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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Kueh Lapis / Steamed 9 Layers cake 九层糕

After seeing the Anncoo's announcement about stop blogging temporarily due to her health problem, I feel sad and down. I tried to call her twice but unfortunately there was no answer..I really hope that she will get speedy recovery and able to post again. From this, i start to think that i should also slow down my pace on blogging, sometime blogging takes too much of my time for cooking/baking, taking pictures, download pictures, prepare recipes and post it..sometime my shoulder is pain and tough! Thus, from now on, I would not like to set a standard schedule for posting, when I feel like to post then i will post it..this is my new resolution..

Back to today post, just like to share with you this traditional steamed 9 layers cake, one of our favourite kueh.

Kueh Lapis / Steamed 9 Layers cake 九层糕

Eventhough making this kueh is not that tough, but one still need to take note some small tips..Let's look at my 1st attempted, some of the layers was undercooked, and thought if I prolonged my steaming time of the final layer, it should be cooked through. But I was wrong, the uncooked layer was not well cooked even I have increased the steaming time..So you have to make sure that every layer is cooked then continue to pour the next layer of mixture onto the existing layer

Kueh Lapis / Steamed 9 Layers cake 九层糕

You need little patience to wait and steam each layer, try to use a timer to set the timing for each layer...

Kueh Lapis / Steamed 9 Layers cake 九层糕

When i saw 安琪玲の天空 posted this recipe, I immeidately bookmarked.. But i adjust the recipe according to my preference..i prefer slightly firm texture which i can tear layer by layer and enjoy it!

Kueh Lapis / Steamed 9 Layers cake 九层糕

Kueh Lapis / Steamed 9 Layers cake 九层糕
(recipe source: basic recipe adapted from 安琪玲の天空, and adjust to my own preference)

400ml water
Kueh Lapis / Steamed 9 Layers cake 九层糕 70g coarse sugar
5 pandan leaves, knotted
400ml coconut milk ( squeeze half old coconut with water)

180g rice flour
120g tapioca flour

Red food colouring
Lime yellow food colouring


1. Boil water, sugar, pandan leaves and coconut milk until sugar dissolved. Discard pandan leaves and set aside to cool completely.
2. Add in rice flour and tapioca flour, stir to mix well. Strain the batter.
3. Grease a 7" steam pan with a little oil. Place the pan in a steamer and steam until hot.
4. Divide batter into 2 portions, around 126g for each layer, 4 layer with plain batter (original white) and 5 layers of red batter (add red food colouring into plain batter to become red layer).
5. Pour 1st layer with red batter into steam pan, and steam for 3mins over medium high heat.
6. Pour 2nd layer with white batter into steam pan, and steam for 3mins.
7. Repeat until all 8 layers set. Add a drop of lime yellow food colouring to let red batter to become dark orange batter and steam for 15mins.
8. Leave the kueh to cool completely (take about 6 hours) at room temperature before cutting (use a plastic knife to cut).


susanyee said...


Sally said...



zila norazila said...

waaa llaaaa..i love kuih lapis..:)..nice combination color..:)

Somewhere in Singapore said...

The Kuih Lapis is so nice....

Don't stress yourself...

The Sweetylicious said...

me too feel sad when i heard about the news. dont put too much pressure on yourself okay (: you've always did a really good job! (:

Baby Sumo said...

Pretty kuih lapis! And I sincerely hope your friend feels better soon!

Li Shuan said...

I think most of us feel the same too as blogging really chews up most of my free time. I called Jessie n we discussed the same thing as well. I told her one week I probably will just make 2 during weekdays and I want to blog free on weekends. My husband started to complain I am obsess on blogging haha..!!

I like the nine layer kuih too... I love to eat like what you said peel one layer by layer! I think eating like this make the kuih taste better. Your kuih colour is good n I do like the firmer texture too...thanks for sharing

Simple Person said...

mayb u should train up a student..
then u b the master chef and do not need to slow down the blogging...

ICook4Fun said...

Blogging should be a hobby and we do it at our own pace. Don't feel pressure or stress yourself out over it. I know it take up a lot of our time, planning, cooking, taking pictures, editing, writing the recipe and all. So now I too slow down a bit. By the way, nice looking kuih. This is one of my fav too.

Ana Regalado said...

It's a hobby and should do it at your own pace so don't feel any pressure ;D Just post any time you feel like it :D Your blog is one of the best online *woot* hahaha followers and lurkers ;D alike will visit your site even when you're not posting several times a week !

Onto that fabulous kuih , 9 layers ?! No wonder you're stressed ! hahaha Kidding ! ;D It looks great ! I bet it tastes delish as it looks !

Just in case Ann's lurking at your site .... Get well soon , Ann !!! hahahaha

Sem said...

Hi, this kuih lapis really looks good.really tempted to try.
Not stress yourself too much if you feel the strain on your time:)
The readers will definitely understand...

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

i also reschedule my blogging progress, as it's really 'eat up' so much og our time. i try to blog-free on weekend and hope can sustain la, hahaha!

ur kuih looks yummy, maybe can do a small portion coz my kids like it so much, thanks for sharing.

Shoutforfood said...

I love the story you shared here, and well ... Great recipe, gorgeous photos and a lovely write up!

yummylittlecooks said...

Me too, I post up when I'm free.I'm slowing down a bit these few weeks :D

I like this kuih too, peel them layer by layer :)

Yee's Corner said...

Hi, Sonia, I totally agree with you. Personally feel blogging is a stress free hobby that we can not only pass free time & also share it with people has the same passion! this kuih was one of favourite childhood breakfast! we peeled every layer and munched it in our mouth! sometimes we kept our favourite color last to munch! this really bring back childhood memory!

Small Kucing said...

Salute you! That is very tedious work to do layer by layer. Saw some stall selling different coloured layer

ogyep yummy mellow said...

WOW... 9 layers... it has to be on slow heat to ensure thorough cooked..

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...

对了,关于那个lychee and lime drinks,是果肉连水一起blend吗?

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

Hope your friend will be better soon and take it easier from now on, I think we do put too much pressure on ourselves sometimes ... your 9 layer cake is so delicious looking, I will definitely try to make this for my family, always love your blog posts and all your recipes!!

eileen@hundred eighty degrees said...

I too feel sad upon hearing Ann going to stop blogging temporarily. Health is more important so take everything easy. Even if you plan to cut down on the frequency, I will still peak into your blog as frequent as I can. Stay happy!

Mel said...

Health is very important. We must look after ourselves first in order to take care of others. My sister used to make this 9 layer kuih as this is her favourite! Guess I should learn to make this myself too.

Unknown said...

Sonia I wanted to make this but somehow I don't have much time and patient to do it. Unless I take one day leave to do it. Hahaha...

Unknown said...

BTW, Sonia thanks for the hokkaido cupcakes tips. Will try your recipe out.

Angie's Recipes said...

What an artwork!

Sissi said...

It looks like a huge achievement! Congratulations!

Nadji said...

Sonia my friend, I will be very sad if you stop your blog.
Cette passion nous prend beaucoup de temps et il faut apprendre à se contrôler pour le faire à un rythme plus vivable.
Prends ton temps et fais quand tu veux mais je peux te dire que tes réalisations sont toujours magnifiques comme celle d'aujourd'hui.
A très bientôt.

Unknown said...

Nice 9 layers kueh. I always want to make some. Thanks for sharing. Do take more rest. Ok?

Lite Home Bake said...

I am impressed! The kueh lapis really looks so perfect. So smooth and silky! Must be yummy...

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

This is my 1st time checking my computer since I last emailed to you. Didn't know abt Ann's condition! I have done 80% of cleaning of my house in the last 2 days & will leave the rest to be done on Sat.

I feel the same problem about this blogging & cooking. I called & had a long chat with Li Suan last night b4 I went to bed, both of us have mentioned about the shoulder & wrist pain! I mean I really enjoy doing what I'm doing now but sometimes I think I've given too much of time in it! And in the last 2 days, I didn't use my computer at all & I've realised that I need to slow down too!

No matter how often you are posting your recipes, I'll still come for a visit whenever I'm free! This layered steamed cake is my childhood favourite & I normally ate it layer by layer!

Baking Diary said...

Yep, I too realized I spent too much time online, hence you don't see me posting or visiting much. I try not to let blogging rule my life too and spend more time enjoying myself and not keep baking and taking photos like I need to meet a date line! it's bad enough having datelines in the work place, I don't need another one during my leisure time!

tigerfish said...

I hope Ann recovers quickly too.

Back to your 九层糕, it reminds me of my childhood, eating them by the layers.

mycookinghut said...

Lovely looking kuih!

Wil - WilandWayan'sKitchen said...

Wow - beautiful kueh lapis. Every time I try to make it, it turns out like the first one. Thanks for the tip on how to get it to set.

Julie said...

Beautiful layering n excellent photography,If given a chance to eat,I will never bite,just keep admiring the layers..stunning work:-)
ONGOING EVENT- "Mint & Coriander seeds" (EP Series-Apr)
Erivum Puliyum

yvonne said...

This is one of my favourite kuih. Love the beautiful and even layering.

I dare not try my hands on making this, as I know the process is quite tedious for a newbie like me :) Usually buy from stall outside.

lena said...

i do agree that blogging can take up so much doing especially doing a post, we just do it whenever we feel like it, no responsibility..hv a nice weekend!

Indian Khana said...

I guess once in a while we all feel same ...but then you can take things slowly and focus in something else ...dont' worry our focus will be back to blogging soon :) ...lapis looks so fab

Little blue said...

I also slowing down and busy for my new house. This kuih look yummy, give me a small bite...have a nice weekend.

Small Small Baker said...

I'm also one who has decided to slow down on blogging, and also less blog-visiting. Too much time on the computer is really bad for health. Strain on the eyes, neck and shoulder pain. Sometimes really feel like quitting. Let's take it easy.

Yannie said...

Wow! Love this recipe, this is my two girls' favourite kuih. I may try this one day. Thanks for the tips.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

I have the same exact sentiments. It's fun blogging and getting to know friends but there should be a balance too. I have slowed down my blogging since this year too. Hopefully we all can find a healthy balance and joy in blogging and our lives. P.S. hope Ann comes back soon. ;)

Jane Chew said...

ya, u r right. Feel the same here. Even i love blogging but have to admit that it is very time consuming. Especially i don't have helper at home and my children still need my attention. I always warn myself not to addict on it but to put my family in 1st priority. I am happy with the blogging rhythm i enjoy now. That is "do when i feel like doing" . Yes, may be there are lesser blogger/friends will leave comments but that is always ok for me. And i am sure if they are my good followers they will always be there enjoy reading my post even i only post 1 in a month.
Your photos are very nice :) especially with the nyonya basket. I did this too for a lonely old lady. I hope she will enjoy it.

Belly Good Cooking said...

I have slowed down on my postings too. Besides loving to watch korean dramas, my kids take a lot of my time too, one morning session and the other afternoon session school. Do get more rest and love yr kuih lapis. :)

Natalie Atick said...

These mini cakes have left me speechless they are so beautiful! I bet you had fun photographing them. We are the same in which we love to bake, photograph, and travel! Glad I stopped by!

Shu Han said...

one of my best friends is taiwanese and she absolutely loves this kueh. I'll link her to this page. i admire your dedication! making it twice, and then setamign each layer carefully!

Gloria Baker said...

so beautiful Sonia!! amazing LOL

Lala said...

Thks for the insights.. and now, I'm craving for some =) I like the firm type too.. so that can peel off each layer and savour slowly. That, to me is the fun of eating this cake!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Me too I was shocked when I saw the news about Ann. Without our good health we can't take care of family as well as blog, so let's make sure we pace ourselves. I reduced to two posts a week and it's been a lot easier. It's fun but we don't want our life get consumed by it no matter blogging is hobby or job (for some). Your dessert looks beautiful!!!

Lori said...

It always makes me sad to see good food bloggers stop especially when it is due to an illness. It is interesting that you bring this up because I've had the same feelings lately. I don't post nearly as much as I used to due to lack of time, but even so sometimes I feel like I have to post, and not like I want to post. I'm trying to go with the flow more and only post when I'm inspired to.

I'm in awe of steamed cakes. They always look so incredible! It's something I've never tried before. I'll have to get up the courage! :)

Mary said...

This is a breathtakingly beautiful dessert! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you included the picture of the failed attempt as well. I feel so much more normal now. I can only imagine what MY first attempt would look like.

I've never tasted a dessert like this either. One of these days, I'm going to have to finally pick up that steamer basket and just try it!

My Little Space said...

Sonia, your kuih looks nicely done at the end. I remember how hard for me to make kuih when I started blogging 3 years back. The kitchen would look like a mass and so am I....with a sad face due to all the failure! haha.... The worst part was I starting loosing hairs actually. But good that I'm taking it easy now. Just flow with the swing and enjoy every moment of it.
Take care & have a lovely week ahead.

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

I started slowing down my blogging pace when my shoulder starts to ache. Blogging should be stress free and with all the homemade food we should be able to live healthy life.

I made the kuih lapis few days back using another recipe, but mistaken the rice flour as glutinous rice flour, it end up not able to peel out the kuih layer by layer but my son loves the kuih so much. Will make this kuih again when I have time.

Fern @ To Food With Love said...

Looks beautiful, texture looks good too. I made this once long ago (can't remember which recipe) and it was nice at first, but after a few hours, the texture was firmer and not so pliable/springy. Maybe I'll try your recipe next time :)

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Simply June said...

Thanks for this recipe! I just made some this afternoon!. yums!

Anonymous said...


how do you exactly remove the kuih from the tray ? do u pour it out by upside down the tray ? or u dig from the side ?

thinking to try this weekend and yours look pretty !!! \


Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, may I know tis ingredient required 400ml water + 400ml coconut juice OR only 400ml water to squeeze out from coconut?

Jin said...

Hi. Lovely recipe. Is there a typo error in the sugar amount?

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