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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Homemade Caramel Popcorn 爆玉米花

Before the party, i checked with my son what he would like to have in his Birthday party. He requested this caramel popcorn. When I making this popcorn, remind me of an invitation came to me few years back as to invite me to appear in a TV morning program to teach how to make popcorn. I was shy at that time, so I turn down the invitation ^_^.


I still refer to the old recipe, but this time I reduced water as I found the caramel sauce was a bit watery 

Not the first time doing popcorn, but i still feel excited to see this popcorn after opened the lid.

It is not difficult to make popcorn at home, but we just need some time to bake the popcorn as to let them stay crispy..

Homemade Caramel Popcorn 爆玉米花 

300g Corn Kernels
6 tbsp corn oil 

300g sugar
110g butter (salted)
150ml water 

To pop corn kernels
1. Pour corn oil into a wok, coat entirely the wok.
2. Heat oil over medium flame.
3. Add in corn kernels, stir fry to mix well till corn kernels start to expand.
4. Once you see it start to pop, immediately over the wok with lid, you start to hear popping sound.
5. From time to time, slowly move the wok to keep the popcorn from burning in spots.
5. When the popping slows down to the point that you don’t hear much pop, off the flame.
6. Take off the lid, and pour popcorn into large bowl, remove unpopped kernels.
7. Spread onto the prepared baking sheet and set aside. 

To make caramel popcorn
1. Add sugar in a clean wok/saucepan over medium flame, cook till melted and become syrup.
2. Add in butter and water, keep stirring till become slightly thick caramel.
3. Let the syrup cool slightly, then drizzle over the popcorn. Toss the popcorn carefully using spoons.
4. Bake at preheated oven at 150c for 30-45mins, stir them once.
5. Once done, remove from oven, stir the popcorn, and in airtight containers once cooled down. 

Recipe: modified from old recipe, by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover


Fion said...

Is my favorite snack during my movie time....yum yum

PH said...

Sonia, this one I sure cannot stop eating. Before the party pun sudah habis hee...hee...

Small Kucing said...

thanks sonia. will try it over school holiday :)

Mel said...

Loves to make this at home as I am a "couch potato"!!

Esther Lau said...

I must have large caramel popcorn and large coke when I go to cinema,haha...Making popcorn at home sound interesting :)

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I loves this when watching movie, hehe...

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Small Kucing, don't forget about me after you try it out, lol...

PS Low Shaklee said...

my kids really love popcorn. must learn to home made. tq dear for sharing

Jenny's Delicacy said...

love this....simple & wonderful :)

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia has been so popular for a long time! We also like to eat popcorns but in here, we normally see savoury version, not the sweet one. I actually like the sweet one better.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Victoria Bakes said...

Very nice popcorn... No wonder you are wanted for interview... I would have loved to see u on tv

Anonymous said...

How delicious! We love popcorn and the flavors you use are wonderful! I think you should call the TV station and ask to go back on - you would be doing everyone a flavor!!

Anonymous said...

Looks yummy. Where can I buy the popcorns?

Elin Chia said...

Sonia, thanks for the caramel sauce recipe. Will make this since I still have some corn kernels in the fridge

Baking Diary said...

I must have this whenever I go to the cinema, I just love munching on popcorns while watching my show! Yours look just perfectly popped!

猫儿的天空 said...
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猫儿的天空 said...

My mum used to make popcorn by using her pressure cooker. I don't even know that we can make it by wok.
I love to have my popcorn fully coated with caramel! But it is so saddening that everytime when I get my popcorn in cinema counter, I will definitely get most of the popcorn tasteless. Oh man, I'm not a health conscious gal, so pls, pls give me lotsa caramel~~

Gloria Fernandes said...

loved this caramel popcorn...so perfectly done

zila norazila said...

love this also sonia..

Aunty Young(安迪漾) said...


mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

这是不只是每个小孩都爱的食品, 也是我家老人最爱的! 哈哈哈

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Zoe, I got the corn kernels from Tesco under spices section.

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

I did it before, quite fun haha..

Little Corner of Mine said...

Love, love caramel popcorn!

Choi Yen said...

I like mine fully coated with caramel, those bought outside are so stingy with the sauce :(

lena said...

guess what, i was just eating a big pack of garettes popcorns for the past 2 days, that is why excited to see this post of yours. If not lazy, will try to make this. thanks!

Mai Has said...

I want my pop corn to be over caramelized hence i have to do it myself.heheh..will try this one out!:-)

Ana Regalado said...

Cool ! Will try your recipe the next time :D I love the popcorn at the cinema but it's effin' expensive tsk tsk !

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