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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Chinese steamed prawns with egg white

Seeing my blogger friend Wendy (Table for two or more) this week post about prawn related dishes..I also like to share with you this steamed prawn with egg white..the additional of egg white make the sauce taste silky and smooth..

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This steam prawn recipe is very simple, just make sure not over steam the prawn..steam for 5mins just perfect! and also add egg white at the last one minute.

Chinese steamed prawns with egg white
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

350g sea water large prawns, washed and trimmed.
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2tbsp sesame oil
1” ginger, shredded

1/2tbsp light soy sauce
1/4tsp salt or to taste
1tbsp Chinese Shaoxing wine

3 egg white , do not stir

Chopped parsley and julienned red chili, for garnishing

1. Arrange prawns on a steaming plate.
2. Heat sesame oil in a wok or pan, and add in ginger, sauté till aroma, garnish on top of the prawns.
3. Add in all seasonings, steam over high heat for 4mins (only start to steam when water is boiled).
4. Pour in egg white, continue steam for another 1 min.
5. Garnish with chopped parsley and red chili, serve hot.

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This was the Birthday cake that i made for my sister's Birthday last week.. Strawberry mousse cake and Hokkaido chiffon cake..These two cakes were well received by all my family members..

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鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Malay-Kadazan girl said...

My youngest will like this very much. Prawn is his favourite. I must put this in our grocery list. He only likes egg white. We have plenty of fresh parsley at the moment. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Simple and yet delicious! Lovely cake you have. The red strawberries really make the cake outstanding!

Joceline said...

好丰富哦~ 今天有美味佳肴,还有鲜甜的蛋糕。太好了。

Baby Sumo said...

I like eating prawns like this, really brings out the natural sweetness of the prawns.

WendyinKK said...

hehehe.. let's prawn fever together.
I love this prawn and I always slurp up all the broth and the egg too!

Small Kucing said...

mmmm...one of my favourite....prawns :)

yummylittlecooks said...

Look at the egg white in the middle of the prawns,I love this.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

The prawns is so tempting and the cake is so beautiful...

daphne said...

egg white on prawns is a good idea- adding that sweetness to it!! I am such a fan of prawns- good protein!

and lucky sister with the cake!

Ana Regalado said...

One of my fave ! Steaming's the best way to cook fresh prawns ! And that dish is a sure winner ;D

Both cake looks really great ! The chiffon cake looks absolutely divine :D Yummy !

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Nostalgia! This is the way my mum cooked the prawns/crabs! Ahhhhhh, just remind me that I haven't had this for a long time! On my last trip, I requested mum to make sambal petai(mild hot version) & "yeong tau fu!"

Your prawns are huge! And the way you cooked & presented is just the same as the restaurant standard! So lucky for being your family!

The cakes, hmmm, no need to say much, just beautiful! There were so many cakes to be eaten in 1 day!

Baking Diary said...

I love all kinds of prawn dishes and this one looks so healthy and tasty! I can understand your cakes were well received, they looked very pretty:)

Yee Er said...

I tried this steamned prawn with egg white in one of the restaurant years ago, it was real good...tkz for sharing the recipe.

Simple Person said...

Yes I always love steam prawns...
Can eat d freshness...

Sissi said...

A very original prawn dish! The egg whites addition sounds very tempting.
Your cakes look gorgeous!

minneville said...

this steamed prawn looks really good! I'll try!

Shu Han said...

yum! when you get really fresh seafood, there's no better way to eat them than just simply steamed! the natural sweetness just comes through! very good idea to add eggwhite, first time seeing it!

Julie said...

Cake looks decadent n beautiful and the prwans looks inviting as well..:D
Join me in the ONGOING EVENT- "Mint & Coriander seeds" (EP Series-Apr)

Mel said...

The steamed prawns is so easy to make. And both your cakes look so lovely...

Joyce @ Chunky Cooky said...

Wow.. the prawns look really tempting and nice ! I still have some big prawns in the fridge.. will try it one of these days ! And yes, the hokkaido chiffon cake is good, I made them too using ur recipe..

Sem said...

i love this dish, i recalled this is how it was served in of my fav restaurant, one lobster served in two different flavour, one is exactly the way you did, and another half is cooked in a dark caramel gravy which resemble prawn paste(har ko) and what not secret ingredients , both are finger licking good.

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Sonia, you are a queen of savory and sweet dishes. Seriously! Love those prawns. I think my husband loves these!!

yvonne said...

My PIL always order this dish whenever we dine at Chinese restaurant. I know this dish it quite easy to replicate, but never knew it was soooo easy!

Sonia, if I peel off the shell before steaming, would it affect the taste? I'm lazy to peel on the table :p

Yannie said...

Love this prawns with egg white dish. I will remember this recipe if i m cooking prawns dish in future. Besides this, the Strawberry mousse cake and Hokkaido chiffon cake are so beautiful.

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

Sonia, the prawns look too tempting, so as the cakes. Yummylicious.

Jane Chew said...

woo... sedapnya! I love all of them especially the prawn :) fly some here pls.....

lena said...

yummy prawns and this is looking so fresh tasty. Never had this for a long time and only had it in restaurants then.

Biren @ Roti n Rice said...

Your steamed prawns look very tasty. I need to make some soon. The birthday cakes are also very pretty.

Nadji said...

Un plat de crevettes plein de saveurs (j'adore) et de magnifiques gâteaux d'anniversaire.Très beaux. Bravo!!
J'en mangerai avec plaisir.
See soon.

tigerfish said...

I enjoy this dish a lot and it is a super delicious dish yet not difficult to make. I have not made this dish for some time now. Really time to get some good fresh prawns!

0620 said...

I love steamed prawns :P

Jobless Girl said...

Hmmm.. look yummy and fresh. With this kind of cooking method we can taste the real taste of the prawn. Nice nice!! Thumb up!

Lori said...

That plate of shrimp is gorgeous! It looks delicious. And those strawberry desserts are outstanding. We have strawberries now so I'm in the mood for these kind of desserts!

mui mui said...

Sonia, I love your steamed prawns with egg white..
I have been looking for this recipe for quite sometime. Thanks so much for sharing.
Your cakes are so pretty too. Just by the look is already very yummy.
One more things...I just saw your cartoon version 'NASI LEMAK'(top banner) I love it...Did you design it yourself??

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

mui mui, oh, the nasi lemak icon was designed by my daughter..we love it too, hehehe..

Noob Cook said...

This is an excellent use of leftover egg whites.

Little Cooking Tips said...

Very interesting idea Sonia! The wine you listed in the ingredients is a type of rice wine, correct?
Thanx so much for a frugal recipe!:)
Panos and Mirella

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