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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hee Pan (Pumpkin steamed buns) 南瓜喜板

I have been seeing many Chinese bloggers attempted this Hee Pan, a kind of steamed buns that made with glutinous rice flour, resulted soft and chewy texture. Actually Hokkien people like me called this as Ki Ka Ku. I have made the typical pink Hee Pan and also pandan Hee Pan before, this time I tried with pumpkin version.

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Making Hee Pan just like making bread, prepare the dough, roll to ball shape (it is easy to roll on countertop) , flatten, proof and steam.
Anyway Hee Pan doesn't need to have first proof like making bread.

hee pan.jpg

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Can't really detect the pumpkin taste, but adding pumpkin makes the texture really soft..

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I still use my mom's recipe but modify to pumpkin version.

Hee Pan (Pumpkin steamed buns) 南瓜喜板
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
** makes about 20pcs

250 glutinous rice flour
IMG_6370 copy 300g plain flour
180g mashed pumpkin (steamed, mashed and sifted)
150g caster sugar
100g corn oil
1 and 1/2tsp instant yeast
120g water

Banana leaves (soften in hot water, cut into round shape)

1. Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl, knead until soft and smooth.
2. Divide dough to equal portion (60g), shape into small round ball. Grease banana leaf with corn oil, place a dough ball on the banana leaf, and flatten the dough by pressing your palm on the dough ball.
3. Cover with cloth and proof it for 30-45mins.
4. Steam over hot boiling water over high medium heat for 15mins (make sure water is already boiling before steaming). When ready, remove the lid as fast as possible as to prevent water from dripping over the buns unless you use a bamboo steamer. If not able to consume all buns at same day, keep it in container and re-steam for better texture the next day.

A reader asked me whether I have tasted Korean mochi bread bun before. She said the bun has chewy texture and very nice. So I keep one  Hee Pan dough and tried to bake in oven. This is what I got, slight chewy texture bread bun, taste quite good! Maybe next time I make a big batch to see.. 
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Unknown said...


Jozelyn Ng said...

This is simply delicious!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

A lot of people doing it ya, hehe...

Little blue said...

Can I take one for my tea break~look soft and nice!

sabrina 莎莎 said...

呵呵呵~~ 风靡全场的~~~

Esther Lau said...

I was thinking to make Hee pan but keep delaying it, cuz a bit lazy recently..hehe...

Small Kucing said...

Saw its being sold but I don't really like ti eat it.

The mochi idea us good. Look forward to see how it turn out

Aunty Young(安迪漾) said...


Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia,both the names of hee pan & ki ka ku sound so cute to me. Looks like you had made this kuih a long time ago & now only they become famous, haha! I really like this pumpkin version & I think pandan kkk must be good too!

0620 said...

Thumb up :P

Queenie said...

Sonia, akak ni memang hantu labu, asalkan labu semua pun sedap!

ya hokkien cakap ni ki ka ku, akak biasa campur ngan kawan2 hokkien, bapak pun orang hokkien, tapi akak selalu tercakap kakiku! wakakakak...

ann low said...

I've never eaten 'hee pan' before and these looks pretty and delicious.

Queenie said...

sonia! how can lu kong wa chiak tahi? wa boh chiak sai la hahaah
go and read your comment at my place arhahaha...

Li Shuan said...

Sonia, this is a very popular kuih amongst Chinese blogger friends. I yet to try out this but gotto wait for the 喜 chop they bought for me from Bangkok.
Ohh..bake also can ah..learn one new thing ...nice horr!

特蕾莎(仙子) said...

I love this very much, i always bought it from pasar malam~~^^

Unknown said...

Yellow, pink or green - all the Hee Pan look delicious and are beautifully presented

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Next time i also want to try the baked version.

Ana Regalado said...

They look pretty and yummy , Sonia ! Love the presentation so as the gorgeous photos !

Unknown said...

Sonia, now u make i make. haha... at the same time we have it. yummy... knew one thing o, this one also can bake in oven...

Qi Qi in the house said...


Baking Diary said...

I am not a fan of this kuih although looks nice but it's empty inside lol! Maybe I should like putting in some fillings like you did with your pandan version.

divya said...

Super delicious !! looks so inviting !!

CQUEK said...

I truly love this recipe and combination of flavor

Mel said...

Hi Sonia
Few weeks back I made this using your pdevious recipe....thinking to make this for my mum to taste. After steaming it turn out like kuih instead. Sad. Do i need to knead it till windowpane like bread dough? I think it could be my yeast that not blend to combined enough. The yeast here is kind of funny unlike back in Msia. I like to give this a try again.

Juliana said...

Awesome buns Sonia, I like the glutinous rice flour in it...great texture.
Hope you are having a lovely week :)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Mel, don't need to knead till window pane. You need to proof it but don't over proof also, it turned wrinkles after steamed if you over proof.

My Little Space said...

Good morning! I think I would love to take the baked ones. Do you mind? haha...
Enjoy your day dear.

PH said...

Sonia, this bun cicah with curry very nice lor..

Bakericious said...

Sonia, I quite like hee pan now after trying! Mine also cant taste of pumpkin but like the color.

Anonymous said...

This came just the right time again ! Was looking at your pink/green
Hee Pan blog last night and thought of making a pumpkin version and ta-da, my wish is granted (lol).
Thanks much for sharing.
Btw, tried your Akk and it turned out very well, being 1st attempt for me.

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...


Anonymous said...

hi again,
so does it need to proof or no need ?
if need to, is it to proof till double in size ?

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

This kuih looks lovely, i hv never eat this before.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

BB, yes, you need to proof it for 30-45mins, not really double in size, so long it rise, also not to over proof ..

Joanne T Ferguson said...

G'day! I LOVE steamed buns but have never made to date, TRUE!
Based on your recipe, might have to put these on my list to do!
Cheers! Joanne

Mich Piece of Cake said...

I keep seeing these hee pans these few days on a few blogs and now I also feel like eating them. Love the colour and texture.

mui mui said...

I like your version, straight forward, good.
Was wondering any different in texture between the straight version and the sponge dough ones.

Fishing Westport said...

Add some potatoes (cut it to small pieces) into the baked bean..... Taste will be more delicious :) yummy......

MunatyCooking said...

They look so soft and fluffy, i must try them!

lena said...

oh yes, i remember your pandan ki ka ku and that was also my first time hearing me calling them ki ka ku! beautiful hee pan, sonia!

MnYfoodtalk said...

I like soft and chewy pao. This is a must try recipe for me. Thanks for sharing.

Shirley said...

Hi Sonia.. The baked Hee Pan looks really good too! What is the temperature and duration would you recommend if I were to bake it?

peiszong said...

Hi Sonia, I love to follow your recipes because most of the time (99.9%) I don't have to do any adjustments :P. I tried this recipe last week. I am not sure how soft the dough should be, I keep on adding water because I am afraid the final product is hard. End of the day my Hee Pan is like soft chewy pao. Is it suppose to be for this recipe? Because I ate a Hee Pan long time ago and I remember it should be chewy and soft but not like a pao. Should I try again without adding additional water? Hahaha, I hope my question is not troublesome and long winded.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Peiszong, it should look like a bread dough, smooth, soft but peelable , so you should not add more water unless your mashed pumpkin is dry.

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