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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Chestnut and Pumpkin Bread Rolls 栗子南瓜麵包捲

In order to clear the leftover pumpkin and a pack of roast peeled chestnut that have been sitting there for too long and going to expire, so I bake this chestnut and pumpkin bread rolls the other day. After did quite a number of breads recipe, I am able to use the basic bread ingredients to come out my own bread recipe. I noticed that recently it is so fast to proof bread dough (about 30-45mins), due to recent hot and warm weather.

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Nowadays it is easy to get this type of roast peeled chestnut in our local supermarket here. I plan to use this store-bought chestnut to make Bar Chang (rice dumpling) next time, no more hard time to prepare chestnut at home.

I bought this small piece of handmade lace dolly from a market at Firenze Italy , very expensive after converted, so was able to buy a small piece like this..
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Making the rolls...
chestnus roll.jpg

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This bread rolls still maintained soft till the next day due to addition of pumpkin. But it just turned a bit dry due to no addition of sponge dough. Nowadays I like to make bread using direct method, lazy to make sponge dough or overnight sponge dough method. Also because we have to consume homemade bread very fast as no preservative is added.

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Chestnut and Pumpkin Bread Rolls 栗子南瓜麵包捲
(recipe source: inspired from the cookbook Home Baking with my own twist )
*makes 9 buns using a non-stick square pan 24x24cm

250g high protein flour or bread flour
IMG_7479 copy 50g mashed pumpkin
1tsp + 1/4tsp instant yeast
1/2tsp salt
50g egg (medium size egg)
50g sugar
60g milk or adjust accordingly
20g unsalted butter, room temperature

120g roast peeled chestnut (store-bought), chopped
10g unsalted butter, for brushing
Egg wash


  1. Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl except milk and unsalted butter.
  2. Using a stand mixer, slowly pour in milk (don’t pour all at one go, adjust accordingly) and knead till smooth. Add in butter, continue to knead till elastic and smooth. Cover with plastic wrap or cloth and set aside to proof until double size (for me this took about 45mins).
  3. Punch down the dough and set aside for 5mins.
  4. Using a roll pin, roll dough into 24x24cm, using a silicone brush, brush butter on top of the dough.
  5. Sprinkle chopped chestnut on top, roll it up like a swiss roll, divide it into 9 pcs.Place them on the prepared baking pan. Set aside to proof until puffy (for me this took about 15mins).
  6. Apply egg wash on the dough, bake at pre-heated oven at 180C for 20mins or until golden brown. Cool briefly before serve.


Joceline Lor said...


PH said...

Sonia, very nice bread rolls. I still have not attempted breads or buns.

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

我刚刚冲了一杯Milo, 就看到这美味的面包了, 我就不客气拿一粒当早餐了! 嘻嘻..

Mich Piece of Cake said...

PUmpkin and chestnuts go well together in these rolls.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Come to grab one for my tea break this afternoon...

Zoe said...

Hi Sonia,

It is chestnut season now in Melbourne but the weather is never as good as yours for bread proving :p

Love the combination of your scrolls. Very nice and healthy :D


Happy Flour said...

Love your pumpkin bread roll, it would be nice to have it for afternoon tea. :)

Jozelyn Ng said...

This is so yummy. I also like this brand of chestnut. Last time can get 3 packet for RM10 but right now, it is more expensive.

Yummy Bakes said...

Very nice pumpkin roll - so beautifully baked. I dont mind this for breakfast.

Esther Lau said...

I used to buy this brand of chestnut too. I'll never get enough of this yummy stuff. Your bread roll looks beautiful and delicious. Like to try this recipe :)

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Unknown said...


Baking Diary said...

That looks so soft and fluffy, I too am lazy to bake bread with starter or sponge dough...now just bake straight dough method and reheat in microwave to make them soft again.

Queenie said...

amboiiii kakiku, bila nak buka bakery? saya nak jadi tukang uli roti, boleh?

the truth is...kakiku ni kaki makan chestnut! so boleh makan chestnut free hihihi...


ice pandora said...

Mhmmm this looks so delicious
and fluffy! Perfect for breakfast
and lunch c: Xx

Aunty Young(安迪漾) said...


ann low said...

The bread looks like cinnamon roll and definitely is more healthy using pumpkin. I just learnt how to make straight method dough. Is really easier than the other method.

Li Shuan said...

This bread is definitely my kind of bread. I like the key ingredients pumpkin and chestnut ..must be delicious ...I want one

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , I'm planning to bake some bread since last week but as usual got lazy along the way :P Your bread rolls sure look wonderfully delicious ! Love the chestnuts and pumpkin combo :)

Little blue said...

I come too late, still have one for me!! Look soft~

Sokehah cheah said...

Lovely golden baked rolls. Yes, this hot weather is great to prove dough. Good combination of pumpkin and chestnut.

Unknown said...

beautiful and healthy bread. i like to use direct method also, hi.... some more quick.

zila norazila said...

Relly look sedap..i klu roti mmg x pndai buat..keep for me tau..he heee

Mel said...

I loves all homemade bread and buns. These rolls looks special with chestnuts fillings in it.

Gloria Baker said...

These rolls look just beautiful and I love they have chestnuts!!!

MR. L.A. said...
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Puan Ros @ Sinaranmenu.blogspot said...

Pumpkin bread roll..nampak sedap.

lena said...

yeah, nowadays i also buy that pack of roasted chestnuts for whatever i want to do with them! very convenient!

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