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Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Christmas dinner, and A Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese frosting

Yesterday my sister-in-law Annie invited us and another SIL Doreen to her house for a Christmas dinner. I brought my favourite carrot cake with cream cheese frosting (now becomes Annie 's favourite too, hehehe),  macarons for her daughter who loves macarons and Nama chocolate to her house.

I still have room to improve for a nice macaron, i feel my macarons still has no nice legs or skirts..I suspected that it was caused by high oven temperature and i need to practise more..

I also made Nama chocolate from a very popular recipe by Nami Just One Cookbook...
I forgot to take this chocolate picture in Annie's house, this picture was taken at home, with a nice oven mitten from Jane and silver cake stand from Helena..

Let's see what we had on that night. All foods were prepared by my SIL's husband Terry who is a great cook!

Starter- Pig in blanket ( In the United Kingdom, "pigs in blankets" refers to small sausages (usually Chipolatas) wrapped in bacon. They are a traditional accompaniment to roast turkey for Christmas dinner. Pigs in blankets can be accompanied with devils on horseback, an appetizer of prunes, or less commonly dates, wrapped in bacon, read more here)


Nice cheese with crackers..


Her daughters supposed to make a Christmas Fruit Tree..


after i brought my son for a good swim (at the swimming pool) downstairs.. 



Once we returned i saw the edible fruits tree has became fruits platters on plates. They seem have given up making this tree. You can see a Christmas fruit tree image here


Chicken Shepherd Pie, my son Desmond loves this very much. You can refer to my cottage pie recipe and it is just replace the beef with chicken..


The main course- A very nice and moist roast Turkey. Terry strongly recommended this easy and good recipe from Jamie Oliver



I love the special stuffing which not stuff inside the usual cavity area instead stuff in between skin and breast..
resulted very flavourful meat..


brown sauce and vegetables


everyone was enjoying this yummy Turkey meal..


And we had carrot cake for dessert, feel shy for my poor frosting..I got the idea of pipe red poinsiettas when i saw in Piece of Cake blog..So I quickly bought a leaf tip to pipe these flowers but red was end up become orange in colour as the colour of cream cheese has smeared into the colour of red.



We also had this fruit cake with Kahlua, very special indeed!


A must have item during Christmas, gingerman cookies

Every kids received a Christmas gifts given by Annie, and even i have Christmas gift too. It was few very lovely knitted cup dolly, you will be seeing these in my future pictures..


Last but not least, Terry was afraid that we were still hungry (actually we all still very full), he went to stir fried a big plate of Kampua noodles (he brought back from Sibu) for us, another yummy treat!! Even we still feel full, this big plate of noodles still gone just in a minute!

I made a larger carrot cake this time, i modified the old recipe to make a 8" carrot cake..

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting
Recipe source: modified from old recipe here, with minor changes
*makes a 8” round pan

Carrot cake
300g finely shredded carrots
260g all purpose flour
1tsp baking powder
1tsp baking soda
1/2tsp salt
160g caster sugar
110g brown sugar
1/2tsp nutmeg powder
1/2tsp cinnamon powder
200g corn oil
1tsp vanilla extract
4 eggs, lightly stir
100g walnut, chopped
50g mixed dried fruits
50g dried cranberries

1. Sift flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, baking powder and baking soda in a mixing bowl.
2. Add in caster sugar, salt and brown sugar, stir well.
3. Add in carrots, corn oil, vanilla extract and egg, beat for few minutes till mixture well combined.
4. Add in walnut and dried fruits, mix well.
5. Pour in a greased and line baking pan, bake at pre-heated oven 180c for 50mins or inserted with a skewer came out clean.
6. Cool on a wire rack and apply cream cheese frosting.

Cream Cheese frosting
300g cream cheese, at room temperature
80g butter, at room temperature
140g icing sugar, sifted
2tsp lemon zest

1. Beat cream cheese and butter till light and creamy.
2. Add in icing sugar and mix well on low speed.
3. Add in lemon juices and lemon zest, combine well.
4. Store in fridge for later use.


Thank you to Annie and Terry for the invite, we were enjoyed so much for all yummy foods that prepared for us..


Mich Piece of Cake said...

Hi Sonia, your carrot cake looks delicious! Agree its hard to get the red correct with cream cheese frosting. I had to use quite a bit of the red gel to get the right red...

Sarah Ager said...

The carrot cake looks amazing! I can't wait to try the recipe.

I love Jamie Oliver's recipe for chicken - I like the way the lemon/orange flavour absorbs into the meat as it cooks.

Gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing x


Ling yuen chin said...

Sibu, 好久没回家了,好想吃"干盘面"!

Min said...

Awesome Christmas dinner you had! I love the carrot cake with cream cheese frosting :)

mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

Very delicious carrot cake ...

Mel said...

Been so long I have not have this carrot cake...now you make me craving for it. This is my favorite. Enjoying scrolling all your photos here. You must have an enjoyable family gathering.

Joceline Lor said...


Gloria Baker said...

Hi Sonia this carrot cake look awesome!! love it!

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...


sabrina 莎莎 said...

warm n nice gathering~~~
make me miss my buddies....

Tracy Low said...


divya said...

mouth watering dish ....yummmm

Honey Bee Sweets said...

So much good food! Drools!! I love family gatherings. :)) I need to try baking carrot cake too, heehee!

Swee San @ The Sweet Spot said...

lovely christmas spread of food.. merry christmas sonia

Amar said...


PH said...

Sonia, cantiklah your carrot cake! Wah, so much good food. I will KIV your carrot cake recipe :)

Esther Lau said...

Seem like you all had a great Christmas gathering.
All of the food look yummy! !!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

All the dishes are so tempting...

Shu Han said...

looks like a proper roast dinner! I also find it better not to stuff the cavity, allows the heat to circulate better so the turkey cooks more evenly! your sil's husband sounds like an amazing cook! surprised since most (or at elast my) dad can't cook! the cake looks great too, and the christmas tree is so cute hee hee. happy hols, sonia!

Sem said...

what a coincidence my sis in law also named Annie and we went to celebrate christmas with them in Singapore, we had curry flavour turkey, but I still preferred the traditional style served with brown sauce and cranberry jam.
I have tried your carrot cake recipe, it is very good indeed.

jehanne@thecookingdoctor said...

I love your gingerbread cookies! How I wish I am a kid now, so I can get one too, haha. The doillies look beautiful. Can I be nosy and give u a little tip for macaron, as I had same problems before. Now I add some meringue powder and the feet miraculously develop. Give it a try Sonia. But they look beautiful as is anyways:-)

Yannie said...

Sonia, this was indeed a very nice Christmas party. All food are so nice. Your carrot cake is my favourite too. Kampua mee looks good too.

Happy New Year 2013 to you.

Simple Person said...

that is nice ..cake with kahlua.. happy new year to you..

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...

wow, nice food and looking forward for our new year countdown party ya

Anonymous said...
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Baking Diary said...

What a lovely feast! Every dish looks delicious...drooling over that turkey:D

zila norazila said...

yummy carrot cake..pic also cantikk ..makan besar nie sonia..byk hidangan ada:)

lena said...

what a wonderful christmas dinner, all the food looks great!

Kit @ i-lostinausten said...

Delicious feast & your carrot cake looks so good! YUM!

Nami | Just One Cookbook said...

Your house is always filled with great food. I wish I was one of your kids or your next-door neighbor. :) Seems like you had a great holiday! So nice to have a warm weather there.... it's freezing here. Thank you for your kind link on Nama Chocolate. :)

food recipes said...

These carrot cake looks awesome!

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