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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Crab Laksa 蟹肉叻沙

I have to quickly share this crab laksa with you because this laksa is soooooo delicious..
This laksa now beat all other types of laksa, assam laksa, curry laksa, prawn noodles & etc..The other day my sister asked me whether I want some fresh flower crabs (Sure I want !!) but she only can bring over to me at night. I have been wanting to buy fresh crabs to make this Crab Laksa that I have missed it for too long (the first time I tried was few years back before I start blogging). It is so hard to get fresh crabs near my place. The same night I received the crabs, I proceed to steam it for 15mins and remove the crab meat the same night, and was so anxiously looking to cook this laksa the next day for lunch.. 

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One word to describe this Crab Laksa - 鲜 (fresh)

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This crab laksa is similar to Assam laksa but the stock of this crab laksa is made from crab and prawn meat.  But they have same garnish ingredients like ginger flower, prawn paste, onion, mint leaves, and etc


I made few changes to the original recipe, such as I add chicken stock and crab stock but not entirely use coconut milk as per original recipe as I feel it will be too creamy. And I did not cook the laksa stock too sour like Assam laksa because I afraid it will over take the freshness from crab..


Try to use fresh crab to cook this laksa, it makes the soup so tasty and fresh..

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Crab Laksa蟹肉叻沙
(recipe source: adapted from Flavours foods magazine, recipe by Theresa Goh, with minor changes)
*serves 4-5pax

 For the laksa stock

Spice paste
crab17 copy 10 dried chillies, soaked in hot water
40g fresh red chillies
40g shallots
15g garlic
5g galangal (lengkuas or blue ginger)
5g shrimp paste (belacan)
2 candlenuts (buah keras)
1 lemongrass

40g coriander powder
1/4tsp pepper
30g dried prawns, soak for 10mins and finely pounded
100g fresh prawns, mince finely
100g cooked crab meat (best to use fresh crabs)
2pcs tamarind peel (asam keeping)
500ml chicken stock
1 cup coconut milk
1/2cup crab stock (after steamed the crabs, retain the stock)
Cooking oil
Salt, sugar and fish sauce to taste


  1. Pour or blend the spice paste ingredients to a smooth paste, adding just enough water to work the blades.
  2. Heat the oil in a wok and fry the spice paste till aroma.
  3. Add in coriander powder and pepper, continue to fry for 8mins over low medium heat. Stir all the time as to prevent paste getting burnt.
  4. Add the dried prawns and continue frying for about 2-3mins. Add the minced prawns, crab meat, tamarind peel, fry for 1 min.
  5. Add in chicken stock, coconut milk and crab stock, cook over medium to low flame to avoid curdling the coconut milk. Bring to boil, reduce the heat and simmer for at least 15mins.
  6. Season to taste with salt, sugar and fish sauce. If you prefer the taste to be more sour, add in tamarind water to the stock. If the gravy is too thick, add in warm water when necessary.
500g fresh laksa noodles, blanched in hot water and drained

For the garnish ingredients

Prawn paste (Hei Kor)
Green Lettuce (Shan Choy), shredded
100g cooked crab meat
1 Japanese cucumber, cored and cut into thin strips
½ pineapple, cored and cut into thin strips
1 onion, thinly sliced
1 ginger flower (bunga kantan), finely sliced
A small bunch of mint leaves
1 red chili, thinly sliced
5 calamansi (kasturi ) limes, halved

To assemble, put some noodles in a bowl. Ladle the hot laksa stock over and drizzle some prawn paste on it. Top with all the garnish ingredients, as desired. Squeeze the calamansi lime juice over the laksa, if using. Add some cut bird’s eye chiliies if you like it extra hot !


Casey said...


鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


makcikmanggis said...

huaaaa rasa mau nangis lihat your crab laksa ni .Nampak sungguh sedap.I mesti dapatkan ketam ... ..mesti jika tak malam mesti mimpi laksa hehe.Nampak soooo ...super delicious!!

孤Owl的王子- Nick Goh said...


huikhee and yoonlai said...

第一次看见蟹肉叻沙,很特别。很想试试它的味道。 :p

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

哇! 赞。。流口水了!

bernice's kitchen said...


Li Shuan said...

Crab laksa... Yoh ! I like it very much. Look at the presentation, just so tempting ... I order 2 bowls pls

Jozelyn Ng said...

I haven't had my dinner yet, guess this would be my supper tonight! So yummy!

Crystal Loh said...

你的比它赞!请我行吗?sonia ;)

Amie said...

Wow! Nak bawa balik semangkuk boleh tak Sonia.... ketam!

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Great idea using crabs to cook laksa. I must give it a try :)

Unknown said...

Sonia,this laksa is fabulous. the crab meat was so fresh. i didn't know that crab meat also can be cooking laksa.

CQUEK said...

Wow...that looks fantastic! i have never tried with crab on top

CQUEK said...

Wow...that looks fantastic! i have never tried with crab on top

Little Corner of Mine said...

Oh mine, salivating big time here. Looks so delicious!

Mel said...

Looking at all these photos already makes me drool...mouthwatering. it must be super yummylicious!!

Cat Chee said...


Queenie said...

Sonia, I can feel how excited you are to share this delicious laksa to us. Fresh crab sometimes quite difficult to find and you just fortunate enough to got it from your sister, yes can see your anxiousness when you "kerjakan" that crab the same night, and sleep sure dont come easy to wait for tomorrow huh? hehehe

looking at the ingredients, I trusted enuff to you sonia, this crab laksa must be really super delish! and you are absolutely right to reduce the sour becoz it simply can cut the sweetness of the crab.

hmm...now imagining how everyone at home enjoyed this yummeh laksa, semua orang akan puas hati sambil menjilat bibir dan jari...:)
thanks for sharing ya Sonia...

Aunty Young(安迪漾) said...


J Sky said...

Laksa is always my fav food! Seeing the photo making me drool... yum!!

Esther Lau said...

Crab laksa?! very "ho liao" huh. One bowl please :)

Mich Piece of Cake said...

oh wow such delicious ingredients on the laksa!

Baking Diary said...

I am sure this laksa of yours is really delicious with such fresh ingredients, certainly looks it!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

This bowl of laksa makes me drooling...

Sem said...

this is really interesting, must be very delicious, can have one bowl?please?:)

Artsylicious said...

Sonia, aiyo.. I'm going to bed in few minutes time, and now I saw your crab laksa I can't sleep anymore.... it's sooooo irresistible!!! You are such a great cook!

Joceline Lor said...

哇!海鲜laksa也 。。。。。 very good 啊!

daphne said...

I really need to get over my fear of cooking with crabs- you make it look so easy AND with laksa too!

PH said...

Sonia, your crab laksa looks very yummy lah! I can't get fresh crabs and also very lazy to peel the crab. I hope to taste this laksa some day :)

Ana Regalado said...

That is one drool-worthy laksa , Sonia ! The best laksa I've seen so far ;D And with crab *sigh* Nobody can resist that !

珊珊 said...


ann low said...

This look definitely very delicious! Hope I got a chance to try your crab laksa one day :D

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

What an elegant and tasty dish!!I love seafood, this recipe is going straight on my to - do list!!

Small Kucing said...

argh...you making me drool la. what is worst is that this laksa got money also cannot buy one.....:(

My Little Space said...

Asam laksa is one of my fav when I travel back home each time and yours look as fabulous. Salivating already.lol. hehe....
Happy weekend.

Joanne T Ferguson said...

G'day! LOVE laska, true!
Never thought to make with crab and I love your step by step photos and recipe too!
Cheers! Joanne

Lite Home Bake said...

Wow! This looks fantastic!

Baby Sumo said...

Wah Sonia, this laksa is super deluxe with the crab meat!

Sissi said...

It looks like a quite elaborate recipe (I have never had it) but definitely worth making judging from your photos.

Unknown said...

Great looking laksa with crabs! You are really a great cook!

Quay Po Cooks said...

Laksa is one of my favorite things. When I was in USA for two months, I craved for laksa. The first bowl of laksa I had when I am back here sent me to paradise! Your bowl of to die for aksa with crab, OMG! this will be double paradise for me!

Anonymous said...

what a grreat comfort doddle dish,
i guess the restaurant version sourness sometimes overpowering the fresh seafood,
since i lived in Indonesia, i guess i'll use mud crab even it won't as tasty as blue crab like yours...
btw, great photograph and plating skills too my friend!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Seriously, do you eat like this everyday? :D I want to be your daughter. I'll help you cook, but I need to home stay and fully enjoy your home cooking!

lena said...

i'm salivating liao, sonia! dont know whether i can sleep now !

marliana said...

must try this ramadhan...yummy...

Anonymous said...

Dear sonia.thks for shsring..I noticed tht u didnt use daun kesum is it all rite if we add daun kesum n daun limau purut.thks

Anonymous said...

Your crab laksa is placed under the asian desserts category in your recipe index! Just thought i should let you know.

I made this for my mom's birthday and she loved it!

http://dapurresepnusantara.blogspot.com/ said...

Great looking laksa with crabs! You are really a great cook!

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