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Monday, June 3, 2013

Chahan (Japanese fried rice) 日式炒飯

The method of Japanese fried rice (Chahan) actually not much difference from Chinese fried rice, the only difference of this fried rice is using Japanese ingredients. I even made the Japanese roast pork Chashu (char siew) to cook with this fried rice. I would like to dedicate this post to Nami aka Just One Cookbook as the Chashu recipe and accessories in these pictures are related to her.
Love this cute chopstick holder from Nami !!

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Few months back, Nami and I played gift exchanged.
She gave me so many things, accessories for photo taking and Japanese ingredients.
Thank you so much Nami ! sorry for my late mentioned.


Japanese Chashu, recipe from Just One Cookbook ( I made an extra step, grill the Chashu for another 10mins)

Attractive Japanese style of tea towel given by Nami too.

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Chahan (Japanese fried rice)
(recipe source: Chashu recipe adapted from Just One Cookbook, fried rice by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

3 & 1/2 cups Japanese short-grain rice (uncooked), cook as per normal in rice cooker
077_1 copy 350g cooked Japanese Chashu, small cubed
150g green French beans, chopped
80g carrot, chopped
2 sprigs spring onions, chopped
3 eggs, add 1/2tsp light soy sauce, pepper, lightly beaten

1tbsp Japanese light soy sauce
2tbsp Mirin
1&1/2tsp salt or to taste


  1. Heat oil in a wok, sauté chopped spring onions for few seconds.
  2. Add in beans and carrot, stir fry for 1min.
  3. Push beans and carrot aside, pour in egg and scramble it a bit.
  4. Add in rice and chopped Chasu, season with salt, stir fry to well combined.
  5. Sprinkle mirin at the side of wok, add in pepper, mix well with rice.
  6. Serve hot.

The Japanese Miso Clams recipe that being featured in Y3K magazine, the accessories in this picture also from Nami.. I will share this recipe a bit later..


Somewhere in Singapore said...

Dinner time, craving for it, keke...

PH said...

Hungry liao!

CQUEK said...

This is so, so, so tempting!

Min said...

Looks yummy! I love Japanese friend rice, a bit less oily than the normal ones.

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Oh, my favourite fried rice, no matter is Malaysian style or Japanese style, or 楊州炒飯,hami炒飯我多多都吃得下!Can see that you have given lots of love in this bowl of fried rice, even made the japanese chatsu.

Jozelyn Ng said...

The Japanese char siew fry rice looks yummy, hungry now :)

Li Shuan said...

Yummy Japanese fried rice, I tabao for tomorrow lunch. Btw, I have made ur Japanese pancake, it's very nice..but I didn't take any photos because I made it for dinner and night photography is so difficult. Thanks for sharing.

Amelia said...

Hi Sonia,I sure love to exchange my pineapple fried rice with your very delicious Japanese fried rice. Very inviting. :)

Have a great week ahead.

Small Kucing said...

Torture ni. Tengah hungry. Had early dinner niw tummy playing drum.

ann low said...

Love this hearty fried rice, simply delicious!

ice pandora said...

Japanese rice are actually Italian
rice :P anyway this dish looks
APPETIZING! Tho I'd leave out the
charsiew (i'm vegetarian).
Nami sure has cute dishware tools!

Little Corner of Mine said...

Looking good, love your props!

Mel said...

This fried rice must taste superb....

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

This fried rice with homemade chashu must be yummy!

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

yeah, i also a fried rice fans,one big plate pls

sabrina 莎莎 said...

Lovely dish~~~~

Lite Home Bake said...

Yummy looking fried rice, something that can be eaten any time of the day. Lovely clicks!

MeRy said...

Looks delicious.

Mich Pi said...

I love fried rice, thanks for sharing the Japanese version and I would love to make this sometime.

Esther Lau said...

Very nice Japanese style fried rice especially added the chashu!!!!yummy!

Unknown said...

i like fried rice. it looks yummy.

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Sonia! What a wonderful surprise! Thanks so much for the kind mention and for trying the chashu recipe. When I make chashu for ramen, I usually make extra so the next day or so I can make chahan with chashu. It's so good! Happy that you liked the little gifts as well. Lastly, congrats on the magazine feature too!

Unknown said...


Lotus said...

I am hungry.....

Aunty Young(安迪漾) said...


Yzenith said...

chasushi 是叉烧吗? 我也学到了

Unknown said...

Wow, thanks for sharing this easy and delicious recipe. Japanese Miso Clams look delicious with corn rice. Looking forward for its recipe. Cheers!

chinese food recipes said...


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