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Friday, June 14, 2013

Chicken Curry Rice Dumplings (Zongzi/Chang) 咖喱鸡肉粽子

I hope it is never too late to update a dumplings recipe. I know Dumpling day (dragon boat festival) already over. But I was waiting for my master sifu (my mom) to came over my place to teach me how to wrap dumplings..Last year I failed to wrap a nice dumpling shape, my mom scolded me "Poon Tang" ( slow learning ), hahaha..Anyway, this year I proud that I have master the wrapping skill of rice dumplings, yahoo!

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 I was thinking to ask my mom to teach me the Bar Chang ( belly pork rice dumplings) but the homemade salted eggs have yet to ready. So I change plan, get her to teach me another good recipe, chicken curry rice dumplings..
 I cooked this chicken curry from the scratch before my mom came..



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 To prepare bamboo leaves, need to prepare 1 day in advance..

 To prepare savoury glutinous rice

Lets my mom show you how to wrap rice dumplings 


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I also record a video when my mom is wrapping the rice dumplings..If you understand Hokkien dialect, then you will be more understand ^_^. 

Chicken Curry Rice Dumplings (Zongzi/Chang) 咖喱鸡肉粽子
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
*makes 26 rice dumplings (medium size)

To prepare bamboo leaves (1 day in advance)

  1. Lightly wash the bamboo leaves and soak in water for a day. Place a heavy object on the bamboo leaves so the leaves can be submerged in water.
  2. The next day, wash both sides of the bamboo leaves under running water by rubbing both sides of the leaves. The bamboo leaves is now ready for wrapping. 

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To prepare glutinous rice

1kg glutinous rice
50g dried shrimps, soak for 5mins
30pcs dried shitake mushrooms, soak in water to soften and trim the stem, sliced thinly
20 shallots, sliced
Cooking oil
3tsp salt or to taste (have to more salty than usual)
1tbsp sugar
3tbsp light soy sauce
1tbsp dark caramel sauce or adjust accordingly


  1. Soak glutinous rice for 3 hrs, drained
  2. Heat cooking oil in a wok, sauté shallots till golden brown.
  3. Add in dried shrimps and mushroom slices, stir fry for few minutes.
  4. Add glutinous rice and seasonings, mix well.
  5. Dish out in a large bowl, set aside.

To prepare chicken curry

1.2kg chicken bite-size pieces (4pcs chicken Maryland)

To blend
30 dried chillies, soak in hot water till soften
3 lemongrass
12 shallots
5 garlic
1” ginger
1” fresh turmeric

To mix spices paste
1tbsp coriander powder
1tsp cumin powder (jintan putih)
1tsp fennel powder (jintan manis)
2tbsp meat curry powder
3tbsp water

4 sprig curry leaves
1 cinnamon stick

1 cup water
1/2cup thick coconut milk
Salt, fish sauce, and sugar to taste


  1. Heat cooking oil in a wok, sauté blended ingredients till aroma.
  2. Add in spices paste, cinnamon stick and curry leaves, continue to mix well.
  3. Mix in chicken pieces, stir and cook for 1min.
  4. Add in water, continue to cook for 15mins or water reduced.
  5. Pour in coconut milk, add in seasonings, continue to cook till thicken gravy.

To assemble rice dumplings

  1. Soak grass strands in water till soften.
  2. Overlap two pieces of bamboo leaves to make a cone shape.
  3. Spoon 1-2tbsp rice into the cone, top with chicken curry pieces and cover with rice again.
  4. Use the bamboo leaves to press and firm the rice, fold in the bamboo leaves, tie with soaked grass strand ( circle the grass strand two times and lightly pull the strand then tie it for two times to secure).
To boil rice dumplings

  1. Boil a big pot of water. When water boiled, add 1tbsp salt into the water.
  2. Lower down the rice dumplings, water should be enough to cover all dumplings.
  3. Close the lid, boil the rice dumplings over high heat for 1 ½ hrs to 2hrs (depend on how you want the rice texture). Boil half way through, change the position of dumplings by move those dumplings at the bottom to the top and vice-versa. Check water from time to time, add only Hot water when it is necessary.
  4. Once done, remove rice dumplings and hang the rice dumplings to dry up.
  5. If you use a pressure cooker to boil rice dumplings, boil for 30-45mins.
I am linking this post to Little Thumbs Up "Curry Powder" hosted by Miss B of Everybody Eats Well Flanders and organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My little favourite DIY.


sabrina 莎莎 said...

^^ 创新的curry口味~~

Mich Piece of Cake said...

Chicken curry is a very unique flavour for a dumping! I also need someone to teach me how to wrap dumplings properly!

Baking Diary said...

Waaa...looks so nice, stomach growling now...so hungry!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Chicken curry dumpling rice, something new to me..

My mum/relatives do not know how to wrap, so normally will buy from outside .

kitchenchaos said...

Chicken curry zhang! That's so very creative of you! A couple of my friends and I will have a go at wrapping some bak zhang together this weekend. I hope we won't fare too badly with our wrapping skills lol! (please please let us at least have a couple of good ones to end the day with :p)

Sem said...

The dumpling looks so good,this is something different, very unique.Seeing your mum wrapping the dumpling bring back lots of fond memories of my late mum who used to wrap dumpling for us(in pillow shape).Thanks for sharing.

Jozelyn Ng said...

This is so tasty. I soak the leaves one day earlier but still need to boil it to make it soft to wrap.

Mel said...

Oh wow, this is so unusual flavour from the usual dumplings! I bet most of us seeing this would give you a thumb up for this curry chicken dumpling.

Parkland Kim said...

Next year I will do the curry bak chang since my big boy didn't eat pork

PH said...

Sonia, fantastic! I not yet try chicken curry chang before. Must be so sedap! This year your mum say "chin gau!". Hee..hee....

女飞侠 said...

i like ur tea set~ and the wooden chopsticks!

ok, ah neh kuan ahhh....kuo ah. aunty lu li hai loh! kari bak chang~

Cat Chee said...


Esther Lau said...

Sonia,you're not the last one cause my mum will only come to visit with my eagerly waiting homemade bak chang next Monday. While waiting, can i bite your bak chang first?
Also,thank you to Aunty for her bak chang demo :)

kimmy said...

Hi Sonia, must say it is a daring attempt to make this spicy chang. I wouldn't mind trying it too, next time, hehehe! Looks good.

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

好吃的粽子, 还有curry, 赞!

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Unknown said...


Kit @ i-lostinausten said...

WOW! What a great idea! I was just thinking about adding curry in my bak chang for my Mat Salleh family . They're not really keen of the pork belly filling actually . This recipe will be great for them as they love curry! I made bak chang for the very 1st time this year & it was a fantastic experience ! Will certainly doing it again next year for the Dragon boat festival next year with your recipe! Thanks for sharing! Awesome!

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

this is creative, not the usual way of eating 粽子!

Fern @ To Food With Love said...

I've never tried making zongzi, but I LOVE eating it! Anytime of the year! Yours turn out great, and interesting variation with the curry chicken too. I've tried some where they use chicken meat and added a dollop of sambal belacan inside. Not bad! :)

makcikmanggis said...

wah cantik balutan kuih Chang Sonia :)Mine belum cantik lagi .

Hari tu I bubuh rendang ,sedap sesuai dengan selera anak-anak dan menantu tetapi I dan suami suka yang pure tradisional Chang hehe :)..

Membalut kuih Chang sungguh mencabar but I will not give up :)

Li Shuan said...

Very well made zongzi , very kek lui. Did your mum praise u this year? Hehe...
Very special flavour....I am sure it taste great. ( lao nua) looking at ur dumpling. I'm sure next year u no need situ can you can be situ to teach other liao

ahteekitchen said...

Curry dumpling! ^^ I have to say it was creatively done!
Thanks for the video sharing, the instruction is clear and sharp. I'll save it as my reference as i'd missed the actual day..

Aunty Young(安迪漾) said...


irene myme said...


Unknown said...

Love this new flavour dumplings! Stil not knowing how to wrap dumplings. Video will come in handy when needed. Thanks!

Lite Home Bake said...

Never too late! Wow a fusion chang, yummy!
Cheers, we both passed our chang wrapping exam this year! ;)

ICook4Fun said...

I think your chang looks great. I lagi poon tang. Till today I still can't get the wrapping right :( My mom used to wrapped them in sambal and also curry chicken because our helper can't take pork but I still prefer to pork ones :)

~仪仪妈咪~ said...


Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

Mommy is always the best!! 伯母 is so modern!! I should imagine '粽' in the old days were a lot bigger, like the one my mum used to make. But your mom knows how to wrap these trendy mini ones, how amazing!!

Nasifriet @ by the way said...

I'm drooling looking at your chix curry chang :-) It's been ages since I had bak chang! Double thumbs up for Mum! Mum's a saviour ;-)

Artsylicious said...

Sonia, your mom made the dumpling wrapping looks so easy! (I hands-on before, it's not that easy.... haha... ) thanks for sharing, this recipe definitely looks yummy!!!

Sissi said...

It's so unusual and so scrumptious! Your mum is a real magician. I think I will test the newspaper method because I'm a very messy cook and some of cooking preparations force me to clean the whole kitchen...

My Little Space said...

Don't expect my mom to teach me any of these cause she's not good at cooking & baking. hehe... But she's good at cooking my dad & our favourite dishes & making soup. Now, your mom is the super star today. haha....
Enjoy your weekend dear.

Joanne T Ferguson said...

G'day and how unique, TRUE!
Looks and sounds yummy! Would love to try one now too!
Cheers! Joanne

jasrul said...

SEdapnya nak cuba lah

Crystal Loh said...


Crystal Loh said...


Ana Regalado said...

The chicken curry on its own sounds delicious ! Your Mom is awesome ! She really knows what she's doing , she'll make a good teacher :D Love the video !

lena said...

auntie! auntie! next time must teach me LOL!

Akila said...

Wow looks so Temtping n inviting

LEY said...

wow! i also wan to learn how to pao ba chang. Thanks to your sharing, so touching~ i will learnt from your mommy and try to practice at home, so next time my family also got home cook ba chang (i just have one for my lunch, bought RM5.80 each)

Small Kucing said...

I have heard of the curry Zhing but never tasted it yet.

Hmmm this year's bamboo leaves not so nice la...I went various place buy and all like got lubang or break :(

Jane Chew said...

This tempted me so much. Since i am so bc during the chang festival i dint manage to make n eat chang this year. Will try this one day. Your mum is very serious in teaching lei. haha...

Brownie said...

Sonia ,I was reading your bun (Pau) recipes. For the skin you use Hong Kong flour. What flour is that ?

Zoe said...

Hi Sonia,

Sorry for my late visit. I was trying to catch after my recent holidays - Ops! :p

I have not try any curry zongzi before. I always eat the Nonya ones and never think of eating the curry versions. These looks so yummy!


mui mui said...
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mui mui said...

Hi ah chi,
I am so late for this curry zong zi.
Hehehehe I am like you 'Poon Tang'
I have been eating chang wrapped by my mum for years. Only last year I mastered how to wrap my own chang.
I love curry zong zi ...now am again drooling over your yummy chang ...

hannah said...

Thanks for your recipe as we love to eat this and want to try ourselves at least once in life for experience ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, Love rice dumplings. We really need to keep the art of wrapping dumplings before it is lots forever. Take care. Ling

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