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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Homemade Croutons ( Oven-baked )

I like to eat Caesar salad, it is quite expensive to take a plate of Caesar salad at the restaurant..I went through my cookbook and realized that it is so easy to make it at home..But before i can make Caesar salad, first i need to prepare Croutons (small piece of sauteed or rebake bread)..


There are two method to make croutons, either pan fry or oven bake..I tried both ways, and we prefer oven baked croutons, more crunchy than pan fry version..and easy to prepare..


The steps..





My son taking this crouton like taking potato chips, non-stop eating!!!

I prepared this Bento and bring it to school for kids, Caesar salad and Croquette (will share recipe later).


Homemade Croutons ( Oven-baked version)
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

2 slices white bread
croutons 20g butter (salted), melted
A pinch of salt

1. Use a scissor, trim the crusts off, cut into even- sized small cubes (can get about 50 small cubes).
2. Spread melted butter on a baking pan, add in bread cubes, sprinkle salt and lightly toss it well.
3. Bake at pre-heated oven at 180C for 5-8mins, remove the pan from oven, lightly toss the bread, continue to bake for another 5-8mins.
4. Let it cool completely, store in air-tight container for later consume.



Sherleen.T said...

ohh...Caesar salad and Croquette, can i have a plate, i'm hungry now...:)

Shoutforfood said...

Oh yes is expensive to have it outside. hmmm..a jolly good idea to have it at home i amgoing to try it

Small Kucing said...

love it with salad

Simple Person said...

lol .. i saw massimo bread ..

Diane said...

I always fry them, this is a much better idea but I would probably use garlic butter :) Diane

Baking Diary said...

Baked sound healthier and more golden too! Looks delicious! Your croquette looks very good too!

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

sounds simple n great, thanks for ur wonderful sharing.

Little blue said...

Simple to made this, can serve with my lovely salad!

tinyskillet said...

Now this is the way to make croutins that I would eat! So good ssuch simplicity.

Baby Sumo said...

I usually just pan fry them if I'm making a small quantity but oven baked certainly looks more healthy.

Ana Regalado said...

Much better and cheaper to make Caesar salad at home :D Love these simple croutons and I could eat these by itself !

ogyep yummy mellow said...

good idea also... economical... hehehehe..

Unknown said...

Yes u r right, I like to have Caeser salad too but outside is so pricy right for a plate. The oven baked croutons are more evenly bake ..look at those golden crust.

Nadji said...

Des croûtons de pain bien délicieux.
J'aime beaucoup.
A bientôt

WendyinKK said...

nice and crispy

Lori said...

I love homemade croutons, especially on Caesar salad. They always taste so much better than store bought. These look great!

Christine's Pantry said...

Croutons are easy to make.

Mary said...

It looks like your croutons turned out perfectly. I love making salads at home. They always turn out so much better than at a restaurant.

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

Homemade croutons must taste better and cost a lot less, didn't realize they are so easy to make too. Thank you for the recipe, it would be very nice to make the croutons to go with soup as well!

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

I agree with you. The time I eat croutons is the time I have my caesar salad, haha! Love your croutons!

Shu Han said...

I like to make my own croutons too, so much cheaper, plus I can choose good healthy bread for it! makes it a lot less sinful!

mui mui said...

Sonia, You croutons look so yummy.
No wonder your son took it like potato chip..by the look is already very inviting..hehe
I will try this...^^

zila norazila said...

i like..simple to make it.. thnks ur share .will try also..

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Thanks for sharing...

Jo said...

Yum - croutons. Imagine it going into ceaser salad, pumpkin soup, tomato soup! Add some garlic and I could probably munch these as a snack. Lol.

Joyce @ Chunky Cooky said...

I dont eat salads but I will always dig out the croutons to eat as snacks whenever they appear in the salads.. Hehehe.. It's really good just by eating on its own for a snack..

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

this is yummy, can be taken like a snack!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

What that's it? I'm totally making this! Have a good dressing? I try several recipes but so far, just so so recipe. Love to try yours!

lena said...

looks very golden, thank you for sharing the baking method!

mNhL said...

Now I know how to make the delicious croutons. It is so simple.

I love Ceasar Salad.....yummy.

Avery said...

yummy and easy to prepare. thank you for sharing this recipe :)

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