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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Honeycomb Cookies (Kuih Rose/Loyang) new recipe~ 蜂窝饼 ~~欢喜过马年

Last year I tasted my sister-in-law's honeycomb cookies and I was impressed with her cookies that tasted so crunchy and light. I made my first honeycomb cookies last year, even it was crunchy but towards hard but not light.

When I called to my SIL to find out her recipe, she told me that one soup bowl flour, one soup spoon rice flour and one soup bowl coconut milk, no exact recipe, hahahaha..From her recipe, I found out that she use more plain flour than my earlier recipe..and with a bit of rice flour, that's why this cookie tasted light than hard (more rice flour used).
This time, lacking of assistant, I can't play with my mini kuih rose moulds like butterfly and star shape anymore, chosen to use medium size mould instead, hahaha!
In coming CNY, I will use back this recipe definitely !! They are so crunchy, light and full of coconut aroma..

Honeycomb Cookies (Kuih Rose/Loyang) 蜂窝饼
260g plain flour or all-purpose flour
2tbsp rice flour (~13g) -updated on 16 Feb 2015 - should be 25g
180g caster sugar
600ml thin coconut milk ( from 1 grated old coconut + 600ml water)
2 eggs (large A size)
1/4 tsp fine salt
White sesame seeds, optional
Oil for deep frying
kuih rose moulds 
To prepare batter
1. Sift the flours together.
2. In a mixing bowl, whisk eggs till light, add in coconut milk and salt. Stir to dissolve sugar and salt..
3. Slowly pour wet liquid into flour mixture, mix to form a smooth runny batter. 
To fry
1. Heat oil in a heavy-bottomed pot on medium low heat until hot but not smoking (temp 180C).
2. Place the kuih rose moulds in the oil to preheat (2-3mins).
3. When the mould is hot (do not over-heat or the batter will not stick), remove mould and give it a shake to remove excess oil (to avoid creating bubbles in the cooked kuih rose).
4. Scoop batter in a deep small bowl, add sesame seeds if you using, dip hot mould into batter to coat almost to the top of the mould. Lift and give it a shake to remove excess batter. Also do not lift up immediately after dip into batter, let it coat for few seconds.
5. Plunge coated mould into the hot oil and cook till few seconds. Lift mould to release the kuih rose into the hot oil.
6. Continue frying until light golden brown colour, it will brown further after it is out of the oil due to the residual heat. Remove and drain on paper towels.
7. Repeat until all the batter is used. Stir the batter before dipping in the hot mould.
8. Leave to cool completely before storing in airtight containers.
Recipe by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover, inspired by sister-in-law (2nd sister)


Mel said...

Another crunchy and crispy delicacy for CNY. Looks good .

Baking Diary said...

Ya, I noticed this recipe used more plain flour than the rest I saw in other bloggers' recipe who made this. Sounds like a lot of work! Gong Xi Fa Cai to you:)

Tracy Low said...


zila norazila said...

Happy cny sonia..owhh i missing this kerepek..krukkk krukk

Agnes CF Lee said...

The cookies is aplenty during Hari Raya, didn't know it is famous for Chinese New year as well..

Sally said...


Somewhere in Singapore said...

Happy Lunar New Year to you and your family...

eileenlml.blogspot.com said...



Diane said...

Very impressive to look at, bet they taste good also. Have a good day Diane.

Baby Sumo said...

Wish I could try this. Love this type of cookies, I always eat a lot when I visit my grandma's house.

Hamaree Rasoi said...

Crispy and crunchy looking cookies. Apt for the upcoming Chinese New Year.

Victoria Bakes said...


mayck-law. Blogspot.com said...

Sonia你很有耐心, 还炸得美美出场, 厉害!
祝你新年快乐, 万事如意!

Esther Lau said...

Wow, Nice ones :) love the shape and very tradisional cny cookies.
Sonia,Happy lunar new year to you and your family!:)

chow and chatter said...

these look great love honeycomb, happy new year

鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝 said...



bungatelang said...

Hi Sonia, I have never made Beehive Biscuits until last night. I was in two minds as to whether or not I should take on something so laborious. When I saw your recipe yesterday, I quickly jotted it down and set my mind to making it. The recipe is very good and yielded very good beehive biscuits. I took me about 2.5hours to finish the batter. Being a novice, my biscuits were not very pretty (as expected) but I am happy I have overcome the fear of making beehive biscuits. Thank you so much for your generosity in imparting tips and knowledge. Kung Hei Fatt Choy to you and your family.

Round Cab Flower Drawing said...

I like your post very much , i like to read this article

lena said...

hi sonia, i like eating this too but didnt buy any of these this year..you are very hardworking cos i think making these are quite laborious :)

Anonymous said...

wow, we used to called it kembang goyang (Dancing Flower)in Indonesia, simply because we used to shake it from the flower(or honey comb) mould once it deep fried, hehehe

Foodplayground said...

This is just nice for this month AB theme, do consider to submit your post, refer to Foodplayground.blogspot.sg. Hear from u soon. Gong Xi Fa Cai :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia, Happy CNY. I have not made honeycomb before but I have heard from my mom that rice flour will give a nice shape as it is harder. I also heard that slake lime (kapur sirih) water can be added to the batter for extra crispiness and lightness. By the way, I have tried your melt in the mouth pineapple tart recipe. It was wonderful..thank you so much for sharing..:)

Ana Regalado said...

Sonia , you're still very hardworking even without a sidekick lol It looks so crispy and the shape's so pretty !

Jessie-CookingMoments said...

This was in my list to make in this CNY but then after deciding to go back to M'sia for CNY, I have then become unmotivated to do it. It's just as good to look at the picture of yours.

EY said...

Hi, just wanted to let you I've tried your recipe and it was really good! Very crunchy and light, I would add a little more sugars (bad, I know but I like it sweeter). Thanks lots for this =) Appreciate it very much ..

fire@cracker said...

Hi, Sonia
Has been looking about your blog & trying some of the recipes. Your cooking@ baking skill is awesome.

Just wondering if you have any idea about or can share a savory version of this honeycomb cookies? (I was lucky to try the savory one at friend's house & love it even more then the sweet one, has always love the classic sweet one)

Wonder if you can bring this cookie to another level with a savory version.
Thanks in advance if you can share. :))

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