I got this idea making Kueh Bahulu in new way after I watched a TV food show talk about a traditional bakery shop in Penang selling those traditional of Chinese wedding cookies (Hei Peng) which includes kuih bahulu (egg sponge cake) 鸡蛋糕. This is one of my favourite childhood's cake. Since I don't have the traditional mould, I just bake it in muffin pan.
To make sure a nice sponge cake, I beat the eggs +sugar using KA mixer for 30mins over low speed till thick and creamy. If follow traditional way of using hand to beat, i think my hands will be broken after beating, hahaha..
Egg sponge cake (new way of Kuih Bahulu)
*makes 16 muffin size of cake
(recipe source: adapted from Jane's corner with minor changes)
5 large eggs, room temperature
150g caster sugar
170g cake flour
1tsp baking powder
2tbsp melted butter
Kuaci (Melon seed)
1. Sift cake flour and baking powder, set aside.
2. Beat eggs and sugar over low speed in a mixer for 30mins or until the batter is thick and creamy (or you can write a letter "O" on the surface of batter and it should stay there for few seconds)
3. Add in melted butter spoon by spoon.
4. Slowly add in flour mixture, also spoon by spoon until batter well combined.
5. Pre-heat oven at 180c and also heat muffin pan in the oven at the same time.
6. Remove muffin pan, brush butter on the bottom and side of each muffin mould
7. Pour batter into muffin mould (about 80% full), bake for 20-25mins or until golden brown.
The additional of "kuaci" , made this cake so fragrant ! ! I'm going to take this with a cup of kopi "O" (black coffee), must be very yummy!
Happy Baking !!
is definitely a new and creative way of making it! look so soft and fluffy like the traditional ones. YUMMY! (:
Such a simple recipe. Using the muffin pan was a nice touch!
the texture is so light! i can imagine the softness!
They look really yummy. Diane
Sonia thanks of sharing,they looks so so good,yumm yumm. Iamgoing to make this real quick, "beh tahan liao"
Kopi O satu!!!
Bauhulu dua!
looks great! I also like bahulu :)
Nice fluffy sponge! I am not familiar with kuih bahulu but I bet this must have been nostalgic?
Like the soft and fluffy texture!! Can I have some :D
Sonia, is this call "Kai Tan koh" in cantonese? If it is, when I was a little girl, my Mum used to bake this. This kuih bahulu of yours looks fluffy. Taking it with expresso will send me half way to paradise! hehe
Hi Sonia,
I remember watching my late grandma making baulu & beating the eggs the traditional way...boy!! stamina she had indeed!! All her grandkids look forward to receiving her kuih baulu every Raya, esp yours truly!!
Love this post & how your baulu turn out :) Sweet
Wah this is sooo old school =) Nice yeah!!!!
I love these especially fresh out from the oven!
Yours look so cute, like madeleines with its hump...
This is also one of my husband's favourite childhood cake. Tried making once, but failed... I hv difficulty taking out the kuih from the baking pan :(
I love Kuih Bahulu, so soft and light. Mmmh....
It looks really soft - it's not a typo right? i've to beat the eggs and sugar for 30 minutes? Seems like quite a long time since I don't even knead my bread for that long :/
Great idea to use a muffin pan :) looks great Sonia...I love this new way egg sponge... simple and yet delicious :)
So pretty, Sonia. Wondering if I can beat the egg using high speed so I don't need to beat for so long? Will make any difference?
Looks very moist and tasty.
Janine and Min, yes, my advise to you to beat for 30mins over low speed as to get a fine texture 细密 .
How fluffy this looks! I love how u used it in a muffin size as well. So much patience to beat for 30 mins! must be worth it!
What an amazing click, looks beautiful and yum!
satu idea yang baik jika tiada acuan bahulu:)Cm pun tak sanggup nak pukul telur secara traditional...boleh pengsan ma hehe.
it's a been a very long time since i last had this 'kai tan koh' ..good old time favourites!
Sonia, they look really good. The cakes actually reminds me of the ones I used to get from Petaling Street (not sure if it's still there). Haha you should patent this recipe.
Really very spongy...
beat 30mins......walau....even using hand mixer also TAK BOLEH TAHAN lo.....:)
Mmm...your egg sponge cake looks so good for my breakfast tomorrow. Please remember to keep one for me... :)
鸡蛋糕 is also my favorite! esp when still a little warm, just out from the oven ;) ...nice touch of kuaci...
Love the addition of kuaci!
I like the texture! and looks so cute with the little bump.
So beating the batter on low speed for 30 minutes must be the key to making good Kuih Bahulu! Very tempting, but I dunno my hand mixer will get overheated or not. ;)
I truly admire all mummies who can cook so well and make such fabulous meals for their family. One day I will do it, one day haha
now I just enjoy blogs such as these and learn in theory and let others do the cooking :)
yes yes yes...nice to serve together with a cup of kopi o !
Pretty little Kuih Bahulu. Looks so soft! Yummmy ;)
I love popping those mini kuih bulu in my mouth, yum! Yours have very fine texture and I bet it's just as delicious as the traditional way of making it. :)
I love the texture, looks soft and yummy.
I like these too, looks so yummy .... yes, great with 'Kopi O'.
A couple of these is good enough for my lunch box:D There are plenty of coffee to wash down these delicious kuih! Looks so yummy indeed!
Wow, your sponge cakes look light and so cute. Love the texture of it...and the melon seeds on it :-)
Those mini sponge cakes look perfect!
Perfect and moist cakes.
I love that you baked these in muffin tins- they look perfect!
Hi dear Sonia...hru doing? Sorry for not visiting you lately as my notebook just returned! ;)
How things with your new home? All good I hope...
How's your Teka oven doing? Sure you have familiarised with it...
Mine is a Teka too..simply loved it ;)
This cake looks really delicious!
woww.. cake looks super soft... i loved the snap of ur basic sponge cake too...
they look incredibly delicious! It would be so great with a cup of coffee right now. Mmmmm!
Looks great! I vaguely remember the taste of kuih bahulu as it has been such a long time since I last tasted it. Will try to attempt it as I did buy the mold on my most recent visit :)
Your sponge cakes are so cute! And the texture looks wonderful. Would love one with a cup of tea!
kueh neng koh :)
nice cake! and good idea to serve in cup size. feel hungry already...
Hi, nice to know ur blog...copy ur boulu can rr, nice baulu u made.
this is my 1st time visit yr blog...such a wonderful cooking skill you have, will try to bake this yummy cake tomorrow...
Hi, your blog is so nice and has lovely recipes. I definitely will try your recipes. From : desirable recipes
Hi, i baked this cake today..the result: looks almost the same like yours, but texture is not that spongy.I beat in the mixer for 30mins n i wonder what went wrong? MKM
I try to bake the cake today but the surface yurn out to be yery hard, not quite right. What went wrong ?
Hi Sonia, at last, I'm going to bake this very soon, before this CNY. If you still remember how to make this, I want to check with you when do I stop beating the egg+sugar mixture, ok coz I've just finished reading many version of recipes but at last, I recall that you've made this before & Jane is on holidays, so you are the best person to ask & it's safe, haha.
In short, do i beat the mixture till ribbon stage/soft peak?Many thanks
Jessie , yes, beat till ribbon stage and thick.
TQ,hope that my kuih bahulu will turn out nice
hi,when adding in butter is use wat to mix it?use wat way to mix it?the flour adding is use a spoon to mix?y when i mix it become soupy?the egg cannot be overbeat?when bear the egg is all the way using high speed?
Cik Sonia, anda sungguh bijak menggunakan idea membakar kuih bahulu dalam muffin mould.
As i recalled back,the nostalgic nanny prepare this baulu she has to dried the flour under the hot sun..using kampong egg..
Can i used brass mould in the oven to produce u'r recipe baulu?
asiini, i have never try with brass mould, maybe you can try it out and let me know..
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