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Friday, March 22, 2013

Spinach, Feta and Potato Pies 菠菜乳酪马铃薯派

The other day when i bought two bundles of Chinese baby spinach from the usual stall at the market, not sure why the boss gave me extra one bundles for free (maybe due to i am their loyal customer ^_^). With this extra spinach, i immediately decided to make this pie that i saw from the Food & Travel magazine (i bought this magazine because Nami Just One Cookbook was one of the recipe contributor).
After i eaten a very nice Borek during my trip to Queen Victoria Market Melbourne, i have been thinking to try the similar filling that using spinach and cheese..I prefer savoury pie more than sweet pie..
I am glad that this pie turned out so good, love the flaky and crumbly crust , and yummy spinach and cheese filling!

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using my new pastry cutter to work the pastry..


I use Chinese baby spinach

also my first time bought feta cheese

again first time using fresh ground nutmeg (bought this during Penang trip the other day)

preparing the filling



Original recipe is using wholemeal but i was running out of this so i replaced with plain flour. The original recipe ask to roll the pastry to big square but it was difficult to handle and i changed to work with small portion of pastry.

Spinach, Feta and Potato Pies 菠菜乳酪马铃薯派
(recipe source: adapted from Food and Travel magazine that recipe from Pie cookbook by Dean Brettschneider, with minor changes)
*makes 7 pies

For the pastry
280g plain flour, plus extra for dusting (or 140g wholemeal + 140g plain flour)
85g cold butter, diced
IMG_9034 copy 85g shortening
100ml milk, if needed

For the filling
1 small US Russet potato, peeled and diced
200g spinach
100ml heavy cream
100g feta, crumbled
1gg, beaten
100g cheddar cheese, grated
Salt and pepper to taste
Grated fresh nutmeg

For the egg wash
1 egg, beaten with 1tbsp water

1. To make the pastry, rub the flours together with the butter and shortening until it is the texture of breadcrumbs, then work in the milk (you may not need it all) until the pastry comes together. Lightly combine the pastry until soft. Press the pastry into a flat and round disc and chill for 1hr while you make the filling.
2. Boil the potato for 10mins until cooked, then drain.
3. Blanch spinach in hot water, drain and squeeze out all the liquid.
4. Mix spinach, potato, cream, feta, egg, and 2/3 cheddar. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.
5. Divide pastry into 7 portions, roll out the pastry to appx 13cm x 13cm with appx 3mm thickness.
6. Spoon the spinach mix into the centre of each square. Bring all four corners together over the filling, pinching the edges together to make a sealed purse with the pinched edges facing up. Brush each with egg wash, then top with remaining cheddar.
7. Bake at preheated oven at 200C for 30mins or until golden.

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I will definitely make this again  !!



jehanne@thecookingdoctor said...

those pies look lovely! I bought that issue too bcoz Nami was featured:-)

Mel said...

Look absolutely delicious, no doubt about it! Will try it soon as pies are my favourites.

My Little Space said...

Hmmm...wish I can have some for tea.

makcikmanggis said...

Hmmm yum yum nak cuba jugak :)..sonia,jangan lupa makan nasi kerabu,laksa,laksam dan nasi dagang bila ke Kota Baharu nanti.Laksa yang original rasanya.Jangan lepaskan peluang tau....oh ya,dah cuba ke belum rempah kari hari tu?sedap tak?

wish you safe journey :)

PH said...

Looks very ho chiak! But I am scared of cheese :)

Somewhere in Singapore said...

yummy yummy...

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , I haven't even tried nutmeg yet :D Those pies look very delicious and the filling combination sounds wonderful !

yvonne said...

This cute pie sure tastes yummy with a cup of tea.

Yannie said...

I love everything with pastry. This recipe is so healthy.

Angelic Heart~ said...

this is something new for me, wish to try after saw your yummy-licious photos...

Esther@thefussfreechef said...

Hi Sonia, i always eat this in Australia, spinach and feta is an awesome combination!

ann low said...

These pies look so delicious, wish I can have some now :)

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Joceline Lor said...


divya said...

delicious and flavorful recipe... beautiful clicks...

lena said...

i hv not tried making these shapes for pastry, one day i can try :)

蚊子 said...

Look yummy!! today i just bought cheese and onion pastry for my lunch! haha ~ feel want to try this once!

Unknown said...

Live your pie shape. Feta cheese haven't try. Looks good!

Artsylicious said...

this looks so yummy!!

Li Shuan said...

i like spinach feta cheese pie, yummy yummy! U have lots of 1st time here.. Must be exciting experiment with the new ingredients!

Simple Person said...

wow that is so yummy.
I like spinach..
and your pie really looks delicious..

Mich Piece of Cake said...

I love the spinach and cheese combination! Especially feta cheese. Your puff pastry looks really flaky and delicious too.

Baby Sumo said...

Looks good, Sonia. Spinach and feta is a great combination.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Nisah, should be ok to use all butter but maybe you need to adjust the amount since butter and shortening have difference texture.and I afraid it will not taste as flaky as like add shortening .

Kelly Siew said...

Oh wow. We made almost the exact thing! 心有灵犀一点通? mine was puff pastry and without potato.

Unknown said...

wao... what a nice pie. haven taste this pie before, but it must be tasty.

Baking Diary said...

Looks delicious and I don't buy feta too because they are expensive!

Esther Lau said...

Sonia, the fillings of spinach,feta and potatoes are all my favarite ingredients!!!!! Love these delicious yet pretty pastries!!!

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

How lovely these cute little spinach, feta and potato pie look? They must taste so good too, yummy!!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Yummy! Who could resist?

Baking Scientist said...

Wow - they look delicious! Spinach is very healthy!

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Hi, hi, sorry very late for this post, have been extremely busy since last Fri! Yoh, so you did set up words verification now for leaving the message here. I may consider of doing the samething soon. Ethan & isabelle love eating the store-bought spinach & feta cheese pies coz they are salty enough for them, haha. What I like abt this recipe is that you added potatoes in there too, very nice!

Sycookies said...

argh! spinach and feta...my weakness... what can I use to substitute the potatoes if I wanna omit those?

mui mui said...

I love the shape of your pie. Have not try this kind of shape before.
The filling of your pie looks very nice. Would like to try this soon.

Would like to know is Baby Spinach the same as Bayam or baby spinach is Bayam..silly me! :D


Lite Home Bake said...

Pie looks yummy, will make a good a light lunch :)

Gloria Baker said...

Sonia I love spinachs an feta and these look delicious!

Chef and Sommelier said...

Hi Chi! Sorry for coming late... was really busy!

Wow... you really have the cooking talent... Asian or Western recipes.. no problem for you at all! :D

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Thank you again for buying this magazine to see my feature, Sonia! You are so sweet and kind. I want to make this. It's the best way to feed the kids lots of spinach. I love savory pies too!

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

yummy pie! I like baby spinach in it!

zila norazila said...

yummy dear..pic also awsme..delicious pie.

MeRy said...

Looks good..

Cheap VPS UK said...

Looking tasty piece.I will try soon.

daphne said...

U r a supported of Nami too!

I'm a fan of the combination of spinach and feta for sure.. And u r so hardworking to make your own pastry!

hanushi said...

I have never eaten spinach pies before. yours look fabulous.

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