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Friday, April 6, 2012

Mashed Potato Bacon Bread 薯泥培根面包

I tried out this simple bread recipe from a cookbook that i bought from Shanghai. It turn out so good, and we enjoyed this bun for breakfast today..Earlier i also tried out Pumpkin black sesame bread from this cookbook, it turned out good too, going to try out more recipes from this book..

Mashed Potato Bacon Bread 薯泥培根面包

Look at the filling, mashed potato and bacon, i know this is good!
Mashed Potato Bacon Bread 薯泥培根面包

Mashed Potato Bacon Bread 薯泥培根面包

The bread turned out slightly dry on the next day (normal for homemade bread) but still maintain the softness (i guess due to added mashed potato into the dough) ..

Mashed Potato Bacon Bread 薯泥培根面包

Mashed Potato Bacon Bread 薯泥培根面包

Mashed Potato Bacon Bread 薯泥培根面包
(recipe source: adapted from meishilife cookbook with minor changes)
*makes 11 buns

75g mashed potato
Mashed Potato Bacon Bread 薯泥培根面包 300g bread flour
1 and 1/2tbsp milk powder
30g sugar
1tsp instant yeast
1 egg
70g water
20g butter

300g mashed potato
70g streaky bacon, chopped
1/2 large onion, chopped
30g melted butter
1/2tsp salt or taste
A dash of ground black pepper

1. Add all bread ingredients in a mixing bowl except butter, knead till soft dough.
2. Add in butter, continue knead till smooth dough (dough is quite sticky), set aside to proof until double in size.
3. To prepare filling, pan fry chopped onion and bacon till aroma. Add bacon mixture, mashed potato, salt and pepper in a mixing bowl, slowly add in melted butter, stir to combine well. (keep little melted butter for brushing later)
4. Divide dough into 11 equal portions, set aside to rest for 10mins.
5. Flour the work top, flatten dough into round, spoon filling in the middle, wrap and seal. Place on a baking tray. Let is proof for another 45mins.
6. To egg wash the surface, cut a cross pattern with a sharp scissor at the middle until you can see the filling.
7. Bake at pre-heated oven at 180c for 15mins..Remove from the pan and cool on a wire rack, brush the top with melted butter for shinning effect.

Mashed Potato Bacon Bread 薯泥培根面包copy


Yannie said...

This one is really outstanding. I can smell it from here. It looks good, and delicious. You are one great chef.

p/s:Sonia, I need your advice, check up my blog.

raquel@eRecipe.com said...

this is the first time i've seen mashed potato inside a bread, really interesting and nice to try.

Little Corner of Mine said...

Interesting enough. But I am hesitant to make this kind of savory filling as how did you keep it if you can't finish it in a day?

Unknown said...

Great looking buns. Another bread recipe to try:)

Wen said...

Beautiful and looks so delicious!

eileen@hundred eighty degrees said...

Hi Sonia, this looks good, very close to the picture in the book at the background.

Yee Er said...

Very nice outdoor pics and the buns look so good.

Happy Homebaker said...

These look sooo good! Will love to give it a try! I think maybe the amount of water used is not much, that's why the buns are on the dry side?

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

HHB, sorry, some typo, bread turn out little bit dry on the next day but not on the same day. Even the water contain is less, but the mashed potato also has water contain, thus the dough is quite wet and sticky thought.

Pete said...

Very nice and professionally done......I am not good at baking but....I makan roti, number One....he he he

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

nice photos and the buns lagi nice, can i hv one?

Little blue said...

I like potato...sure I like this bread too! I have made this bread before. Look yummy!

Baking Diary said...

I find using potato in bread dough makes its more chewy which I like, this is another recipe to try:D the fillings look delicious!

Angel @ Cook.Bake.Love said...

They look so good, I like the golden brown crust , so evenly baked.

yvonne said...

The filing is so good, love the combination of potato and bacon. Never come across such special bun.

Anonymous said...

Another mouth-watering bread! Going to try this for next week breakfast.

Li Shuan said...

ohhh...yum yum...!! The buns look so good and I want to praise you for the great photographs! Well done, Sonia!!

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Sonia, I like this recipe too, would love to give a try in the future! Again the photos were taken beautifully!

Sonia, do you know that your outdoor timber table colour is another type of "board" that I've been looking for. I have an outdoor timber table too but the colour isn't like this! I've bought a white wooden tray & I've taken this off my purchase list now! Do you know that Li Shuan has made few white boards herself & she has given 2 to Jane? This girl is really "geng cao!"

When I go back to Malaysian next time, I want to spend some time to shop at some houseware shops/lifestyle cafes in KL!

daphne said...

It's perfect- especially the filling is in the middle. would love to bite into this bun for sure.carbs in carbs! LOL Sonia, you have such a talent in cooking and baking.

Honey Bee Sweets said...

Oh yum! Bacon and mash potatoes...what a fabulous combo! Gonna try that next time, thanks. Hmmm...I guess if the next day is a little dry, try do a quick steam, it should be soft ang yummy as freshly baked.

Shoutforfood said...

I truly appreciate all your hard work and effort in sharing such a delicious recipes.

Rose world said...

This sure look yummy. Never tasted bacon and potatoes in paos before! Now you make me hungry!

Ana Regalado said...

I love the tasty bacon-potato filling ! Sure looks delicious esp with that golden brown crust ! Yummy photos , too ! ;D

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


bernice's kitchen said...


Lori said...

These are lovely! Such a pretty presentation. That filling in the center looks so good!

Simple Person said...

come on.. how come u make the bread so nice and so good...
i need to start baking now...

kitchen flavours said...

Wow, looks delicious! Love the filling, potatoes and bacon heaven!!

Mary said...

Oh my goodness, potatoes AND bacon in one bread? This sounds delicious!!

Mel said...

Yes, potato and bacon in a bread is so perfect for me. My bookmark list to cook and bake is getting longer for me to catch up.

hanushi said...

Interesting filling, I love the idea of bacon and potato. Maybe with a little grated cheese, it will taste better, what do you think? :)

WendyinKK said...

Mash and Bacon.. gawd, who wouldn't like this!

Anonymous said...

wow, those look super yummy. such a great idea!! thanks for sharing :)

Shu Han said...

wow never thought you could use potato in bread! very nice idea, and nice combi of flavours too sonia!

Sissi said...

Double mashed potato and bacon bread! It sounds too good to be true. Very original and yet made with such internationally loved ingredients. Your photos are extraordinary!

Joceline said...

太赞了!! 嘻嘻嘻。。

My Little Space said...

The filling looks so tempting lol ! It's truly a mouthwatering recipe. Thanks for sharing & enjoy your weekend.

Sally said...


ogyep yummy mellow said...

Very beautiful my dear... Nice shot..

Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 said...

This will be a good substitute for the 叉燒餐包,taste as yummy but a lot easier to make! I'll try and make them for my kids this Easter holiday, thank you for the recipe :)

The Sweet Maison said...

Love the filling! It looks really yummy :)

Gloria Baker said...

what nice bread look amazing Sonia!

Lite Home Bake said...

Yum, Yum! The buns look so good!

Heng C C said...

I like your spirit of learning and sharing. keep it up!

Elin said...

Who wouldnt love the bun with the mashed potato and bacon fillings ! I have bookmarked this ! Have a nice weekend :)

lena said...

yummy fillings and great looking buns! Nice work, sonia!

Sherleen.T said...

sorry i'm so late here, now only got free time to sit down and write comments...busy weekend for Easter Day...
the buns look so nice, cute and soft...and the yummy fillings is irresistible...:)
love the clicks too...

Julie said...

Lovely buns with great stuffing!!

Rush in your "Mint & Coriander seeds" entries(EP Series-Apr)
Erivum Puliyum

Jo said...

Sonia, the bread looks so interesting and I love the golden brown crust of the buns as well. I absolutely love the smell of bread being baked .... it is so, so nice!

sean said...


Jessie-CookingMoments said...

Hi Sonia,I've left something in my latest posting for you to pick up,pls drop by whenever you are free.by the wAy,the posting is lemon curd brioche croissant,cheers

Small Kucing said...

ho chiak oh

Swee San @ the Sweet Spot said...

wah. must be a very filling bread! bacon yummm

Swee San @ the Sweet Spot said...

wah. must be a very filling bread! bacon yummm

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Sonia, you just know everything that I like because all your posts are something I would enjoy eating! Even yesterday's lunch at bakery shop, I had potato bread just like this. =) You probably don't need to buy like I do because you can make perfect looking bread at home!!

ann low said...

WOW! These potato bread looks so stunning and I've missed this post. Would love to try this for sure.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I'm late, guess all finish liao, lol

Angie's Recipes said...

These savoury buns must be very soft and tasty.

Unknown said...

I am glad I stopped over Nami's blog and stumble upon you. Firstly, great to meet another KL-ite. I can't wait to try out this lovely potato bread recipe and I am absolutely loving the combo of flavours. Your baking skills are impeccable and sure do inspires me to do better. Cheers, Jo

passerby said...

Hi Sonia, must the mashed potato and bacon be cooked first before being used as filling? TIA.

Unknown said...

Hi Sonia! Did you add the spring onion after baking or in the middle of baking? They looked very good with just adding some spring onion on top!!

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