If you have any question, please drop me an email (sonia9423@gmail.com) or Instagram @ sonianll

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Golden Ingot Pineapple Tarts 金元宝黄梨酥~~欢喜过马年

After busy for about two weeks, I have almost done all the CNY cookies, still have two more cookies to go which I have to use up the leftover egg whites. Beside almond flakes crisp, another cookies is ice cream cookies(meringue cookies) which most of the small girls love it. By popular demand,  I have made 8 red canisters of pineapple tarts, this time I made into nastar shape which is easy and quick to handle, but I also try out a new shape- Golden Ingot which look golden and prosperous!

I was inspired by Honey Bee Sweet's ingot pineapple tarts when she posted in her Instagram. On the few days later, I discovered this ingot mould at the usual bakery ingredients shop, so no think twice, i bought it immediately. I still using my prefer pineapple tarts recipe (for my record only, I use 6g filling and 10g pastry) to make this.

Before bake, they look so golden !!
In every red canister to be given out, I also place one golden ingot pineapple tarts, so the recipient also Huat Ah ! ^_^
Wishing you a Golden Horse Happy Lunar New Year 2014, and more Ong Lai comes to you!!

在这里,祝福大家有个黄金的快乐年 !!


Hamaree Rasoi said...

Delicious and fulfilling tarts. First time I am marveling at the awesome pics.

Artsylicious said...

Sonia, very pretty pineapple tart! Wishing you & family a very Happy new year!

Sally said...


Baking Diary said...

Waa! I like your ingot, looks so prosperous:D I am sure people will like that very much! Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and family:D

Juliana said...

Oh Sonia this cookies look perfect, you sure made them very cute...
Happy Chinese New Year!

Unknown said...

Happy Chinese New Year n Gong Xi Fai Cai

Li Shuan said...


Agnes CF Lee said...

Gong Xi Fa Cai !!

Lite Home Bake said...

This year my tarts are made according to your recipe and glad to say we love them so much, i especially love them with SCS butter. Ho chiak! Thank you for this recipe. Your golden ingots will surely be very well loved :) Keong Hee Huat Chai ah, may the horse come galloping in with lots of ong for all of us!

Mel said...

I saw this at your Instagram and I think is so suitable for CNY....brings good meaning for new year. When I saw this in your instagram, i thought you shape it with your hands and nwver thought it has a mould to shape it. It looks so good to present to your guests

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Happy Lunar New Year to you and your family..

Gloria Fernandes said...

Awesome job dear....The tarts look so pretty ...amazing clicks..

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

我从你这里取几粒元宝, 今年一定会“jia mei liao"了, 发发发了! 哈哈哈。。
祝你马年行大运, 新年快乐!

Aunty Young(安迪漾) said...

Sonia, can i have one pls,
It looks so cute, and scrumptious!

Victoria Bakes said...

Gosh, Sonia, I think u r going to start another crazy ingot trend in the baking blogosphere again! Hahaha... U r always the trend setter

Little Corner of Mine said...

Happy CNY to you too. How pretty, really look like golden ingot!

Tracy Low said...


Baby Sumo said...

Nice.... I wanna try this next yr also. Huat ah!

Wishing you and your family a Happy Chinese New Year! All the best for the Yr of the Horse.

Angelic Heart~ said...

Very creative and nice looking pineapple tart!

Wishing you good fortune, peace and joy in the year of horse. Happy CNY!

The Sudden Cook said...

Wow! I recently went for a pineapple tarts class and found it alot of work but truly satisfying so really respect you for making so many!
Happy New Year to you!

Simple Person said...

wow .. after eat the gold ingot .. I am sure more gold ingot will come in..
huatt ahh

PH said...

Sonia, gold ingot shape will make it even more "ONG" :) Wish you and family Keong Hee Huat Chye!

Unknown said...

Sonia, where did you purchase d mold.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing d recipe. I made 3 times. As each time within a day gone in hubby's n elder's tummy. N poor me a tart lover cudn't eat till satisfied. Just bake again yesterday.

Angie's Recipes said...

Awesome cookies, Sonia.
Happy Chinese New Year!

Elisabeth said...

Happy Chinese New Year, to you and your family, Sonia!

You have certainly been busy making all the amazing and yummy cookies for the New Year's celebration!
Elisabeth @food and trift

~~louise~~ said...

Such lovely tarts, Sonia:) Thank you so much for sharing...Wishing You and Yours a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year!!!

Psychiatrists in Chennai said...

Awesome post .i hope everybody will like your post

Quay Po Cooks said...

Hi Sonia, Long time no see. Drop by to wish you and Family a Great Horse year ahead. Gong Xi Fa Cai! XOXO

lena said...

i probably have seen this mould before...very auspicious leh! have a good and healthy horsey year, gong xi fa cai!

Brownie said...

Where can I purchase the fancy mould ?

zila norazila said...

Happy new yer sonia..n ong lai to u also..:)

Anonymous said...

what a cute lil cookes mould!!
i'm jealous with you Sonia....

Ivy Sew said...

Hi Sonia, yummy pineapple tarts. Gong Xi Fa Chai to you ! May you gallop into a prosperous year too!!!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Silik, I get this mould from a bakery shop at Klang, you can try to search at the bakery ingredients shop nearby your place.

Ana Regalado said...

So pretty , Sonia ! Maybe I'll hit Shanghai Street tomorrow and look for that kind of mould lol These are so far one of your prettiest pineapple tarts :D

My Life My Thoughts My Say said...

Hi sonia can i ask how u unmould the pastry. I tried but keep stuck inside the mould

My Life My Thoughts My Say said...

Hi sonia can i ask how u unmould the pastry. I tried but keep stuck inside the mould

Unknown said...

Do you know where can I get this pineapple tart mould online?

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