If you have any question, please drop me an email (sonia9423@gmail.com) or Instagram @ sonianll

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Prahran Market, Melbourne

If you are a regular visitor to my blog, by this time you have noticed that my blog header had been changed..Thanks to Biren for your guidance and my daughter who helped me to draw my blog's icon, a pack of yummy Nasi Lemak bungkus. I am very happy as i have my own copyright blog's icon now. Hope you like my blog's new look..

This is another market that i visited beside Queen Victoria market, Prahran Market is the oldest market of Melbourne. I took 20mins to walk along the Chapel Street (South Yarra) from the The Olsen hotel where i stayed to get to this market..

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012
Visitors are welcome by this beautiful tiled floor..

What they have here are similar to Queen Victoria Market..

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

This mushroom is huge !!

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Guide to Mushrooms

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

I like to see all these Hen decorative items

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Tempting cupcakes !!

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Pie and tarts

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

I should have buy this macaron and try, as later i found this is best Macarons in Australia in 2010...

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Bought some cheap cupcake liners and ribbon from this shop..

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

I was lucky to taste this fresh and yummy Salmon at the cooking demo.

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

There was a cookware and bakeware shop in this market, but the items are expensive ...

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Their Operationg hours..

Prahran Market Melbourne 2012

Prahran Market

163 Commercial Road,
South Yarra Melbourne,
Australia. 3141

Telephone: 03 8290 8220
Fax: 03 8290 8222

Website : http://www.prahranmarket.com.au/


Charmaine said...

I love the market at Prahran, esp The Essential Ingredient.

ahteekitchen said...

This freshy market is impossible to be seen in Malaysia, one time going, not feeling to go bck our local market lor!! hehe..

Cass @ 揾到食 said...

I super love your Nasi Lemak Bungkis icon. So cute and creative :)

CaThY said...

Aww.. I miss this place. The Essential Ingredient is a fun place to shop too! ;)

Small Kucing said...

I cant get over how fresh everything is

Shereen said...

I love The Essential Ingredient...especially when they have Cocoa Barry in stock.I was in Melbourne last Easter and too bad the shop was closed.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Oh I missed going to this market while I was there...looks pretty nice to shop shop. :))

Wawa said...

I wish Msia has this all-encompassing market!

Janine said...

ooh now i have another market to head to when i go melbourne :)

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Cheryl said...

Hey Sonia, thanks for leaving a lovely comment on my blog! That icon is just too cute, I love it :)

Ana Regalado said...

The new header's cute ! Love it ;D That salmon pieces looks huge and really delicious ! .... Besides drooling over those yummy sweets , the macs first , por favor ! ;D those copper pots and pans makes me swoon ! hahahha

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

That's right - I actually noticed yesterday when I visited your blog but completely forgot to mention! I love your new logo and didn't know your daughter helped. How nice!! You two did a wonderful job. Thanks for sharing the pictures! I love viewing places I've never been!

Shoutforfood said...

wow! a great place to hang around.. will probably spend my whole afternoon there.. thanks a lot for sharing!

lena said...

i missed out this market on my last trip! but would very much love to visit Mel again!

freerangegirl said...

What an amazing market, you showed fantastic self control! I would have been tempted to buy lots! Love the new header too x

Baking Diary said...

Yes, I noticed your new icon and new header, looks great, your daughter is very artistic...wow! those macs are huge! The markets look so clean and tidy, so unlike the ones we have here:P

Hody Loh said...

The icon is so cute...

Yannie said...

Pumpkin, mushroom, spring onion, avocado, are all so big and fresh.
Thanks for sharing those pictures, I enjoy looking at it.

Unknown said...

Oh dear all looks so huge and fresh! Never seen the artichokes so big!

choi yen said...

Love the vibrant colours, always can make one happy!

Biren @ Roti n Rice said...

That's a cute blog logo! Your daughter did a great job and thanks for the mention. Glad to be of help. BTW, I love nasi lemak bungkus. Not eaten it in a long time. Need to make some soon. Interesting market to visit :)

tinyskillet said...

Wow! It looks like they have a little or a lot of everything at that market. It would be fun to shop there. I like your new design, and your daughter did a great job. I need to talk to Biren! :)

Quay Po Cooks said...

Oh I like that cute icon of yours. Your daughter did a great job. I wish we have market like this in Malaysia. When I go back to US, I will definitely visit the farmers market in California. I think I can go to a different one everyday.

Quay Po Cooks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

SO creative ur daughter.... its cute n interesting.........

Martinezepfm said...

This freshy market is impossible to be seen in Malaysia, one time going, not feeling to go bck our local market lor!! hehe..

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