guy from Perth who actually made two very traditional CNY delights, Kuih bangkit and Ang Ku Kuih..check it out..
And also check out who are the 5 winners of my giveaway at end of this post (picked by randam number generator)..

Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-海底椰龙眼糖水

Sally Wong (厨房角落)-炸蟹柳

Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-龙眼果冻

Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-简易拜拜发糕

Alvin ( Chef and Sommelier)-Peng Chai, Poon Choi

Kimmy (Cooking Pleasure)-Kuih Bahulu

Kimmy (Cooking Pleasure)-Cornflakes Cookies

Kimmy (Cooking Pleasure)-Meatballs for Steamboat II

Ling Yuen Chin (Chins Baking Diary)-Prawn Rolls

Christine Choy (Food Home Sweet Home )-Pineapple tarts

Esther Lau (Copycake kitchen)-Egg tarts

Ling Yuen Chin (Chins Baking Diary)-Sago Cookies

May Law (厨苑食谱)-鳕鱼丝紫菜卷

May Law (厨苑食谱)-咖啡冰淇淋饼 (Coffee Meringues)

Irene Yyep ( MYME)- 花生角仔

Irene Yyep ( MYME)-鳕鱼紫菜香酥片

Ching (Little Corner of Mine)-Lemon Sables

Ching (Little Corner of Mine)-Chicken Lor Bak

Sally Wong (厨房角落)-鸡蛋糕kuih bahulu

Jessie Ng (Jessie-Cooking Moments)-鲍鱼带子杂炒 Abalone Scallop & Vegetable Stir Fry

Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)-Poon Choi ( Big Bowl Feast ) 蛇全十美 ~ 盆菜

Christine Choy (Food Home Sweet Home )-Coffee Layer Cake

Christine Choy (Food Home Sweet Home )-Butter Prawns

Ling Yuen Chin (Chins Baking Diary)-Kek Lapis Horlick

Jeannie Tay(Baking Diary)-Cereal Butter Prawns

Ling Yuen Chin (Chins Baking Diary)-Coconut Cookies

Christine Choy (Food Home Sweet Home )-Golden Pumpkin 雜錦黃金

Anne Regalado (My bare cupboard)-Taiwanese pineapple shortcakes ( pastry )

May Law (厨苑食谱)-南瓜相思蛋糕 (Pumpkin Xiang Si Cake)

Chris (Simple Pleasures in our Lives)-Melt-in-Your-Mouth Pineapple Tarts

Ling Yuen Chin (Chins Baking Diary)-168 Kek Lapis Haw Flakes

Ling Yuen Chin (Chins Baking Diary)-Crunchy Cornflakes Cookies

Aunty Young-棋盘饼 (Choc and cranberry checkerboard cookies)

Alvin ( Chef and Sommelier)-Ngoh Hiang, Wu Xiang

Esther Lau (Copycake kitchen)-Steamed Carrot and Radish cake (红白萝卜糕)

Choo Doris (Sumptuous Flavours)-Stir-Fried Sea Asparagus With Chinese Cabbage

Ling Yuen Chin (Chins Baking Diary)-Peach Konnyaku Jelly

Ling Yuen Chin (Chins Baking Diary)-Chinese Blossom Cookies

Ling Yuen Chin (Chins Baking Diary)-Black Sesame Seeds Cookies

Aunty Young-美丽公主(Puteri Ayu)(steamed mini pandan sponge cake)

Karen Ho (Karen's kitchen)-年糕酥 ~ Nian Gao Puff

Ling Yuen Chin (Chins Baking Diary)-Cranberry Cookies

Ling Yuen Chin (Chins Baking Diary)-Kek Lapis Oreo

May Law (厨苑食谱)-年糕番薯丸 (Potato with Nian Gao)

Alvin ( Chef and Sommelier)-Pumpkin King Prawns

Kimmy (Cooking Pleasure)-Steamed Rice with Waxed Meat

Jessie Ng (Jessie-Cooking Moments)-香兰芒果班戟 – “金玉满堂”Mango Pandan Pancake

Chris (Simple Pleasures in our Lives)-Chicken and Vegetable Spring Rolls

Casey 恩空间 Ern's Space -黄梨酥饼

Casey 恩空间 Ern's Space-杏仁酥
Casey 恩空间 Ern's Space -蔓越莓燕麦曲奇 Crunchy Oatmeal Cookies

Xinghui (美味情缘)-彩虹蛋糕 Rainbow cake

from non blogger, Winter Snow-Indian Sujee Biscuit

Indian Sujee Biscuit

455 ghee
340 icing sugar
795g plain flour

Method :
1.Cream the ghee,icing sugar for five minutes,then add the flour and knead to a soft dough/
2. Cover and let it stand for fours hours,so it won't crack when roll into small ball.
3.Divide dough into fours portion abd shape each portion into a roll .Cut each roll into pieces the size of the marble
4.Place each pcs,lightly,place on a greased pan spaced apart and bake in moderate oven for 20-25 minutes.
5. Cool on a wire tray and keep in an airtight container

Ling Yuen Chin (Chins Baking Diary)- Tofu tangyong

Ling Yuen Chin (Chins Baking Diary)-THE BEST Pineapple Tarts

Ling Yuen Chin (Chins Baking Diary)-Sugar Cane Prawns

May Law (厨苑食谱)-如意鸡 (Prosperity Chicken

Alvin ( Chef and Sommelier)-Stir-Fried Crayfish with Ginger and Spring Onion

Bee Bee (Honey Bee Sweets)-Sweet Glutinous Rice Cake (Nian Gao/年糕)

Sue ( CookingMomster)-Gold Ingot Pork Wantan Soup

Sue ( CookingMomster)-Pineapple Tarts & Pineapple Rolls

Sue ( CookingMomster)-Chocolate Coated Cornflakes

Sue ( CookingMomster)-Hakka Steamed Pork Belly with Yam

Sue ( CookingMomster)- Hou Si Fatt Choy

Sue ( CookingMomster)-Steamed Chicken With Kailan

Sue ( CookingMomster)-Spring Rolls

Sue ( CookingMomster)-CNY Butter Cupcakes

Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)-Loh Hon Chai (braised mixed vegetables) 蛇全十美 ~羅漢斋

Doreen/mui mui (my little favourite DIY)-Sesame glutinous balls

Alice ( I Love. I Cook. I Bake)-Ngaku Chips

Alice ( I Love. I Cook. I Bake)-Popiah Seaweed Crackers

Bakeling ( 万家灯火)-酸渍蔬菜 ,阿紥 , Acar , Pickled Vegetables

Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)-Fondant covered cake 翻糖蛋糕 (拜天公)

Alan ( travellingfoodies)-Ayam Buah Keluak

Jessie Ng (Jessie-Cooking Moments)-蜜汁猪肉干 Bakkwa (Asian Pork Jerky)

Cass Tan (揾到食)-简易腊味饭

Cass Tan (揾到食)-干贝萝卜糕

Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)-Pig Maw / stomach Pepper Chicken Soup 猪肚胡椒鸡汤

Angel ( Cook.Bake.Love)-Steamed Mixed Fruitcake 蒸杂果蛋糕

Angel ( Cook.Bake.Love)-Fried Garlic Pork Belly 蒜香酥肉

May Law (厨苑食谱)-元宵夜 (Chap Goh Mei)

Bee Bee (Honey Bee Sweets)-Kumquat & Banana Chocolate Chip Ogura Cake

Bee Bee (Honey Bee Sweets)-Kumquat & Banana Chocolate Chip Ogura Cake

Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-干果椰子酥

Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-龙眼白果糖水

Yoon Lai ( HuiKhee & YoonLai's Colourful Life)-黄金豆腐

Irene Yyep ( MYME)-双色牛油小酥饼

Irene Yyep ( MYME)-客家算盘子

Xinghui (美味情缘)-蜜汁鸡 Honey Chicken

Karen Ho (Karen's kitchen)-传统鸡蛋糕- Kuih Bahulu

Kandy's Kitchen (Bigheadmagicmad)-Kueh Bangkit/Kuih Bangkit (chinese New Year Cookies)

MEL LEE (Through The Kitchen Door )-KUMQUAT BUTTER CAKE

Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)-Stir fried Roast Pork with Garlic 蒜香烧肉

MEL LEE (Through The Kitchen Door )-TOSCAKAKA (Swedish Caramel Almond Cake)

Lian (Whatever You Do)-Dragon fruit Agar Agar

Brett ( $29.00 Food )-Kuih Bangkit

CC (Dumpling Love)-羅漢齋 ('luo hon zai')

Sally Wong (厨房角落)-鸡丝芝麻饼

Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)-Dahlia cookies (Old fashioned custard butter cookies) 卡士达牛油饼干

Brett ( $29.00 Food )-Ang Ku Kuih

Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-蒸年糕

雷切儿 (Simple Life... Simple Love…)-Chocolate Crunchy

Doreen/mui mui (my little favourite DIY)-CNY fondant cupcakes

Doreen/mui mui (my little favourite DIY)-Polvorones

** My event ends with this Smiling Face ^_^ **
Ok, here comes the winners of my giveaway, I have increased the number of winner from two to five. Here are the lucky winners (includes their entries, their lucky number and what they are getting) :-


 what she is getting ? a yeast measurement tools (able to measure from 1g till 6g ), and a nice wire rack


what she is getting ? a yeast measurement tools (able to measure from 1g till 6g ), and a nice wire rack


what she is getting ? a digital thermometer ( better quality and longer than the thermometer that i am selling in my kedai runcit, this is new stock), and a pastry cutter.


what she is getting? a good thermometer and a special rectangular tart pan


what she is getting? a good thermometer and a pastry cutter

Congratulations to all winners !! please let me know your address and i will send your gifts soonest.


ann low said...

Congratulations to all the winners!

Lisa Ho said...

Brilliant round up Sonia... I was drooling and scrolling, oh boy I tell you its hard :D

Congratulations to the winners

Psstt Sonia~ do you stock/sell the beautiful wire rack too?

Somewhere in Singapore said...

The re-post didn't show up in my news feed :(

Unknown said...

Can't believe I'm one of your lucky winners! Happy! Thanks Sonia!

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

Sonia, don't forget my order. hehe!

Yannie said...

Congrats to the winners. This is such a meaningful event. I really like it.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

辛苦你了朋友!thanks so much for coming up with such an eventful and fun event for all of us to participate. Plus being so diligent on posting up our posts and lastly generously giving away lovely presents to those lucky winners! If there's an award, you totally deserve it my friend! *muahs* lol!

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia, thanks for all the effort; well done! It's really been great following your blog and all the wonderful recipes! May I know where I can buy this rectangular tart pan that winner #4 has won and what are the dimensions? Thanks!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Lisa & Cecilia, please drop me an email regarding your inquiry.

kimmy said...

Hi Sonia, thanks for hosting this wonderful CNY 2013 event. Enjoyed very much the involvement which has kept me very busy. Too bad, not lucky enough for these lovely gifts. Congratulations to all the winners esp. to Vivian and Cathy.

Joceline Lor said...

wow.... 辛苦你了朋友。太有心思+心意了。

Esther Lau said...

Congrats to all the lucky winners!!! Sonia, you did a great job :)

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Thanks for putting so much effort to this event :)
Congratulations to all the winners too :)

Katherine said...

Hi Sonia

Good job, well done! You have put in so much effort in compiling all the entries.

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

So fast have results already? Congratulations to all the winners! I still haven't forgotten that you've got me an ang ku kuih mould. My gf will be giving birth in April(she is my secondary school friend who lives like 1km away from us here) & I'm thinking to make some ang ku kuih for her & her family as her parents will be flying here too. Aiyoh, feel so pressure to "kok kok kok" as I have 0 experience in this. My mum doesn't know making any kind of kuih & I also haven't seen anyone making before. May be should check from you-tube. I want to make some orange sweet potato with mung beans filling and also the traditional red ones. Mung beans are my fav choice but again, have no idea how to do it, hahaha, so much of homework to do. If you don't see me posting in the future, that means tak jadi lah!

Unknown said...

Congrats to all the lucky winners. Great Job!

Ana Regalado said...

Great job , Sonia ! We really enjoyed your wonderful first blog event :D Congrats to all the winners !!! So , did you get my address already ? lol

irene myme said...


也顺道祝贺所有得奖的朋友们:“ 恭喜恭喜”!!

Chris said...

Congrats to all the winners! :D And Sonia, thank you so much for your hard work compiling all these recipes. We totally appreciate it! :D

Li Shuan said...

Congratulations to all winners!

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

Congrats to the winner. The yeast measuring tool is very interesting and useful, something new to me.

Also thanks for ur effort in consolidating all the entries, I am sure it need lot of time.

Unknown said...

ha ha. not my chance a. anyway congratulation to all the winner, and all the effort u have done for this event.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Congratulations to the winners! What a fantastic roundup! It's great to come into one place for all the CNY recipes.

蚊子 said...

Congrate to all winner ^^

Angelic Heart~ said...

Congrats to the winner!
Thanks to Sonia for your effort in organize the fun event.

MeRy said...

congrats to all winners.

Baking Diary said...

Congratulations to all lucky winners....you did a great job Sonia, hope to see more event from you:)

Baking Diary said...

Congratulations to all lucky winners....you did a great job Sonia, hope to see more event from you:)

mui mui said...

Hip Hip Hooray!! to Sonia!!
'圆满成功'的round up!!

Congratulation to all the lucky winners!!
Hope i have better luck in your next event..LOL


Lite Home Bake said...

Hi Sonia,
Congratulations on the success of the event and also to the lucky winners! I really love this compilation, the greatest CNY cookbook ever! Thank you for the effort!

Kelly Siew said...

Well done on your blog event! I think you didn't get my emails for 3 submissions either. Maybe time to save my email address in case of next blog event! Congrats to the winners too. :)

home@sweethome said...

Great event with fabulous recipes to share! A big TQ to you! Cheers!

Angie's Recipes said...

Lots of recipes I would love to try! Congratulations to all the winners!

Artsylicious said...

Sonia, very good job done! Clap clap clap! you deserve a good break! :)

Caca said...

Aaahhhhh!! Thank you, thank you. Thanks to Sonia for organising, I get to know a lots of wonderful blog friends here.

Sokehah cheah said...

Congrats to all the winners. Sonia, a job well-done!

Amelia said...

Hi Sonia, bravo to you, the time and effort you spent doing this round up.
Excellent! Congrat to all the winners.

Have a nice day.

lovefoodies said...

Gosh Sonia! You've done a really fantastic job showing all these delicious recipes! And congratulations to the lucky winners, although when I see all the pictures of everyone's food, I think everyone is a winner!
I look forward to your next celebration, and Kung Hei Fat Choi to you and your family, mary at Lovefoodies.

Zoe said...

600 entries!!! Geez! Sonia, you must be very busy collating these!

Congratulation to all winners! I really enjoy participating this event. Thanks Sonia for organising this.


Pet猫猫 said...


Hankerie said...

Congrats to the winner!!

~仪仪妈咪~ said...

很抱歉我看漏了这样篇,呵呵呵~很高兴我得奖了!!!!也很谢谢SOnia主办的活动,恭喜全部得奖的朋友 ^^

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