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Monday, April 30, 2012

Pumpkin Chiffon Cake

This morning, i just realized that i have a small piece of pumpkin (only cost me RM 1) still sitting inside the fridge and I think already there for more than a week. Sometime i just buy things and planning to make something, but the end i was attracted by other recipes and totally forgot about it, hehehe..Since i have quite long did not bake a chiffon, so i added this pumpkin in this chiffon and resulted a very moist and soft chiffon, also like the natural golden colour..In fact, this small piece of pumpkin can turn into 3 chiffons...

Pumpkin Chiffon Cake

Pumpkin Chiffon Cake
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
**makes a 20cm chiffon

4 egg yolks
Pumpkin Chiffon Cake 20g sugar
50g corn oil
10g water
70g self raising flour
75g pumpkin puree( steamed pumpkin and process till fine)

4 egg whites
70g sugar

10g pumpkin seeds

1. Hand whisk egg yolks and sugar till pale.
2. Add in corn oil, water, and pumpkin puree, mix well.
3. Add in flour and combine well, set aside.
4. Beat egg whites over high speed till foamy (1min for KA mixer at speed 8).
5. Slowly add in sugar, beat till soft peak form (2mins for KA mixer at speed 6).
6. Take 1/3 portion of egg white mixture and use hand whisk to mix with egg yolk mixture till light.
7. Fold the balance of egg white mixture into egg yolk mixture, combine well.
8. Sprinkle pumpkin seeds on the bottom of cake pan. Pour cake mixture into baking pan and bake at pre-heated oven at 160c for 40min or adjust to your oven as every oven is difference. Inverted the cake pan and remove cake once it is cool completely.
Pumpkin Chiffon Cake

Earlier i told you i bought a cheap cake stand from Bangkok, i only use it once and it has broken into two pieces, and further the big plate also broken into pieces, only left with the stand..sob sob ..
Anyway, I save the stand and turn it into another new cake stand as I just bought a cheap plate from Tesco and stick it together, look not bad right this new cake stand, hahaha..

*** Happy Labour Day and Happy Holiday ***


Joceline said...

我之前也是打破了几个盘子。老公投诉了。以后over seas就不要买sa bou lang chang了。

Ana Regalado said...

Very interesting flavor and love the addition of pumpkin seeds ! It looks great , too ! I love your new cake stand ! hahahha Very creative ! ;D

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

love the golden colour, the chiffon cake texture looks perfect, I love to have a slice too :)

eileen@hundred eighty degrees said...

Your chiffon cake is undoubtedly good! Smart idea of reusing the stand for another cake stand!

daphne said...

yum! how creative are you to make use of the pumpkin like this. It does look light and fluffy! and love the new cake stand you put together!

Unknown said...

I like your golden chiffon cake. Pumpkin is cheap right and nutritious too. I just made some baby food for my gal with pumpkin.

Mel said...

Chiffon cake is my one of my favourite. I should try other "flavours" like this instead of my usual orange poppy seeds.

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

looks great and the texture so soft and light, treat me one slice la, boleh tak?

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Jes's Deli Corner said...

Very nice chiffon

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

I love the colour and texture of your chiffon, so nice.

Small Kucing said...

so nice. If only i can make half as good as you

Small Kucing said...

so nice. If only i can make half as good as you

zila norazila said...

i love tht colour..nice ciffon..:)

hanushi said...

Your photography skills are really good! :) Nice chiffon cake texture.

ahteekitchen said...

Look at the color!! Truly golden!! Firmy texture makes me drooling...

Fern @ To Food With Love said...

Looks soft and silky, and the colour is beautiful! Can you taste the pumpkin in the cake?
Same here, when I go shopping, I see ingredients which remind me of recipes I wanted to try, and I buy them...sometimes I buy too much and I forget to make or simply have no time, or get distracted by other recipes....and then have to throw away when it goes bad...LOL. My hubby keep complaining the the fridge and pantry have no space....either full of raw ingredients or full of leftovers! :p

Baking Diary said...

I too have this bad habit of buying things with the best of intentions and promptly forgot about them the moment they are out of sight! Your chiffon cake looks really fluffy and bright.

Baking Diary said...

I too have this bad habit of buying things with the best of intentions and promptly forgot about them the moment they are out of sight! Your chiffon cake looks really fluffy and bright.

Baking Diary said...

I too have this bad habit of buying things with the best of intentions and promptly forgot about them the moment they are out of sight! Your chiffon cake looks really fluffy and bright.

ogyep yummy mellow said...

I love d colour and d texture la My dear... you really kick d recipe..

Nadji said...

Tout simplement magnifique. Bravo!!!
See soon

Simple Person said...

pumkin seems like a big trend..
yesterday when I was around JJ 1U, they were doing some blender demo and they make kaya pumpkin ..
looks good n nice fragrant smell

Faeez said...

I buy,I plan & I forget..... I'm guilty of that too! Your chiffon cake is so beautiful, the colour, texture & I bet it tastes good too. I still have some pumpkin left in the fridge, just hope i don't forget about it!

Kimmy said...

Dear Sonia, I bought a piece of pumpkin from the wet market to make steamed pumpkin buns but the colour was pale. I baked Pumpkin Yoghurt Chiffon with the same pumpkin, the colour turns out pale too. Yours have a very nice colour. Any advice on how to choose pumpkin which has a deeper colour when cooked? Thanks

Tina said...

so colourful and spongy..

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Very nice! I want to do a pumpkin chiffon but very lazy lately.

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

Very nice! I want to do a pumpkin chiffon but very lazy lately.

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

I like all types of pumpkin recipes & every time when I saw someone is posting pumpkin cake, pound cake or chiffon cake, I will take the recipes home. I like the look of your chiffon cake & they rose sooooooo tigh! I'll try out your recipe 1 day as I made a different version of chiffon cake last week. They were very, very moist, taste a bit different from normal chiffon cake but your friend here was using loaf pan to bake & everything went smoothly until I dropped the pan, so want to know the outcome? The cake looked short & wide, hahaha, I think abt 1/3 height of your chiffon cake~I'm a short person & guess that the chiffon cake that I made also looks like me! Wait till I post it later, still have 1 cake hasn't posted yet!

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

1 question, I just realise that you didn't use lemon juice or cream of tartar, wah, really a sifu huh, no citrus juice also can make such a successful chiffon cake.

Karen said...

Look so soft, love the golden colour.. grab one piece ya.. happy holiday :)

Julie said...

Yummy yum cake,nice color!

Join me in the ONGOING EVENT- "Mint & Coriander seeds" (EP Series-Apr)

Somewhere in Singapore said...

i loves pumpkin but never make pumpkin chiffon cake b4...

Sherleen.T said...

very nice color and texture of your pumpkin chiffon, can imagine how soft it is...
you are creative to make your own cake stand...hehehe

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Oh your pumpkin chiffon cake looks SO good!! Well, not just pumpkin, you make all chiffon cake very dreamy... I wish I can make it at home one day!

kitchen flavours said...

Lovely cake! I love chiffon cakes, can eat a few pieces at one sitting! Love the lovely colour!

mui mui said...

Agree with you..sometimes i did the same..bought something home, put in the fridge and attracted by other recipe and forgotten about it...:p
Your pumpkin chiffon looks so nice and soft...^^

Natalie Atick said...

Looks amazing and must taste so good! Great work!

Natalie Atick said...

Looks amazing and must taste so good! Great work!

Beachlover said...

love your chiffon cake texture,very fine!! must follow your recipe!!thanks for sharing!~!

Yummy Bakes said...

Sonia, this chiffon looks very fine and smooth - very pretty color too. I must practice more on chiffon cakes. I hope I can get a tall chiffon like this one day ...

My Little Space said...

Talking about chiffon cakes. I have not eaten it for ages. On the other hand, my kids are not so fond of it. However, love how you made them. Bright & gorgeous colour!

yvonne said...

Chiffon cakes is one of my favourite cakes. I'm reluctant to bake one because I can foretell my % of success is less than 30 hahaha!

Your golden chiffon cake is so beautiful and tempting~

Yannie said...

Sonia, this recipe is good. I will try when I have invested in a egg mixer. To be honest to you, I am still very much using hands in mixing for baking.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Beautiful! I love the color and what a great idea to use pumpkin in making chiffon cake.

Joyce @ Chunky Cooky said...

The chiffon cake really stand tall and the colour of it is gorgeous ! But I do admire your creativity in recycling broken pieces of glass ! You have made the new cake stand into such a beautiful piece, can't even notice that it's a put-together !

Little blue said...

I like the golden color like a gold~~ haha! I also can feel this cake is how moist!

Jane Chew said...

nice chiffon! haha.. u betul betul pandai ya? Like that also can modified to another cake stand :)

Li Shuan said...

Friend, I am back. Golden chiffon very attractive colour. I lagi teruk. my best looking most expensive wooden craft plate which I bought from Bali was confiscated by the passport control..I didnt even have a chance to use once oooo!! sad!

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Nice new cake stand! Drooling looking at your cake. You make me crave for it loh. If I give you a pumpkin can you give me a slice of it...hehehe...

Sissi said...

Sonia, I find such things in the fridge all the time! (I often buy something without even a precise idea what to cook...). This chiffon cake has the most beautiful yellow colour I have ever seen!

sean said...


lena said...

beautiful texture! luckily you're still left with the stand, can still make good use of that!!

shaz said...

love the deep yellow colour. the texture looks wonderfully soft too. I've changed my blog to one where I can include all my fave recipes and not just the kiddy ones. :) have a great day!

Cathleen said...

Yes! Excellent! I love pumpkin! This looks absolutely mouthwatering!!

DG said...

Very attrative yellow colour chiffon ... really make whoever see this one to eat it :)

curlyfish said...

Nice,I like this, I like the natural coloring fr pumpkin.i bet the taste must very tasty yet the texture is so spongy~~ thx for sharing,gonna add this to my to do list~~;)

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Kimmy, Thanks for stopping by..Sorry i could not give you any advise on how to choose the good pumpkin because I also know little about pumpkin, what i know is organic or normal type, hehehe..Maybe you can try to buy the ready cut pumpkin(normal type) from Jusco, so far,i only buy pumpkin from Jusco.

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Jessie, yes, there is no tartar or lemon juices added into meringue, it still resulted a good chiffon. But i always use self raising flour, at least it help to rise up nicely with the rising agent in the flour.

Kit @ i-lostinausten said...

Wow! This chiffon cake looks lovely ! Love the the warm color that looks so inviting & the addintion of pumpkin seeds! I've been browsing around your blog & found your AMAZING collection of chiffon cakes! Absolutely marvelous!! I've never make chiffon cake before & don't even dare to try making this delicious cake till now. I'm tempted to try one of your chiffon recipe. Have a nice day! :)

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia! Just managed to catch up on reading your lovely baking posts. I can't wait to bake this pumpkin chiffon cake. My little niece really loves pumpkin in her porridge and I am certain she will love this cake too..Thanks for coming over!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia

Yesterday I tried baking pumpkin using ur recipe, the chiffon did rise but after I cut the chiffon the cake wont spring up,the texture not fully cottony soft.
Any ideal what goes wrong with my chiffon cake?


Ean said...

Hi, if I want to make more, for example five eggs, how to change others ingredients quantity?

Ean said...

Hi, if I want to make more, for example five eggs, how to change others ingredients quantity?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

Ean, simple, just divide my recipe into 4, then multiply by 5 !

MyHomeSaloon said...

Replace pumpkin seed to chia seed..will it taste good also?

http://dapurresepnusantara.blogspot.com/ said...

This chiffon cake looks lovely !

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