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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pasar Siti Khadijah, Kota Bahru Kelantan

We just came back from Kelantan trip, a very hot trip, no rain at all, all back with good tan body. The first place I would like to share is this interesting market- Pasar Siti Khadijah..



So many things to see and buy !!

I bought some chicken serunding (meat floss) 



Sure must buy some fish crackers

So long never eaten dodol, bought some to try also..

glutinious rice, beras dagang, & etc


Also brought back some lekor (fish cake)







Mainly makcik-makcik (auntie) who jaga kedai (take care of shops), ^_^



All these things just taking care by one makcik (auntie) , amazing !!
mana makcik pergi?



Do drop by Pasar Siti Khadijah if you visit to Kelantan one day..don't miss this interesting place..
Too bad, my kids and husband waited for me outside when I entered to this market..A place that they will never appreciate !!


very easy to locate, you can see many signboard leads you to this market..


Nour Aien said...

I love this place too! :) Soo many things to buy there and their prices are way cheaper than the other places! I'm soo much addicted with the chicken floss btw :D

kimmy said...

Hi Sonia, I agree with you, my hubby didn't give me much time at this place too. I couldn't buy much cos' no handy man around to help me cart the things I wish to buy, hehehe! Very nice shots of the place from you.

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , that place is gorgeous ! Those wonderful spices and fresh produce and cheap as well ?! Drool :D

Mel said...

Very colourful shots this market; interesting too. I been to Kelantan and that was many many years ago and I cant recall what year. And of course at that time...me too couldnt appreciate going into this type of market place. But now, I would love to drop in to see this "colourful" market.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Li Shuan said...

ohh.. U r back from Kelantan. Very interesting market. ...selling sorts of things there. Very nice and colorful pics. Thanks for sharing

Baby Sumo said...

Wow really a lot of stuff here. You must have bought a lot :)

MeRy said...

Very interesting place.....alot of things to see and buy.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Wow very nice market to shop. I spotted the gula melaka that I like. Love their fish crackers, not so much the lekor though.

Sona - quick picks/pick quicks said...

thanks for the visual toru, Sonia...

Agnes CF Lee said...

So much things to see and buy. Do they sell turtle eggs too??..I thought turtle eggs are protected item?

ann low said...

I like to visit markets too when I'm on oversea trip. Would love to come to this place too when I'm in Kelantan.

SKY@幸福小厨房 said...


Unknown said...

I like shopping in traditional market too. Sure 'siok' shop with company that appreciate such place.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia,

I'm your big fans. hehe...
Didn't know you are going to Kb. If not, I wish to meet you there!

mui mui said...

Hi Ah Chi,
Oh! you are back from cuti:D
I love to shop at pasar like this too. Lots to see and lots to buy.

This is a very interesting pasar. Looking at this market remind me of our pasar tamu here :D

PH said...

Sonia, I could spend the whole day there! In Kuala Terengganu we also have a similar market but maybe not as big as this one. You like keropok lekor? My favourite lor!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

This place is interesting...

Caca said...

Sonia, it is either you have a good camera or your photo shooting skill is excel. Very nice photos you have.

Baking Diary said...

That is one amazing market! I would probably take hours browsing in there!

Jane Chew said...

good pic! Lovely place n my kids will never appreciate like ur kids. haha... next time we both go together ya?

Jane Chew said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lydia said...

Went there once, heaven for ppl who like to cook and experience new ingredients. :D

My Food Safari said...

I love visiting markets when I am travelling. Here in Melbourne, I wish I can go to Queen Victoria Market more often.

珊珊 said...


Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, sorry, I'm late coz it is still public holiday in Australia! Anyway, did you buy something from this pasar? Bought fish cracker?

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

I would have been lost in there and don't want to get out too! So many things to see and buy, but most impressively, it's such an organized, clean and tidy indoor market!!

Yannie said...

Did you buy anything there? It is so different from the market you showed in your Australia trip, right?

Puan Ros @ Sinaranmenu.blogspot said...

Sonia...kampung kak ros tu.

Esther Lau said...

Hi Sonia, I just back from Terengganu, when I saw the photos of foods and stuffs sell in Kelantan, it look similar to Terengganu. But I think Kelantan Pasar is more organised and wide variety foods than Terengganu. I bought that yummy serunding too.

女飞侠 said...

i wanna go to this pasar~ looks interesting!

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