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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包

When this coconut bread was baking inside the oven, my whole kitchen was full of nice coconut aromatic !!

Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包

make coconut balls then wrap with bread dough

Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包

Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包

Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包

 if you like coconut bread, don't miss to try this out, you will love it!!

Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包

Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包

Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包
(recipe source: adapted from Magic Bread cookbook with minor changes)

Gelatinized dough
Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包 100g bread flour
70ml hot boiling water

1. Place flour in a mixing bowl.
2. Add hot boiling water and mix with wooden spoon to form a rough dough.
3. Cover bowl with cling film and leave dough to cool in the fridge for at least 1 hour, and up to 48 hours.

To prepare Basic sweet bread dough

1 quantity of gelatinized dough
300g bread flour
100g plain flour
80g sugar
20g milk powder
1 tbsp instant yeast
½ tsp salt
175ml cold water
1 cold egg
60g cold butter, cubed

1. Combine flours, sugar, milk powder, yeast and salt together in a mixing bowl.
2. Tear the gelatinized dough into pieces and add to the bowl along with the eggs
3. Using a stand electric mixer, mix on low speed, adding cold water gradually.
4. Mix until dough is well combined and leave the sides of bowl.
5. Add in the cold butter cubes and mix on medium speed until dough is smooth.
6. Shape dough into a ball, leave to proof for 40mins or until doubled.

To prepare Plaited coconut bread

1 quantity of basic sweet bread dough
70g butter
120g sugar
1 egg
1tsp pandan paste (I use homemade pandan paste), optional
A drop of green food colouring
110g desiccated coconut
50g milk powder

1. Cream butter and sugar until light. Add in egg , pandan paste, green colouring, mix well.
2. Add in desiccated coconut and milk powder, combine well. Shape it into balls, weight 35g each and refrigerated till it is firmed.
3. Divide sweet bread dough into 70g each and shape it round. Let rest for another 10mins.
4. Wrap coconut balls into dough, flatten the dough then roll it up like Swiss roll. Place it onto greased pan, make 7-8 cuts by using sharp scissors.
5. Twist the cut section one to left and another to the right, until is done. Let it proof for 45mins.
6. Egg wash and place in the middle shelve of the oven. Bake at 180c for 12-15mins.

Plaited Coconut Bread 椰子面包


Mel said...

I can "smell" the aroma of this bread by just looking at the photo. I loves coconut buns and I know I would loves this too. Such a beautiful green and golden colours.

Yannie said...

Very nice, look like those from bakery.

Unknown said...

i love this, thanks for sharing!

Ana Regalado said...

I can smell it over here , too ! lol Such a delicious looking bread ! It looks soft and I love the pandan flavored coconut filling !

0620 said...

I don't have bread maker
Hand kneading is tiring job
That is why i didn't bake bread recently :P
Have a look at your coconut bread and
tell myself " see only, ok? ", haha!!

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

wow sonia, nice job and the buns look so inviting, i like the photo shot also, wonderful taken, feel refreshing.

The Sweetylicious said...

is so fluffy and nicel plaited! YUMMY (:
can i check with you the speed and timing you mix till you get window pane stage? coz i use new mixer then cant seem to get it right and i scared i'll overbeat it. thank you (:

Somewhere in Singapore said...

The colouring is so nice...

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

this bread is yummy! Love the photos too.

foodydelight said...

breads are so delicious and mouthwatering..
This bread is very new to be...M gonna try this soon..


Little blue said...

My hubby like this so much, can I use the fresh coconut?

Karen said...

Sonia, you had done a good job, the bread really full of cooconut aromatic. Love it! I did baked bread before, result turned out very hard the next day. I'm looking for bread course, any good recommendation?

Li Shuan said...

mmm I can smell I can smell the coconut aroma from your house. I like this very much. Thanks for sharing this. Bookmark this already.

Resh said...

wow...im so gonna try out this sometime ;)...do come by my space and grab the awards that's waiting for u ;)

Radhika said...

I love coconut as the aroma is so good. wonderfully and simply plaited. will try it out soon.

Alice said...

oh I have to make this bread! how i miss coconut bread
its impossible to find a good one here
thks for sharing :)

Joyce @ Chunky Cooky said...

Yes, I absolutely love coconut to bits and your bread looks just so delicious !

Shoutforfood said...

Oh so scrumptious!

zila norazila said...

sonia..so delicious and coloring really beautful..drooling lolz

irene myme said...

I love this bread too!!
Yours looks so yummy...I want to have a bite!! XD

Sherleen.T said...

3 words to tell you what i'm thinking...好美哦!^^

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

The Sweetylicious, sorry, i did not record down the timing, i think about 10-15mins and i did not wait till window pane, so long it look smooth..and the dough of this recipe is a bit soft and sticky..

蓝色小厨, should be ok to use fresh grated coconut but i think you need to adjust some of the ingredients..

Karen, you can check with the bakery shop that you bought the cupcake liners, they have many baking classes..

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Love the green pleated buns...yummy! I also love pandan coconut buns, been ages since I last baked them. :)

Bakeling said...

Oh la lah ! This got to be very delicious !
How I wish I could have one for breakfast !

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia Sonia, I've also smelt the coconut from here! This recipe makes 6 big bread like this, wow! Coconut+pandan, it gives such a nice flavour to the bread!

Small Kucing said...

very yummy looking and love the colour too

Eileen@Hundred Eighty Degrees said...

I don't fancy coconut buns, but yours look so lovely that I shall eat it for once..just a small bite will do...yummy yummy!

Min said...

I love coconut bread, and this is pandan flavour some more, sure very yummy! Can't wait to bake bread again.

Jane Chew said...

Me too smell something nice here. Haha... Mail some here friend! Looks great n yummy.

Simple Person said...

it looks good ..
but i am not into coconut..

kitchen flavours said...

I love coconut, so I would love this! Looks wonderful!

Tina said...

Lovely flavourful bread..

Julie said...

Delicious n fabulous bake!!I love coconut bread..

Join me in the ONGOING EVENT- "Mint & Coriander seeds" (EP Series-Apr)

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


Cass @ 揾到食 said...

I like the breads' shape, very pretty and unique.

Laura @ Family Spice said...

WOW! This looks so amazing!! I have never heard of or tried coconut bread and I'm in awe of the colors and can you see me drooling on my keyboard?

Cathleen said...

This looks perfect! And with coconut! My oh my, amazing!

Fern @ To Food With Love said...

You've made it look so perfect and pretty! I'm impressed! I will definitely love this...I usually buy coconut buns in M'sia, but over in Oz, it's hard to find fresh coconut. This looks so good, I can almost smell the aroma!

Yummy Bakes said...

Looks like one of those sold in the bakery shop. Sonia, why you so clever - can do so many things.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Looks great! Love the contrast of colors and the flavor of coconut.

温馨小屋 said...

面包和那青色的椰丝,真是有够搭 ~~美到~~

Noob Cook said...

wah from the photos, can tell you are really expert in making bread. the coconut filling looks delicious.

My Little Space said...

哇,太吸引了!不是你。。。。。是你的面包。 哈哈。。。
Hope you're enjoying your day.

Angie's Recipes said...

Those are really gorgeous. Love the coconut pandan filling.

Cheah said...

You plaited them very well, Sonia. Drooling over the pics!

Lite Home Bake said...

This looks really good...it would be really nice to have this with my morning cup of coffee...

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

Coconut bread has always been my favorite, this reminds me so much of the afternoon tea time when I was in HK. Thanks for the recipe ~

Baking Diary said...

Looks like store bought bread, so perfectly done...the photo showing the crumbs is really tempting.

Little Ghost said...


Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

I don't see my comment so I guess I haven't commented here? All I remember was that I was drooling over your coconut bread... Absolutely gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

No wayyy! This is totally inspiring! So professional looking! ahhh I can only imagine how fragrant it would be with pandan flavoured coconuts! yummm

lena said...

simply beautiful, love the colour and the shape!

Hesti HH. said...

I've tried the recipe and it turned our really good. Everyone loves it! thanks for sharing the recipes Sonia...

lijwi said...

please help me out, I am going crazy wanting to make and taste this bread but I have no clue as to the measurements. Can someone please give it me in cups, tsp, tbs etc.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing

Caca said...

I seriously think this is creative way of cutting the bread

Çitra's Home Diary said...

Hai Sonia... I was your silent reader before..you have many nice recipe to try.. and İ just fall in love with this plaited coconut bread..I just made them for my family and it turned really great for us... please do visit me sometimes and see your recipe in my way.. http://myhomediaryinturkey.blogspot.com.tr/2014/12/plaited-coconut-pandan-bread-for-ykmk.html
thx for sharing. xoxo

http://dapurresepnusantara.blogspot.com/ said...

Looks great!

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