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Monday, December 9, 2013

Florentine Cookies 佛罗伦萨饼干

The other day my friend mentioned to me that she is going to make Florentine cookies for the coming CNY. I have never heard of this cookie before, after googled then I only know Florentine biscuit is an Italian pastry made from setting nuts and candied cherries into a caramel disc, which is then often coated on the bottom with chocolate. Other types of candied fruit are used as well.
Since I still have some leftover nuts and dried cranberries, so I quickly use it to make this cookie.

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This cookie is chewy and sweet..

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Florentines Cookies 佛罗伦萨饼干

100g whole hazelnuts
50g dried cranberries, chopped
fc copy 30g desiccated coconuts
20g flaked almonds
2tbsp cake flour

50g sugar
50g honey
40g salted butter

100g dark chocolate


  1. Place the hazelnuts on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes (180C) or until fragrant and the skins begin to flake. Remove from oven and place the hot nuts in a dish towel. Roll up the towel and let the nuts sit (steam) for 10 minutes then briskly rub the nuts in the towel to remove the skins. Let cool and then coarsely chop. Set aside.
  2. Place almond flakes on a baking sheet and bake for 4mins at 170C or until lightly browned and fragrant. Remove from oven and let cool. Set aside.
  3. Add hazelnuts, almond, desiccated coconuts, cranberries and flour, stir until all the fruit and nuts are coated with the flour.
  4. Put the sugar, honey and butter in a small saucepan and gently melt together.
  5. Add the honey mixture to the fruit and nut mixture and stir to combine.
  6. Line a large baking tray with greaseproof paper, and spread the Florentine mixture out to a thin layer – don’t worry if you have small gaps, it should melt together in the oven. Bake for 10-12 mins (oven at 180C) until a rich golden colour, then set aside to cool and firm up.
  7. Melt the chocolate all in separate heatproof bowls over gently simmering water. Line a second large tray or board with greaseproof paper and carefully flip the cooled Florentine bake onto it. Peel off the greaseproof paper. Spread the melted chocolate over and let set before cutting into small shapes as per your desire.
  8. Keep Florentines in the refrigerator. Bring to room temperature before serving. 

Recipe reference: here and here, by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover

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My neighbour given me some dark chocolate,  in return I packed some cookies for them.

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I am submitting this post to "Baby Sumo's Christmas Recipes Collection 2013" event which is hosted by Baby Sumo of Eat Your Heart Out.


Joceline Lor said...


Somewhere in Singapore said...

Look like a lot of work...

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...


Victoria bakes said...

Looks like a good bite to go with my afternoon tea.... Lovely creation as usual

Mel said...

Oh, these munchies sounds absolutely great for me when Im watching my favourite dramas. It look so beautiful as a gift for this coming christmas too.

Vidya Chandrahas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
小食代 said...

Sonia(isn't ok to call you like this?) you making many of my first-to-heard-desserts...

Karen said...


Esther Lau said...

1st time I heard about florentine cookies. They look gorgeous and pretty nice as a gift. Thanks for sharing, sifu :)

ann low said...

I remember one of my friend made florentines with caramel sugar but I prefer yours with chocolate.

Li Shuan said...

I love florentine ....nuts + dark chocolate ...just.couldn't resist this. Store bought florentine are very expensive, home made Florentines is so much cheaper and delicious.
Your neighbor is so lucky...

Adina Aruştei said...

i should go for this!

Adina Aruştei said...

i should go for this!

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

你家的很多个食谱我都看上了, 包括这个。。可是最近都没时间动手, 不知几时才会动工, 哈哈!

Gloria Baker said...

look amazing!!! beautiful!

Small Kucing said...

you made it sound so easy lah....adoi if me , am gonna make a mess of it

Little Corner of Mine said...

Delicious! Would love to make some of this!

Anonymous said...

wow, nuts and cranberries are good source of nutrients. Must give it a try for this coming christmas party. Thanks for the step by step method. Tracy

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Homemade Florentine! Your friends and family are so lucky to have you! :) I love Florentine cookies, but I try SO hard not to buy because package size is usually too big (American size) and I can eat EVERYTHING! I should make it from scratch and control the portion. :) Looks so delicious!!

Nadji said...

Ces florentins sont très réussis. Bravo!!
J'en fais aussi. C'est très bon.
A bientôt

Elaine said...

Good morning Ms Sonia,
Lovely cookies for Christmas!

Jozelyn Ng said...

Yummy! I use florentine mix to make florentines but your idea of combining using chocolate is a better option!

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

So she is going to make for CNY whereas you are making for X'mas is it, hahaha~ Photos were taken beautifully, the white board, the ribbon & of course the box of yummy-looking cookies. I have heard of this cookies b4 but I never try it, 识do啦,哈哈哈!

Baby Sumo said...

Looks yummy.... I think if I have a pack in front of me, I will surely sapu all! LOL. Thanks for linking to my Christmas event again :)

MyKitchenJournal said...

Hi Sonia,
I like the little gift bags that you used here, can you tell me where did you buy them?

Janine said...

these chocolate florentines look amazing sonia! really festive too!

Baking Diary said...

Looks yummy, never heard of this cookie before too!

My Little Space said...

I want a packet too! I should bake more but for time concerned, have to wait. hehe.... Have a great week ahead.
Blessings, Kristy

Angie's Recipes said...

Definitely a must-bake during the x'mas season. Yours look gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

just perfect for my brunch....
btw, this cookies bar made me missed christmas and my home even more!

Jenny's Delicacy said...


PH said...

Wah if make this I will make many trips to the fridge :)

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , darn , wish I live near you lol With wonderful texture and flavor , those florentines must taste as good as it looks !

Zoe said...

Hi Sonia,

I'll be happy to receive these pretty and delicious gifts... Any chance you can send these to Australia??? :p


Unknown said...

Hello Sonia, how come you always make this look so easy? It is brilliant for snacking too!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Shereen, about the little bag, I got it from China..you may not able to find it here..

Unknown said...

Sure looks tasty!

Alice said...

i never eat this cookies, but looking at the ingredients I am sure i'll love it!

Anonymous said...

Hi,from where can i buy the florentine or bienetta mix in singapore?thks.

ong said...

Hi any idea where i can buy the floretine or bienetta mix in singapore?thks

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